
Children: Original Purity in Motion

03 Oct 2014

Death is the PAST and the Illusion which had to be conquered.

Death is the PAST and the Illusion which had to be conquered. October 3rd…. 2O 14 O3/1O/14 Code C.J…N. N.J.C… OI NRI Jesus Christ… O1 Nnaemeka Yeshua Christ… O.I..N.Y.C. I have a New Face Book Friend, Daizy Vivienn Daizy means Days Eye Vivienn means, Alive Sentence, The Days Eye is Alive The Days Eye could be seen as the Sun- but to me it really is the All seeing I of Consciousness. D.V…. O.E….. D.O.V.E. D.V= 4 22… Welcome to […]

01 Oct 2014
30 Sep 2014
30 Sep 2014
15 Sep 2014

Sept 15th.

Sept 15th. 09/15/14.. Code 9 15 14. I.O.N. I am sitting at the Cafe Bean 2nd and 3rd… Yeah still in the Matrix Holgrame.. A guy is sitting two seats away from me wearing a T -Shirt… The Spark of Life I just finished the Equation of N..N is fourteen.. After leaving my former Host and A…. And recieved the code of Alien Father affirmed. I knew that David Philipe Gil had been linked to A, my former Host. By […]

05 Sep 2014

Sept 5th

Sept 5th 09/05…2O 14 95..I.E. Ah.Be Ce! I have a new Face Book Friend.. 192.. A.I.B. BIA in OINri Igbo means Come! 192.. S.B.. Supreme Being C.T.C. E.C.T..C… Chris Togba Chea… I left Nikoma Rios and just walked. My mind was reelling from the non stop intensity and demands of finishing the last equations of Existence.. Alone infront of the whole world.. Body incarnating an evolutionary trait already revealed to me by David… I had revealed his secret..waa that the […]

24 Jul 2014
23 Jul 2014

July 23 Double U V.I.E.

July 23 Double U V.I.E. The Double of E is 45..David E…line. H.E Brew meaning Heaven Earth Brew.. Beings who are the True Indingo Children..I.C… As I walked with David Philipe Gil today the number 9 flashed up on a T shirt. I read the road.sign naming Davids line as the True Indigo Crystal Clear Consciousness I.C.C.C…in 111 Dimensions Four of Being and can access the Fifth Dimension of E within but I require a Guide..A real Guide…to affirm what […]

16 Jul 2014


H.I….V.I.E. The Beautiful Present. B.P. Beautiful Pride is Investigation E. Cee for yourself. That is the way of the Individual I..who comes before the O.H. Is not swayed by others opinions. It has the common sense to find the truth out for itself. I know why the Mocking Bird Sings… C.E. And today David Philipe Gil and I met…in the Garden Generation X of my Hosts Community. E.V I Know why the Mocking Bird Sings… It Sings at those who […]

16 Jul 2014

Hi we are at 17 2 F.B.Friends.

Hi we are at 17 2 F.B.Friends. Q.B. 17 is the code of the Transformer which we know as Beautiful Death is Truth. Everyone dies and, or Transforns. Death is not the end has been proven in this play. Humanity is in a coded play, a Matrix….proven. We are Evolution Awakening. And All the truths about Energy can not be understood through physical science or Consciousness. The Seed of Humanity and human Existence… Just as the Asteroid which fertlized this […]