
Children: Original Purity in Motion

06 Jul 2017

3:47 p.m.

3:47 p.m. D.C..G…. 7-6- 1 O… Clarity at the Speed of Light Beyond, G- Ode and the Sixth Sense, Awareness Alpha Omega in Perfect Symmetry. Sacred Portal 76… It reads.. The 123 Cock Sure of the First Dawn Awakening OO.. 76 22 ( V) NET. MET JET LET…LE BEST.. E.T…N.M.J.L…L.E..B.EST. 4:07 p.m. 47… 1947.. My Mother.. C.O…Larry Sax… @ 5:10 p.m… Code 51… Area 51…. E.A. Sent me the last Money Code,of 45 usd… 45…See Sacred Portal 45 Throne of […]

01 Jul 2017

2:33-4 pm

2:33-4 pm B C C – B C D 7-1- 1 O Hello, I am not very surprised that the moment, I have finally decided to take the action necessary forwards, and out of this place that it would fall on American Independence Day. ( A I D… Yes.) But then yesterday, I illustrated the reality I have been aware of, and living in for the past 25 yrs.. And the 16 in New York in which I described how […]

16 Jun 2017

7:28 p.m.

7:28 p.m. Evolution of C… E.O.C… C.O.E… EO.C/ C.OE…. E C /C.E… C.O.D.E…I…. Can one Person… One Man Evolve Consciousness of entire Species? By Simply Being.. And Being Aware….. Can he do it through C.O.D.E.S…I…. S.I… Yes… It has already been done once I reached Elizabeth Clarizio and Eduardo Corona…. I am Chukwu Emeka… Creator Emeka…. And after completing the play with Caesar Rivera. and Kerwyn R. Vincent.. Each who played their parts to perfection without realizing it… ( But […]

16 Jun 2017

3:43 p.m.

3:43 p.m. C-D.C. Full Circle…. A Question of Power activated. 6-16-1 O….1 8….P. A O..A.H Free People Alpha Omega… 16-6-1 O…1 8 .. P.F. A O….A.H…People Freed Alpha Omega to AH…Awareness Harmony… 989 Face Book Friends. Hello… Shane Michael Robinson Sr. contacted me today at 11:58 a.m. Responding to my text, and my reading of the last equation which ends this play. It was strange, I almost wept, when I saw his message, What do you need? It was not […]

20 May 2017

From Angela Armando Hodge.. A-A.H!

From Angela Armando Hodge.. A-A.H! And Why not… She has an Extraordinary Cleavage.. and a Cows Moo.. eyes… What Me… No I did (not) pass Gas Gaz- Fill the World with Methane and poison this entire world Me Haine… Putting Hate in the World. Response from the Apis Bull… A.B. Madame, my eyes are Drawnnn to the Evidence of Mammaries which contradict the your testimony- but I will over look the evidence because I wish to explore what you so […]

18 May 2017

9:09 p.m.

9:09 p.m. 99 Sacred Portal 99… I and I… I have to go out, I just got a call said Jose Roque. And older Lady, a friend who I do work for called me crying, a neigbhor has been terrorizing her… She called me CRYING…Saying could I come help her… She is disabled…. He was cool calm, even comical as he hurriedly got dressed and showered.. 9:11 New York.. 2001… The real deal… Has the person done this before ? […]

28 Apr 2017
19 Apr 2017

Posted April 3… 2013…

Posted April 3… 2013… 4-3..2013… 33…6.. 4-3-6… I already completed 43 6… 4 36 0… Their Eyes Were Watching Lord Do not Worry.. I kept an Eye on Them… BIG BROTHER.. B B IS Watching the Whole thing.. BB… Plus 18=R… Add 1.. 19.. add 2… 20… 2 2= 18… 22..V…Victor…. 23.. Double V..VV…W..23…2nd and 3rd the Bean… The only Double you is Flesh which links to Spirit… And Expression Explanation-Reason Splendid ( Common Sense) which Bridges the Gap and […]

15 Apr 2017

10:22 PM

10:22 pm J V O E Jove ( Jupiter the Fifth Planet) Contd By Jove! I Feel as though I am running… Through expression… Posts. I am at Delta Manor, The Shelter. Eleanor Lewis Helm is the person who came through Lord Ye Hon Hongg Rong. Light which Expands, enlarges to greater and greater until it Fuses, Harmonizes in appearance and Form. Y H R Eleanor means Shinning Light… Shinning of Light Lewis means Famed, Famous at War Helm means […]

14 Apr 2017

Facebook Post..

Sacred Portal 59 E.I End of the Story Of Filth This World is a Story. Self Destruction Activated By E S D. A B E See the Post of Hary Spencer H S I posted yesterday on my Page Last Night H S is Human Species Self Destruction S D. 19 4 April 19th E Robert O’Sullivan E Illusions (Only E line are Real IS IS Eternal Youth E E Y E Oh Sir Is. Ho-R-U.S Eye of R E […]