
On Expression & Sound

15 Jun 2019

Still at 12 67 Facebook Friends

Still at 12 67 Facebook Friends … 8:50 p.m B.K. E. 67. I opened the Book of Nature so you can read… Allah told Mohammad to Read Read the book of Nature. Read the Sign of the Times.. Write it down my Script, truthfully honestly, following carefully, not blindly.. Odera once, it is written, having obeyed my Script to the letter and number, and accurately precisely, and obediently waiting, pausing for for my confirmation, I will promise you, at its […]

11 Jun 2019

Expression Money

Expression Money Energy Money E M. M.E E = C M.e 4/3.. Energy Conversation Money I work hard for the Money, I work hard with each person I am sent to, linked and connected on a trail of 29 years which, I once again stress, I was forced to tread upon. I heal, clean, show, enter into people’s world’s, and in order to ensure their way of being alien to mine, I remind them, show them fight for them to […]

10 Jun 2019

3:27 p.m

3:27 p.m The problem, the never ending problem with Humanity is whenever they hit upon the Truth, the end up destroying it with their conclusion. It is that consciousness ( not really consciousness is it, if it is not true and does not replicate the speed of Light a.k Perfect Timing.) For example why must it have been created because beyond it is boring..? And why would the creation of the Simulation be to entrap, and dominate. Why can it […]

09 Jun 2019

E= C M.e 4/3

E= C M.e 4/3 4:53 p.m D E C… December 12 Month 12 4 3 = 12. Delta.. The Heart wants more Expression Clarification * My Equation states that Expression is the source of C Sped of Light, Consciousness, Conversation, Communication Creation- Mass through the expression of the Human Avatar Descendants of the Big E. And thus, my still posting, despite my protest that there is no more Expression requires, that All is in Clarity and Harmony of E, I […]

09 Jun 2019

From Aki Thunderpaw.

From Aki Thunderpaw. Yes. But I would not use the words Thoughts or Mind.. I saw it is through our Manifest Being Nor do we control energy, ( only the Creator of Energy can do that) Rather we align with Energies Frequency which requires or staying seated in our Natural state and then through a process of Refinement, through a process- in Time and Space created for that purpose, we raise our frequency through the choices we make and mastery […]

09 Jun 2019

From Busayo Alonge

From Busayo Alonge Christ means The Anointed The Beautiful Ones The return of the E.T. Eternal Truth And the Extra Terrestrial linking with their Natural Selves called Humans through their Hearts, Expressions of Hearts, and their Beautiful Expression. Which is how the Two Merge Original Facebook Post: Click Here

08 Jun 2019

From Esther Uzoma

From Esther Uzoma Star of the Beautiful way E.U It’s the worst kind of Silence.. Not the quiet realization of being all alone. But what that deafening.defining silence means. Sometimes, the only way to deal with such a realization and not fall in that abyss of the Darkest Night of Hurt, is to find away to fill that gap with the expression of acknowledgement denied you, and fill it with what makes you rise From the implications of that Silence. […]

05 Jun 2019

11:43 p.m

11:43 p.m Sigh.. Chuckle.. S.m.h. A.T M. E.. I was about to make something to eat, Michael Bennett arrived. To make manifest the E Quantum Leap Jump Change Transformation from Death as the End to Beautiful Death Prince of Darkness, Beautiful Transformation based on you enacted embodied truth. ( can lie there when you transform into what you really thought and acted out and expressed from) .. I have to respond to each new Facebook arrival until the alignment of […]

03 Jun 2019

McKayla Rays, Mother, Marie Lucid Vision Dream and Intelligence..

McKayla Rays, Mother, Marie Lucid Vision Dream and Intelligence.. Solved. 6:00 p.m This post should be the last of the E.Q and Riddles of this Existence/World. 5:58-9 p.m. 5:47 p.m E 4 7. 11. 28. 39. 12. 3 5 11. 2. 1. E K. B. A 5 2. 51 E.B. E A E A MANU. *see the meaning of the name Manu 6-3-2019 F C. T S. Full Circle, Time Script. ( Time Code) F A..C T S Hello, Yes, […]

02 Jun 2019
12:52 p.m

12:52 p.m

12:52 p.m L.E.B. A B.E B. The Being. Completion of Being E. 6-2-2019. F B. T S. Facts in Being is The Script. @ 1259 Facebook Friends L E I.. Lei! Lei is an O I Nri Igbo Word which means Look Look! At Beauty, and Beautiful Pride in stance movement and posture… It can be described as an quivering Blade of Grass or a reed, an arrow which pushes through all obstacles.. Standing impossibly tall, supple and proud. There […]