
Children: Original Purity in Motion

02 Sep 2017

2:55 p.m.

2:55 p.m. B.E.E. Code Peace Bee…. 9-2-….1 O… I link this to 1992…. 25 years ago… Y. Last night I completed a code of DIABETES…. Which was the intel I received through the Avatar Doctor Udin. I knew it was not coming from the E, but rather the Africa World.. UWA…Worlds Forest People. I also received a message from the E, after I signed a contract of a Rite of Passage with the E.T…Extra Terrestrials -Terracotta They Lived Before Adam… […]

31 Aug 2017

From Bandara Rma… B.R….O.

From Bandara Rma… B.R….O. I noticed that this was shared by Bandara on May 11, 2016. 5-11….2016…. E.K…T.P…. Emeka Kolo…. 20 16….36….9…I. I was at 18 Mountain View at that time, chez John Blackwell – John Delguidce ( J.B…J.D..) And Donna O Sullivan… D.O.S…D.S… Where I spent 9 months exactly, to the day with them. Jon and Donna… J.D. It is also where I became Face Book Friends with Jean Ann Dortch really Fey Mirach… F.M… *FM broadcasting is a […]

28 Aug 2017

7:37 p.m.

7:37 p.m. 8-28…1O… Hello.. Last night just before I left Star Bucks I received some intel via Brenda G Booth who was with her friends,Robert, Barbara and Will…( B.R.B.W….) They were sitting on the Woods Side. But as she left she called out that Starbucks would be closed at until 7 p.m. As She said this she left leaving myself and one or two others as the only ones left. I verified to the one she calls Penelope, actually Yoskary […]

24 Aug 2017

7:15 p.m.

7:15 p.m. Truly it was because of the Short Film Clip which appeared today of Father.. My Brother who Played me.. and Literally played me- this morning, which combined with so Excess Libido Stimulation of Virility… ( Yes Lets Put some Hair on His Chest) that I managed to get up from Bed today. The exhaustion, tiredness in my limbs- Good Grief, -it is not really mine, but I have been forced to focus, stretch and align my body 24/7 […]

27 Jul 2017
27 Jul 2017

NZ 67 67 46 B

NZ 67 67 46 B Yes, My British Social Security Number is a Code. And it linked from England to America.. E.A.. 51.. Area 51 of the Universal Matrix.. Thus, here is corrects to B 64 76 76 ZN… Drew Reyn D.R sent me his video where there are 80 views and 14 likes.. 14 is N. Brenda is here when I arrived with Ms Lilian code 56 and 74… Erek Eclass Mateo was born 76… He is Me. Emeka […]

19 Jul 2017

A Series of events brought me here today…

A Series of events brought me here today… Heavenly Father…We take and never give any thing at all….. How Apropos. But what many might not know is the song is literally saying Yahweh will be there” … James Ingram and Michael McDonald – Yah Mo Be There … City of Elohim (Psalm 48) – …I keep forgetting the most important thing taking place at the moment is what is taking place in my body. And that no matter how I […]

13 Jul 2017

Sacred Portal 13

Sacred Portal 13 3:10.. 3:11 pm Alternating Current Infinite Stop yourself from going too far. I am Woman She Elf -that other one is not me. Powerful Libations to Truth Bring Powerful Vibrations Today is the 13th Lisa Natalie Johnson left today with Kelvin. No longer the Illusion of herself. Ms Brenda Boothe is sitting here besides me. I call her Royal Elf Q because She Is Concy Brenda. C B Laker Brenda Aaroyal. L A B A Royal Elf… […]

08 Jul 2017

8:20 p.m.

8:20 p.m. Yes …Flor Elena Me-Dina ( Dina Singh.. D.S.. 4 19.. 18… 23.. 22.. 5 4… 9… Completion… 1000.. 999.. 19… S.. Steven Bed 4-003.. Room 4.A.. We are at the End. Time now; 8:23 p.m… H.B.C… H.Double V… H.D.V… Harmony Debra Valerie… Valerie Freeman… V.F… 5 6…11 No Barrier of Glass or Mirrors.. No Tricks… There is only one true Wall which separates us..But which really connects us… Breath Air…Space Expression.. Laker Brenda Aaroyal… L.B.A…S.E… That is the […]

06 Jul 2017

9 :13 p.m.

9 :13 p.m. I.M.. I.M.P. O..S.S..I.B…L.E… It only seems Impossible until it is Done.. Nelson Rolihlahla..Man-DE.L.A!… N.R.M….. Natures Room…. Evolved to E.N.R.M…. And to S.E.N..R.M…. S.A.O.H… H.O.A.S..E.N..R.I.M…P O S S I B L.E…. Irish Meaning: The name Nelson is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Nelson is: Son of the Champion. Famous Bearer: South African President Nelson Mandela (born 1918). e late Mr Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela is sometimes referred to by other names. Each name […]