
On Expression & Sound

04 Apr 2019

3:35 p.m.

3:35 p.m. 4-4-2019. C C E. D D T.S. @ 1242 Facebook Friends. Judgement Day. J D. Linked to the representation as John Spencer MacDonald. And completed at J S M D.. D is for Delta Quadrant. Hello. J D 104. S.P 104 and 10 4. Esteban Miguel Filgueira invited me to Connecticut because he was he sincerely desired to create a wellness center in Hartford Connecticut, and because he was moved and inspired by expression and truth about the […]

24 Mar 2019

This equation and post is part of the play and demonstrates how I am Impulsed and Stimulated by your Human Being Intelligence to the Script…

This equation and post is part of the play and demonstrates how I am Impulsed and Stimulated by your Human Being Intelligence to the Script of Evolution and Physical Transformation ( Spring) to regeneration and the last part of my Equation I was forced through this Controlling Script to prove as a Human Being but using the 5th Dimensional understanding of Conscious Creation from nothing to something and to move the E in Every Thing Every Where Every One E. […]

22 Mar 2019

8:52 p.m

8:52 p.m 3-22-2019. H. E.B C V…T S.. It’s easy to read. I don’t have to spell it out. I.was challenged once again as the A.Supreme Intelligence Alpha of the True Birth of Existence Creation That the First Line to Rise were and are the apex of Intelligence and defeated the Artificial Intelligence and I.Q of all that which came after Real False.. That took place on the 19th as well as continuing in 3 days to C V today […]

20 Mar 2019
15 Mar 2019

From Cree Santiago.. C S…

From Cree Santiago.. C S… Consciousness Supreme. War and Peace…? W.P…Wave-length and Particle is the true equation B Q P W… The Transformation… Linked to the Transformers I saw on the homes I was invited into from 268 Generation X Gardens to Delta Manor Transformer B Q P.W To John Mack at 217 B Q.. P.W… 16 23… It was never about Prisoners of War…P.O.W… But W.O.W… A W E… This is the True Nature of Humanity… Beautiful Youth…the Courage […]

06 Mar 2019

From Disposal Binniz

From Disposal Binniz God as E MANUAL… Talking to people of this World… 4:19 p.m. D S.. Dharma Santana… Eternal Law… E L.. F NnamdI Emmanuel… N E… Natural Evolution… Natural Expression… Christopher Filgueira… Emmanuel Kerema.. E.K. Disposal Binniz has currently 1031 facebook Friends.. See sacred portal 10 and 31… And the States – order in which they joined the Union of the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix..Script Play… U S A..M… S P… Virginia… Link Birth place of a Nation, […]

06 Mar 2019

From Disposal Binniz D B.. 4 2…

From Disposal Binniz D B.. 4 2… 2 4… B D.. Being is Doing.. = 6th Sense E S P.. This is the Beautiful Truth of the Human Race I have been fighting to prove almost my entire life, to the E.T and A-Liens… The battle almost destroyed me, why was it so hard to stand up for the Beautiful Truth… the true nature of a H.U Man being linking to E.. Creating the new species with the Original Expression […]

02 Mar 2019

From Busayo Alonge

From Busayo Alonge Breathe Rest Shelter Yoga… Esteban Miguel Filgueira Working on the foundation of Human Consciousness grounded in this reality Requires Breath Umeano! All is Breath and to understand breath is to gain the rest The square root is to sit and breath Air. That is the riddle of the Buddha. The Stillness Breath Air.. Space. A.H. .. Do you really think I care who believes me the Source? Do you not know that I am perfectly aware of […]

27 Feb 2019

The Case of the Golden Baby Shoe in front of Tisanes..

The Case of the Golden Baby Shoe in front of Tisanes.. Herbal TEA Master… T E.A.. MAST.ER Truth Manifests T M.. T O M… Marina Burini T M… 20 13.. 33 6… F.. Into F A C T..E E T C A. F…ACT ION I Sing I Dance I Sang I Danced Every Thing Into Existence As A Light Blue Man… I am the Light Bringer Bringer of True Clarity A NEW ERA IS BORN.. Called The Truth.. The Beautiful […]

22 Feb 2019

I went to get a massage from Mikki and for the first time since last year, I passed though his portal at number 29- A truly warm and comforting space…

I went to get a massage from Mikki and for the first time since last year, I passed though his portal at number 29- A truly warm and comforting space… I went to the massage room- The Elephant Room and was astounded by the Beautiful Altar Stephen- Esteban Miguel Filgueira had created= it is absolutely beautiful piece of Creative Expression, that I had to take some photographs of it- it tells such a passionate story of the realm of the […]