
Children: Original Purity in Motion

25 Jul 2020

14:30 Hundred Hours

14:30 Hundred Hours 2:30 p.m Integrity Transparency I.T 920. 92 29 Full Circle O. Pi. C.N 3.14 = 17 ARDEN JERON. A.J. – J A 1992- 2991 . Arden Alexa Athena. Arden Autumn Smol Tess Arden Alexa Tree Sarah Sophia Turner. S T. Dark Phoenix D P. Da V ID. POWERS David Powers Pierre David D P 4-16= 20 16 4= 20 2020 Vision. Independence Day Impossible Drean I.D. E. This please remember is Eternal Arden Fred Knox Gemino’s Script […]

22 Jul 2020

22:49 p.m

22:49 p.m No.. I do not like having to transparently weave you into Existence. Pausing in your homes- and coding every thing in view to proove your worthiness of rising. Its was your Home Work.. not mine. I did not even wish to share my knowledge of the Matrix and the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze after the reception I recieved. I lived for over 10 months at 900 South Road There was no one I wished to see but […]

20 Jul 2020

11:04 a.m

11:04 a.m 7-20-20-20. Hello. Its Immaculate Symbiosis birthday today. I.S. He just turned 24. And Esteban Miguel Filgueira E M F is on his way. Arden and Morgan are here. I would like to say that there was is an immaculate symbiosis between Arden and I. And that the riddle I have been solving which led to my meeting with him. Lucifer was one of his names. And since he is his own version of My Self I am Lucifer […]

09 Jul 2020

12:50 p.m

12:50 p.m This is the Chimeny Oven, I first saw the first day I came here. It confirned immediately what I had known and told Liberty C Liscomb the day she gave me the code 56:56 mins which burst out from here. I had not understood why I was being summoned here after she and Thomas had rejected me and my role. Its was then I realized that it was not for her that I was being brought here for […]

08 Jul 2020

I found myself watching Mission Impossible I.V. last night.

I found myself watching Mission Impossible I.V. last night. Ghost Protocol. G.P. And as I watched it without watching it, I realized, that that was the confirmation of the play I was always aware that I was in. I.V is the 4th Dimension the Green Zone in the Rainbow and yes the 4th Dimension, note of FA! I was aware of this since 2006 January. The Mission impossible was to prove that not only that this World is a Universal […]

04 Jul 2020

05:02 a.m

05:02 a.m Leaving the Great Hypnotists And Great Spider Weaver.. Char ( Burn% in French) Lotte’s LO. TT. E Web. Mother and Father Under cover On Hallowed weeding. – A Play which went too far. Mother and Father …? Same Person.. Erm.. Duality can not exist. Only versions from a Master Template proven as solid fact through act.. Ting! A part and all parts is constant in perfecting timing each time to the Point.. of the Scene At the finish […]

23 Jun 2020

Who planted The Seed Of Doubt.

Who planted The Seed Of Doubt. Which grew to be the greatest evil and threat to Ecistencce itself. The Seed which grew from indescion, but was really turned out to be a weapon. 16:34 p.m 4:34 p.m 6-23-2020 Battery at 49. Message delivered to Liberty C Liscomb completed at 11:49 am. Sacred Portal 49. 6-23-2020. F W TT. F Double V. At 14 79 Facebook Friends 14 Evolution of Consciousness 79 Blue Print of Existence. I woke up, so twisted […]

22 Jun 2020
21 Jun 2020

1:48 a.m

1:48 a.m AL S Code 222 616 A L S Intel was via Liberty C Liscomb Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. A M Y. O. T.R. O. P.H. I C E L. AT. E R A. L. Infinity Lies down and never gets up… smh. S. CLE. ( KEY) Yes 6261 intel Drive Lu ray with a 3 o Key As the one I found from Ferrill and the one on the French Made Hologram Computer Simulation on Sacred Portal 12 ( […]

20 Jun 2020