
On Expression & Sound

13 Jul 2019
10 Jul 2019

10:48 p.m

10:48 p.m For John Mack J. Beautiful Death the Transformer Representation of The Truth – A.K A God.. And Kim…Arthur Hines. Representing: The Script of The True Source. 10:51 p.m J E A… John gave me the Intel of the Sign erected opposite his home with MAC Congratualtions We are at 13 O.O 13= M 1 = A 3= C.. He later came back to me to state that it was not Mac Donalad as I had written. I had […]

06 Jul 2019

5:39 p.m

5:39 p.m 7-6-2019.. E: C I. Sacred Portal 76. Brooke Lee Lemery representing the Eternal Energy line Descendants Awakening across the Globe. Of the 123 True Cock sure of the First Dawn Awakening 20 19 T S.. Tree Sage 20 +19 =39. Cosmos International Jesse Macias 39. Play by numbers 3 17 and 5 17 codes aligned to him. Jesse David. J.D. Judgment Day Sacred Portal 104 Com Pass Me Says Terrible Death ( T.D 204.. 26 4. Z at […]

02 Jul 2019

9:25 p.m

9:25 p.m 7-2-2019. @ 12 79 Facebook Friends Sacred Portal 79 Blue Print of Existence Link to Sacred Portal 97 19. 79 represented by Jesse Macias born 79 9-22 I V 19 97. Represented by John Mack born 1997 2-27. B B G-H Your Going To Miss Me When I Am Gone.. H O M E… Stay the Course… Be Constant Be consistent. Many people make the error that when I say that they are in Harmony with the Script, […]

01 Jul 2019

6:58.. 59

6:58.. 59 Original Harmony O.H! Original Expression O.E. E O E Author Harmony A.H! OH E AH! Sex S.E E M.F.. Happy Birthday Michael Frazer M F. E M F.. 7-1 The world is a Stage Each actor has their roles, They come in and go out.. Each taking there cues… See Shakespeare’s 7 stages of a Life. Today is 7-1.. Making the entrance into the 7.7 year of my being on Face book Which having completed Sacres portal 7.5 […]

27 Jun 2019

2:22 p.m

2:22 p.m B V Link Brenden Velez Brendan is a Celtic name meaning Prince… Brave.. Flame… Name of Celtic Warrior Gods of great magnetism. Velez means to Sail or Watchmen, and in Sanskrit it means Shore, Coast line. Hence the meaning of B V. B 5..Being Victorious. Is the Brave Prince is the Observer Watchman who set sail with his Flame of Truth and sailed across the Seas to land on the Shore of .. New world. He is the […]

24 Jun 2019
23 Jun 2019

10:06 p.m

10:06 p.m 6-23-2019. F Double V.V Hello After what took place yesterday with Brooke Lee Lemery And today with Kim Arthur Hines and Serenity. Tree Sage. B T S. L L S B K. S. LA! L H.. Beautiful Truth Loves Light Supreme Sensations Book of the Beings of the Particle and Wave ( K 11) the LA of 12 1 One Two One Conversation of the LA 6th note, L H Completion of Harmony. Beginning with the play of […]

22 Jun 2019

8:24 p.m

8:24 p.m H .. E M F. H.. B D. Harmony= Being is Doing. 6-22-2019 F V T S If you look at the Sacred Portal 76 123 True Cock sure of the First Dawn Awakening You see the number 22 encircled twice 22 is Letter V. Book V 6-22 sure the inials of Fritz Venneiq who saw the Evolution Awakening of Nature and Earth in 2010. Hello… At 8:38 a.m I recieved a message from Brooke Lee Lemery if […]

16 Jun 2019

It’s interesting that I should chose this day..

It’s interesting that I should chose this day.. Fathers Day, 6-16-2019 . F P. Father Perfection ..True Splendor To post these Jimmy Cliff songs. I was a boy when I first heard Jimmy Cliff played by my mother’s younger siblings in Dayton Ohio Dec 1974. But you recall what I posted about inner music quiet and outer music as Sounds which you recognize as the same music as a voice within..? This voice was not really my inner music, but […]