
Children: Original Purity in Motion

27 Jan 2017

5:51 p.m.

5:51 p.m. E EA. 1-27-1… A-B.G-A A.A-A.A. B 4683195 D…. 40…. Hello… I am not sure how to begin this post… so I will just dive in and present the evidence…and facts let you judge for yourself… Just before I left to go the Immigrations office accompanied by my Case Manager… Traihson came over, and gave me 5 USD… He had made almost 20 usd before breakfast.. ! I was of course going to pay him back… I was receiving […]

22 Jan 2017

A Begging Bowl World…?

A Begging Bowl World…? Begging God, Begging The Wealthy Begging other countries Creating 3rd Worlds, 2nd Worlds, 1st Worlds How many Trillions of Dollars Owed? Terrorists are Beggars They Bully and go that far to get what they want. Is that not Begging is all about Getting What you want and extreme form yes, but still Begging. For Begging is a form of manipulation The point is getting what you want, Or think you need. A World which Begs… To […]

17 Jan 2017
13 Jan 2017

2:59 p.m.

2:59 p.m. B E.I. I just wished to share some news with you about the latest progress of the Pattern I have been reading for the last 23 years (23 years!) 1994! As most of you know, according to both the Pattern and my state of Being, Delta Manor signifies not only the end of a. 27 year dialogue with the Silence in which I stated that I would prove that Harmony Exists in this world disguised as Perfect Timing, […]

11 Jan 2017

I am so sick of people, telling me that what I claim to have done

I am so sick of people, telling me that what I claim to have done can’t be true. Most of these people are not even qualified to make such statements. They look at my state, my skin color, my education, my background.. Their Spirits Rise, move them to recognize me and even open up the doors of their Homes and Hearts to me.. But immediately I tell them what the Evidence, that I had been so eager to share with […]

02 Jan 2017

2:01 AM

2:01 am 21 The Face Book friend who left the play was Solitary Electronic Angel S.E A Yes the Sea believing it represented the power to end all life Sea as Death Siren Star bucks… Only the Cee can bring Existential Death and the C is really A-C.. C B That had been a Long long time coming An Ancient primal battle of Titans Primordial Rolfe A O brought her R A O ..But no R R O A R.. […]

29 Dec 2016

11:31 PM

11:31 pm K C A. Its is quite extraordinary to be in my shoes… Not my position in this play of providing non stop evidence of Human Evolution from undercover…. Once more confirmed the Money Code Game of using money to send messages because it is this realities concept of Energy and Medium of Exchange.. While proving that Human Beings Are actually Mediums.. Living Energy meant to be of Infinity Harmony the Beautiful loop which form the base of the […]

16 Dec 2016

Just For The Record…

Just For The Record… L.P. Harmony 2:35 pm B.C.E. 16- 12- 36..9 P. L… C.F. I 12-16-2016. 36. 9 L.P C.F I L.P is an Record old Vinyl. LP. Circle Filled… I. E. And so is this post today, Is just for the Record… Addressed not to you the General Public at present… Who I owe no further explanations, But to the Future Present, represented by those in the future who will read this Equation Play after the Evolution Awakening […]

15 Dec 2016

2:28 PM

2:28 pm Hi… I did not come to face book to fight a system. To be honest, I did not even know why I came until I began to post. I realized that I came to Explain. Words poured out from me of understandings which I recognized only afterwards. To deliver a message- a message to the World, which grew from a gentle breeze, to a storm, then thundered through me. But more than anything, I came to prove a […]

26 Nov 2016

10:12 PM

10:12 pm. J.L. A.O.L. There is evidence of fact… The whole point is, do wish to hide from it and see the Djinn… Wizards… Yes… Ascended Masters? Holy Ghosts? Supernatural Things… Of course what John saw was real. As real as you are. But as you, it is a riddle made real in this story…called Universal Simulation Awareness. This is real. But studying in University, is real, but it is not real life. Ask any undergraduate. And Graduate. And this […]