
On Expression & Sound

16 Oct 2018

From Busayo Alonge

From Busayo Alonge TRUE… But that is allot of work for The One… … And a great deal of Assumption Responsibility and Expectation placed on The Ones shoulders… 8:42 p,m Phoenix Mode.. P.M. That caught my attention… Myself and Robert Kyle Murphy are wearing black… Anthony Manino and Mark Watkins were wearing Red… E R… A . M… And it is Rob Barr’s birthday today… He is the one I met 16 or 15 years ago at a cafe at […]

13 Oct 2018

Quantum Applications Quantum Mechanics

Quantum Applications Quantum Mechanics Of the E… 8:06 p.m. 86 See sacred portal 86.. Victor.. Light Of Existence. Q.A. Q.M. Quantum Leap Quantum Jump… Q.L. Q.J.. Welcome Flora Rainbow F R. Jennifer Cone J C. Leland Johnson ( Again Leland Ave.) L.J. Cleveland Warren C.W F R.. J C… L.J…C W… F J L C….6 10 12 3…. 61 O 123… F A..O.. A B C… R C J W… R C J Double V. From 1162 Facebook Friends and […]

06 Oct 2018

One thing l have noticed is the abuse of the FEMININE energy getting exposed…

One thing l have noticed is the abuse of the FEMININE energy getting exposed and many don’t get it. Its about time this energy balanced up. There is many things and religion being another one being exposed. GOVERNMENTS and their industries are being exposed, and of them being health… Listen and listen GOOD. The PURGE is now.The cleansing is NOW. High Vibration is the new Sherrif for SAFETY… Suzanna Maria Emmanuel… Via Dzidula Offiong.. D.O. 4 15… …Smh… Why am […]

03 Oct 2018

At 5:31 found that my Facebook account had been accessed and reset.

At 5:31 found that my Facebook account had been accessed and reset. Hacked… But then I paused at said how is that possible that someone had accessed my account and changed my account when I was here and the the time was 5:37 p.m.? I saw only one message on my page.. No likes, nothing but a message… The one message, as if the entire Script was focused now on that One message, turned out to be from Isabelle Ilic.. […]

23 Sep 2018

8:32 p.m.

8:32 p.m. Amazing.. still not at H.E… 8 3+2= 5.. 8 5.. H E… Which is the code for Response with Recognition and I would not be here posting on Face Book, and definitely not still in a shelter… We of course, have reached 5 already, but just as I stated earlier that I am being used. * Mark Bradbury M.B.. Sent me a message after I do not know how long- and asked me to solve the riddle of […]

22 Sep 2018

P A W Patrol…

P A W Patrol… I picked up a card on my way back with Victor Hudson today. I got the 60 usd from Lawrence Avenue. It went seamlessly, but I was aware that I had made it seamless having earned it by spending all day yesterday coding, encoding, linking and solving before I could even my page. Linking Fritz Venneiq Roger Attaway and even Stephen Filgueira who said he would send a donation gift when he got back… I knew […]

22 Sep 2018
20 Sep 2018

From Abygale Moon A.M.

From Abygale Moon A.M. Let’s see if I can solve this Riddle… Heavenly Host… Muliplicity Esoteric Singularity Made To Be Opposite. Jung Symbols of Transformation. H H… M. E.S M T B O Yes, It is riddle… You may ask amd wonder why and how I know…. First was my expression with Roger and the code Wendy Anne Powers… and her Daughter Abigail… Code R A W…/W A R.. She is 12… And then the code Grapes of Wrath… Kyle […]

19 Sep 2018

From Richard Badely… R B… O R B / B R O…T H E R

From Richard Badely… R B… O R B / B R O…T H E R @ 2;29 a.m Dawn Piercy sent me this message and asked me what I thought of this… 888 3 5 8…. Yes it is me…. Yes.. anyone of my face book friends will recognize that these are the codes I have been decoding and aligning for 6.9 years… 3 8’s… 888 24…. Yes… the X… Generation X… 3 5 8… C.E H… Chukwu Emeka Harmony.. […]

15 Sep 2018

9:47 a.m.

9:47 a.m. I D .G. 9-15-2018.. I-O-T.R…/ R.T..O.I…. R=18…A.H..TOI… A.H YOU…. I.D…G….-Ode A.H…You! What do you mean, A.H. TOI…( You) ? Is my response… Why are you so suprised by who I really am, under cover after 50 years on this World Story…. eo… Eo meaning Dawn… And Eo *(mathematical constant) The number e is a mathematical constant that is the base of the natural logarithm: the unique number whose natural logarithm is equal to one. It is approximately equal […]