
Children: Original Purity in Motion

04 Jan 2016

The Road Within….

The Road Within…. Watched this Last night, chosen by Donna O’Sullivan and Jonn Blackwell..A Remake of the 2O1O movie Vincent Wants to Sea Starring Robert Sheehan (The Misfits)… R.S./S.R ( Stone Ridge…S.R) Robert means Bright Shinny Famous Light Sheehan means Peaceful Gentle Courteous See face Book friend Rob Barr R.B. Roberto Todaro..R.T. Robert Pasquine Mzena..R.P.M Bob Bert Hans….B.B.H Robert Plays plays Vincent… Code in the Plays Vincent.. Vincent Nnamdi Okonkwo… Yes, the Character Robert even looks like my brother Nnamdi… […]

31 Dec 2015

1:45 p.m….A.D.E.

1:45 p.m….A.D.E. 31-12-2O15..35…8… A…C-L-T.O-C.E..H Alpha Cee Loves Truth to See Existence Harmonious… *That is a great message… 12-31-8… L-C.A-H… Loves Completion Ah!!! After this post I will Share with you sacred portal 145 which aligns to the time of this post, and the message solved through the date. Be well aware that each day, I am made aware of each days equation or set Goal. which I keep in the back of my mind as the days posting unravels and […]

21 Dec 2015

From Michael O’Donnell…

From Michael O’Donnell… As I was reading this, a person named Grace P. simultaneously, appeared on my screen who began ‘liking some posts I shared… Grace represents the literal true frequency of what might be referred to as Mother Supreme, the literal embodiment of what the principle of Mother Supreme represents which in this case is Mother as the embodiment of Grace, which could be Courage and Kindness, or Gently falling Snow… I noticed at the bottom of Lao Tzu.. […]

19 Dec 2015

From Boodogay Chetah GaoDein

From Boodogay Chetah GaoDein Jesus Wept John 11:35… Code K.C.E. Jesus wept for tears of Beautiful Sadness and Quiet Joy… There is an empirical reason I state this, In 2OO4, I wrote a Creation story where the family of 55 rose in me, the Family of the Fifth Dimension, who had incarnated in this Story of the World, and who existed undercover in the Soul of Humanity. Enacting out Characters which they had created, along with plays which they acted […]

16 Dec 2015
08 Dec 2015

4:52 p.m… D:E.B.

4:52 p.m… D:E.B. 8-12-8… 12-8-8….L-H.H… 3-8-8…C-H-H..Completion of the Two Harmonies… Hello… As many of my older face books are aware, I have been solving a riddle and putting together the pieces of a Jig Saw Puzzle, while proving the Existence of the true Origins of Man (And Wu-man) as from being from beyond. But who reside deep with the Humanity. I have been doing this by speaking to the world in the consciousness of that 5th dimension aligned to the […]

07 Dec 2015

11:32 pm..

11:32 pm.. 1 132…I Notice that Jonn Blackwell has 132 Face Book Friends Aligning to sacred portal 132.. We are back to 443 Face Book Friends…Reference sacred portal 43.. Sacred portal True Life which since I am still here, it has not been opened.. Or affirmed.. We took a little trip to the Future..444.. Three Dimensions of 4… 43…and 445..Sacred portal 44 the Goddess versus 4-45…For the Man as God Nature/Nature Grace.. Yes, one can read that it was a […]

24 Nov 2015

Facebook Post..

From Michael O’Donnell And this is where in todays extraordinary play of posts from Michael where the Harmony displayed earlier must pause… Of course, I agree with this as my literal experience but nothing is further from the Truth at the same time… This statement and conclusion was created by the societies we live in, the frustration of not being able to live the most beautiful truth.. And while its is true that my very own creation story of memory […]

20 Nov 2015


3:28…C-B.H 2O-11-8 11-2O-8….11 28…1 2 8…1 28…1. Hello… I have a new Face Book friend.. Hi..Zahri Zouhir… I am in the last throes solving a Riddle which I began solving 26 years ago.. Which you may notice aligns to A-Z… Z being the 26th Letter. I did not intentionally set out to solve riddles of Existence.. The Idea seemed preposterous to me, absurd… But my life’s plan which was always to literally Boogie- meaning celebrate life, for this is the […]

17 Nov 2015