
Children: Original Purity in Motion

26 May 2016
2:05 p.m

2:05 p.m

2:05 p.m B.O.E… 26-5-9… Z-E.I… Zei Means Wolf in Hebrew.. 5-26-9… E.Z.I…. Ezi is an O.INri Igbo world meaning Genuine..Swine (Pig)…or Good… It also means Compound-Homestead… Truth is called Ezi Okwu…. Home or the way of Truth… Ezi is also means King in Igbo.. and Help in Hebrew… Wolf and Help in Hebrew… To Bring home the Genuine, the Good back to the Homestead… The Pigs… Why is it that this code reminds me of the Three Little Pigs and […]

08 May 2016
2:05 p.m

5:58 p.m

5:58 p.m E.E.H 5:59 p.m. E.E.I. 55; 89.. E.E..H.I.. My Mother is E.C.H.O..I line… Because my mother told me that when my Uncle told her of Her dream and he affirmed that he had, had the same dream, she mentioned that she said that over the last 27 years, and especially the the last 15 years, that I had been telling her all these things.. She remembered everything I had told her… though she had not given any indication that […]

04 May 2016
2:05 p.m

1:02 p.m…J.B.

1:02 p.m…J.B. Just saw that I have 50.00 U.S.D left in my wallet, I am fully aware of how for the last 15 years, I have had to be very aware of Money, and that it is a code. I do not like having money, and the 15 years of living off pure expression without being allowed to charge anything for it, and watching people just… Well, I looked into my wallet, knowing already that the one 50;00 U.S.D. which […]

25 Apr 2016
2:05 p.m

9;45 p.m..

9;45 p.m.. I.D..E.. 25-4-9… Y.D.I…7-4-9… GD..I… 4-25-9… D.Y..I.. D.G..I… Divine Grace I… 54 The Bean Cafe…. 3rd and 2nd Ave Hello… As most are aware, almost 10 years ago, ( August 26, 2006) I found a place which where I had been sent to find the space where They Lived Before Adam.. ADD.AM… By a Woman called S.U.E.. as the condition placed which would Herald the Evolution Awakening…of the Universe Earth… I found this place on the date and year […]

18 Apr 2016
From Rainbowbluelove Skyheartangel

From Rainbowbluelove Skyheartangel

From Rainbowbluelove Skyheartangel And here is is the Humming Bird.. H.B. The Butter-flies… B.F.. The Flower Children.. F.C… And the Rich Fertile Plane, Of Energetic And Physical Transformation… O.E…PT.. O.E.A..(Area 51) PT.. This has been my Point.. The reason for my 15 years and Years on Face Book and 9 years and 9 months…Expression.. 15=O 4= D. 9 9= I and I.. And I… O.D.I…Meaning ‘It Is and / I,D..O.. identity the Full Circle,Symbol of Eternity… 6:22 p.m F.V. Original […]

05 Apr 2016
05 Apr 2016
This is the most extraordinary thing…

This is the most extraordinary thing…

This is the most extraordinary thing… Igbo Creation Story… Let me explain, Nikoma Rios once saw me as a gorillia, a Blue E.T and a 19 year old Golden youth. But first here is a Quote from this interview.. …He however gave a brief, revealing that Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution was almost right, in the sense that God made man from monkeys and Himself. He stated: Even though I may not say much now, I will explain some things […]

02 Apr 2016
2:05 p.m

5:00 p.m.

5:00 p.m. E… 2-4-9…B-D-I…/ I.D..B… Beautiful Devil is I (Individual) / which is the I.D of being.. Is the Identity of Being… 4-2-9…D.B.I…Divine Being is Infinite… Hello… Back at 566 Face Book Friends.. E-66. Which links to me… Welcome Sanon Waiswa.. S.W..Add A.E 1 5 the Full Circle.. S.A.W..E../ E WAS… S.E.W..A…needle pulling thread.. / A.W.E..Supreme… Sanon (Sinon) mean Gift of God, Waiswa.. Is a Ugandan name which mean First Born Male Twin Emeka-Nnamdi… E.N…5+14=19..S..1O..1.. A.O..(Ariane Oates) A..Alberto… Chukwuemeka Nnamdi… […]

04 Mar 2016
There is no doubt that there had to be a marriage and correlation between the two points of View of a Creator and and Infinite Eternal universe.

There is no doubt that there had to be a marriage and correlation between the two points of View of a Creator and and Infinite Eternal universe.

There is no doubt that there had to be a marriage and correlation between the two points of View of a Creator and and Infinite Eternal universe. But no one has ever been able to answer any of this Question, does not mean that in each theory- be it religious or Scientific that there is not Truth in each.. But what I found was instead of seeking to find a marriage, of all these theories and proven facts, there was […]

01 Mar 2016
6:58 p.m.

6:58 p.m.

6:58 p.m. F.H.E/ E.H.F..License plate of Donna O’Sullivan E.H.F.1O 79..58 1-3-9…A..C.I…M.I…Mi the third Note and third Color Y=G third planet from the Sun..Earth.. A C.I.M..I..E; A Course In Miracles..Exemplified. 3-1-9…C.A.I…Consciousness Alpha Intelligence (First Intelligence F.I..69..Nnamdi..Nna) 31 9…See Sacred Portal 31 Resurrection Restoration Re-birth Rebuilding and Rejuvenation… Sacred Portal 9, By the Two E.N- Fair Oh, and self as brother Son and the 9-1O Elemental Goddess’s 3 Grace and the 7 Sisters.. 37.. 1O..21.. 31.. 4.D..David Donna… DD 44 8. Hello… […]