
Children: Original Purity in Motion

28 Feb 2016

From Clio Fotiyadis…C.F..

From Clio Fotiyadis…C.F.. Yes the children represent the consciousness of Snow.. Who grow up to become Snow Flakes.. The All..Became the I… Code Assigned to Aryana Luna Leone… the code is in the meaning of her names… 5:19 p.m E.S.. Ege Sophia E.A.I…E All I 5:2O p.m E.T.. O boom boom May 20th 1973.. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

14 Feb 2016
13 Feb 2016

This is simply wonderful…

This is simply wonderful… It has so many dimensions of meaning… From a here to Eternity… The gift of Sharing Wonder.. (Which was the gift, I sought to share with you, of my Wonder at what I had discovered, remembered, recollected, was solving, was, and am still sharing..of a treasure.. an incredible treasure of the literal process of Human evolution, which despite everything I have had to personally endure to uncover and even share this treasure, excites me, re-animates me, […]

12 Feb 2016

One Parsec equals 3.26 Light Years..

One Parsec equals 3.26 Light Years.. *Please recall the equation of 3 26 has been resolved to C.B.F..H Cee Best Friend (Of Humanity) Harmony. C.Z.H.., C.O.D.E- Zeina Hanna… E.D.O.C- Harmony Zeus..(Jupiter Chiron E-rose Royal Blue-Note-G-Uranus V.I.O..L..E.T).. And Harmony is A Circle Filled with Everything required to understand the Point of the Note of Sol! The 5th note,-A Needle Pulling- A Silver Thread- of Awakening Memory. Ariane Oates Alpha Omega, O.A, of Aryana Luna Leone, The Noble Race of the Luminous […]

29 Jan 2016

Judgment of the World…

Judgment of the World… Slavery -Racism… S.R. versus Supreme Respect..S.R Jealousy Betrayal…J.B. versus Justice Balance..J.B These are the cards pulled for me today, by a person of proven Harmony.. In a play seeking to find the root cause of Evil in the World, what brought this Superiority, Racism..Jealousy Betrayal which has been established after 14 years and 1O months of moving through the Homes of New Yorkers and Human portals. I was witnessing what I was being moved to do, […]

17 Jan 2016

9:49 p.m.

9:49 p.m. I:D.I… 1-16-9…A.P.I… 16-1-9…P.A.I… Hello… Before I start decoding and activating through these post, the E Consciousness still being proven present in everyone.. I would like to stake for the record, hopefully for the last time. I have stated that every word I am uttering is charged with the frequency of the consciousness I represent, that I am being Literal – to perceive and read what I am saying I am doing requires a literal reasoning of each word […]

15 Jan 2016

2:22 p.m.

2:22 p.m. B B B…B. V..5..E…. Date 1-14-9… A.N.I ..Ani we know means Beautiful 14-1-9…N.A.I…. Natural Awareness Instinct Intuition ( I and I) =I Nature Anywa-Wu, Ifunanya…Nature are the Bright Eyes of the 5th Dimension whose is Loves Cee I See you everywhere I.A.N/ N.A..I.. I Anna I… The Individual representing Grace-Favor..G.F..76..Awakening Infinity…IIIIIIIIII… IAN…ION…. Twins B..E.N…Z..I.O..N. Twin Ions of Zeina Zorro! Beauty!..B.BB.. See the twins Harmony Unity (And unseen the E) in the share by Gay-Marie Bradshaw…Music… Which aligns to […]

08 Jan 2016

5:16 PM

5:16 PM E.P… Earth Planet Expression- Physical E-Art-H P.La! Net.. P.E.. Physical Education… 1-8-9… (2O16..T.P../PT..Point…36..C.F/ F.C….Circle Full..9=I) 189…A.H.I. E.P @ 18 Mountain View..S.R..DE..I.E….D.E.S.I.R.E See sacred Portal 8… Love Links Desire See sacred Portal 9.. and 1. Hello… I have 4 new Face Book friends… Bringing the this long E.ND play of proving through Expression Quiet inner expression expressed on the Air, can create a literal Energetic to Physical universal transformation through a Song, (Thrush, Little Dark, Brown Bird Ba) Prose […]

08 Jan 2016

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic…

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic… portals are energetic, we do not experience our world as round, We observed it, investigated it and realized that the Physical Heavenly bodies are Spheres… And so, only through our empirical experience, and Individual experience so we Experience our Natural Existence as being Spherical, mirroring Nature which is cyclical… And so we know the world is around by our Energetic Individual experiences of it. And this is our sole experience in which we understand that we […]

06 Jan 2016

From Jonn Blackwell

From Jonn Blackwell I Blame Coco…I.B..C The codes here and intel here are so much that I will not even go into it.. Too much work to explain right now, but most older facebook friends should be proficient enough to read them… But I will give you this, I sleep under a picture of Sting where he looks like a Rock God.. Coco is a code in the play, I met a woman who is the model of sacred portal […]