
Children: Original Purity in Motion

16 Oct 2019

3:55 p.m

3:55 p.m Abaddon is called the Angel of the Abyss. A.B. A.DD. O.N. E. Abba ( Father ) Yoseph is DON. ( 82) E. Found myself decoding the story of the One True God called the Truth. ( The Visionary whose Word Manifests) I had just watched the first episode of the Dark Crystal with Liberty and her 5 children. The Dark Crystal ( is Purple) Purple Red the Highest Frequency within the illusion. Ourubus.. Purple Red. P.R. Propaganda or […]

15 Oct 2019

4:52 p.m

4:52 p.m D E B. 10-15-2019. J O. T S A O A E.T S A-F-A T S.. Alien Father @ S. Alien Father Alpha The Script. * Alien Father is the Head of the A-Lien Council Representatives in this world is the Consciousness of Babies. Please link 7 Month old son of Liberty C Liscomb and Thomas Lang. Others call Him/Her The Full Circle’ Big Bang.. Really the First Orgasm. O.H His Feninine aspect is A.H. 158 1- 8. […]

22 Sep 2019

11:30 p.m

11:30 p.m This is the world, The Evil in Govts, People which people refuse to admit. Or hold themselves accountable. I was very present during this Osama bin Laden play. I was aware.. Scape Goating others And witch hunting with out solid evidence This is the History of the World. And the unnatural nature I assure you is every where. The desire to blame, to accuse And a society which always finds a lamb to slaughter. This is the mentality […]

18 Sep 2019

The Great Witch and the Hypnotic War Lock.

The Great Witch and the Hypnotic War Lock. 12:12 p.m L.L. 9-17- 2019. I.Q. T S… Code reflected here by Liberty C Liscomb L.L. As well as I.Q. code of her home portal. I am passing through a Embodied Reflection of what I am and orginally represent. Her own alignment is based on if she is aligned to the meaning of her name in E code. L L. 24. E M F * I met Liberty through Esteban Miguel Filgueira […]

14 Sep 2019

From Busayo Alonge

From Busayo Alonge Thats right… Let the real spirutal leaders of this world take their rightful place. The Conscious Children. Guardians of the Truth And the Golden Compass. 12:27 p.m Original Facebook Post: Click Here

05 Sep 2019

Facebook Post..

7:56 p.m H.. G : E.F 9-5-2019. I E.T S. Harmony Grace is E Family. Infinity Eternity The Script Exemplified by The Source. 7:58 p.m … And truly I am not amused. ( Because it means, that I am being told, that which I am already aware.. That I was used as an example, to show and demonstrate how the seemingly most lost lamb has a homing device, G.P S, and built in Secretion which leaves a trail, leading one […]

02 Sep 2019

1:08 p.m

1:08 p.m From Liberty C Liscomb P.S 108 is the code for the Opening and closing of the Flower of Life. Liberty sent me this at 8:44 a.m And another piece of Intelligence at 8:43 p.m Her literal codes are 8- 43. Harmony 43 is her Age Code And is the Door of Life in my sacred poryals creared 9 years ago at Marina Burini loft. 44 is Balance… MA AT.. / T A.. A.M. all linked to her. And […]

27 Aug 2019
12 Aug 2019

9:21 p.m

9:21 p.m I.U.. God Lord! I really would have liked to share or talk to some one about what is going on in my body, the process, the link to the Holgraphic Universe. Yes there is John Mack ( Damned Play Boy… Ah just like me) But his still the Last Actor with Tree SageTree in the Play. I.had to reach John and Kim Arthur Hines They represent the Gate way put Grace and Knowledge Knowing And Gratitude. 9:27 p.m […]

21 Jul 2019

2:53 p.m

2:53 p.m I am not sure how many times I called these activities out over the years of equating and quantifying on Facebook. But most times the reactions were the same.. Look Away Over the course of my Sacred Journey while talking to the Silence the intensity and truth of this appeared so frequently where ever I went.. The people who I met who had stories, my own experiences, research. My Sacred Portals seem sexualized, and for a long time […]