
On Expression & Sound

31 May 2019

3:02 p.m

3:02 p.m 32 4 32 Hertz. 4 5.. 4.5 Billion Years ago 5-31-2019. E C A.T. S. Hello… Today is the last day of May. And it represents completion of my proving the E Consciousness is embodied by others apart from myself, understanding of the Language and Consciousness of the Eternal which exists in everyone. I have proven this, in a preset up Time frame Of The Script, which I alone had to transform from a reality of seeming randomness […]

25 May 2019


Conclusion Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Web.. MW 87. MW69 87.69 .. J M Jump Man 10 13. John Mac Kayla 23. W. 23 = 5. E Double V V. 22 22. 4 4. 8 E 8. Andrey Klebanov Leap Jump.. Leap Year 66. Jump 4 years to 1 365 to 366 days in a Year Feb 28 to 29. 3 66. 29.. J A.M. E M F L J. Lucifer John 12 10. 22 B E. 8 E 22 I […]

20 May 2019

From Sarah Kaizer

From Sarah Kaizer I saw this yesterday, and posted in and commented intel on it to confirm and point out Sarahs True Harmony and prove that our last interaction was a set up and that she was aware of that herself.. But was distracted ( for good reason…) and yet the other force still slipped in Facebook did not allow me to post it! I received a notification that they wished to review it…!?! But the play ended today with […]

18 May 2019

11: 38 p.m

11: 38 p.m Yes, I know this is a Script of something which played put before in the beginning of time repeated full circle. But through time and space grew to something monstrously worse. But the number of number of people who did not take this seriously. Me This work The Proofs and Facts.. The amount of disrespect to the I ntel, and the non stop seeking to lay blame at my feet. And denial of responsibility l. The way […]

18 May 2019
16 May 2019

7:51 p.m

7:51 p.m Because you have the right to know.. I received Intel from my former case worker Rene ( Rona) concerning my passport application. She sent the emails immediately and spoke with the people at the British Embassy about my state and having my lack of I.D and physical condition being the reason I sought the umbrella of the Shelter to at last get my I.D. But they ignored her telling her that they would only speak with me. And […]

16 May 2019

2:18 p.m

2:18 p.m B R. O 5-16- 2019. E P. T. S Energy versus Money Energy = Money… New Money New Men Epression Energy = Money= My All Seeing Eye.. Money Energy Manifestation Expression M.E F M.E / E M F. Hello 5:28 is the number which began appearing everywhere last night and today 5 :28 Hrtz – The Love Frequency. I am sitting here at the apartment, no one has been here apart from McKayla Rays dropping in for brief […]

16 May 2019

12:18.. 12: 19 pm

12:18.. 12: 19 pm L.R L S My Equation for Infinite limitless Energy Source works. And is the Answer and the Cure. I did this equation in 4 languages or Expressions. The last was from 0 1-8 in the language of Art and Science, Ancient and Pop Culture beliefs in an unfair Challenge and Defiant Scriot in which it was less about my.Equation I so longed to share with the works- that extraordinary source of Energy Being Human Beings linked […]

09 May 2019
09 May 2019

4:47..48 p.m

4:47..48 p.m D D G DD H. 5-9-2019 E I T. S E I Transparency Supreme E IT. Supreme. Hello, I was going to explain what the 4:47-8 p.m play represented linked to John Mack sending the the image of himself and McKayla RaysRays… 4:51 p.m right now And the fact that after that post, that I recieved 4 New Facebook Friends. Bring me to 1251 Facebook Friends and how it links to John, Andrey Klebanov and Ian… J A […]