
On Expression & Sound

20 Apr 2019

7:43-7:44 p.m

7:43-7:44 p.m 4:20 p.m Hello…. At 2:27 p.m during a conversation with John Mack, McKayla Rays and Olivia Burgos and myself, John was saying something and in Harmony of Perfect Timing he paused and noted the time. 2:27 p.m His Birthday, and at that exact same time Olivia Burgos was confirmed as my 1250 Facebook Friend Friend. I have 50.00 u sd. 7:49 p.m And then after a conversation with one close to my Heart, I saw I had returned […]

18 Apr 2019

It’s Insane…

It’s Insane… 9:35 p.m I C E This Exquisitely Beautiful True Script. 4-18-2019. Linked to McKayla Rays and Tree Sage To continue the unfolding Enders Game Read Player One.. I had 5:00 u sd left. 5:39 u sd to be precise, Which aligned to the The Script but as I have made it very vocal and clear, that it is not in Harmony with me. That this not my Script, it is Nnamdi’s aka Nnamdi Naturalness. Awareness Manififested 4 9. […]

16 Apr 2019

4:46 p.m.

4:46 p.m. 76 USD In my Wallet… 51 usd in my wallet yesterday… 1967 L.I.. Limitlessness Infinite… The Knight Templars Cross and the letters B.K.E 67 Red wallet bought by Christopher Filgueira. at 29 address E C E C… Burgundy wine red color… Bacchus… Terracotta… Mine is Perry Ellis… P.E… Planet Earth, same make as my Suitcase gift from Jonn and Donna… 18 Mountain View, who gifted me this H P Computer, Whats in Your Wallet. Capital One… C O.. […]

16 Apr 2019

From Gay-Marie Hollingsworth

From Gay-Marie Hollingsworth A ..DOM… AD..OHM… M O D A M O D E.. Common Sense…Harmonies other name. In the Family of TEN… Mother is Harmony and her name is Style… Father the O.1-8 Is Class… Spirit E..First of the Children of Creations Expression and sum of the Family of TEN.. Is the One Creative Expression ( You call them Creator Gods in this realm..) which brings All things Bright and Beautiful, all creations great and small.. he is the […]

16 Apr 2019

From Gay-Marie Hollingsworth.. G.M.H…

From Gay-Marie Hollingsworth.. G.M.H… It must be Nourished… Beautiful Light Energy…called the seed of Harmony- called Naturalness- Being yourself H.N..Which fueled by Awareness of Synchronicity Harmony,which moves brings you to E..Evolution. H.N To E.. To forget that you have this Light which creates memory access, can send you out of Existence- since everything in Existence Creation has to be acknowledged.. and praised through Being Doing.. / Doing Being.. 2 4/ 4 2… 6/6…1 A 12..L…3 C… To not acknowledge and […]

13 Apr 2019

6:19 p.m

6:19 p.m F S I was just explaining to John Mack who spoke to me with heart and sincerity, as a young man about his appreciation for me being in his life. I realized that he did not understand why I was so Angry Hurt.. I told him that he is being Judged as an Eternal just as McKayla Rays, I reminded him that this is real and all that he had embodied naturally and his proof of Being of […]

12 Apr 2019

8:53 p.m

8:53 p.m 4-12-2019. Finbi Senyawa Born 4-11.. Link Nathaniel Thomas BywaterNathaniel That was also the number which after a conversation yesterday with John Mack and McKayla Rays I saw and pointed out the time. Referencing the alignment to the day. And the code 4.5 = 9 and 20. Which was on the Reciept which John who helped me with the laundry which I knew was a play. For Christs sakes, I can do my own laundry that is not a […]

11 Apr 2019

6:20 p.m

6:20 p.m I used to wonder if anyone would fight for me as I have fought for you. I have been made to give up my entire life for you. I even used to wonder what it might feel like to be Loved, Seen by beings of this world. I do not anymore, I realized that I do not want to ever be part of this world or the Human Species. I love the Naturals…Beings of Natural Harmony N H […]

08 Apr 2019

4:03 p.m.

4:03 p.m. 43.. D C…A C D C… Hells Bells.. See sacred portal 36…’AC DC… Alternating Current. Thomas Lang *See his comment.. 4-8-2019.. D H.. T S.. See Dana Hawkins… And meaning of here name… 48 is Sacred Portal Beautiful Death as well as 4th Dimension @ 8 Through the Echo play represented by you but Directed and Organized by Moi. 4:19 p.m. 19.. S 1+9= 10 J… 1 O= A O… 1-6..A F…7…G..7=8…( 15,Letter O…Symbol of Perfection Beauty Symmetery […]

04 Apr 2019

From Dana Hawkins

From Dana Hawkins Paid a Bill yesterday 8:18 u sd Which is the time now… So I know that the correlation links to this posts of D.H. 48 S P Beautiful Death as Transformation And that this expression literally embodied and experienced and documented literally by me. Original Facebook Post: Click Here