
Children: Original Purity in Motion

13 Dec 2017

At 998 Face Book Friends..

At 998 Face Book Friends.. I am Done!!!!! Proving the My Source Codes and Evolution Awakening… I am Done!!!! Tamika Rivera… Tamika means People and Rivera means River…. The Full Circle is a River… A river runs through us… Linking is conection us in a Unified Field O.. of the Full Circle… That Stream of Consciousness and Knowing is what I was coerced into proving here infront of you after I knew my mission was complted in 2012-2013… Instead I […]

09 Dec 2017

11:15 p.m.

11:15 p.m. K.O… Code Knock Out…. ‘All The World Ills in One Sitting… Ï read this, on Todays New York Times Weekend Art Section… Under the Queen Sized Scandals about the new series called The Crown… And then I saw Prince Cromwells likes… And then recalled the play which took place a few hours ago with Peter who sat infron of Jay ( the Twin) and Leoardo…. L.J… 10 12… 22.. V.. with Peter Nyarko…and then the coffee cup with […]

02 Dec 2017


O.K.. Who is the real Donald Trump? DT/ T.D… 420…240… 42 24… 66… 1 OO… 12.. L…3…C…. 36… 9… I. New York Times Headlines… Page 16.. The Toll of Gate Keepers Who Behave Badly… Code ( TT…O..G.K..W… B B) Lauer Offers an Apology, and a Little Bit of a Denial.. Page 17… ( A.Q… Q=17…. And A.G…ADI… Adi Erlanger.. Agadi means Old Age in O.I Nri Igbo…Enugu Agidi is my Mother Home town…Last of the Umu-Nri.. Children of Eri. Nri… […]

01 Dec 2017

From Jason Williams

From Jason Williams I saw a comment Jason made to me, I paused and did not wish to respond and explain and expand and clarify. Too tired and been through that conversation as my older Face book friends and this Long Long script will testify. This Idea of a man and an image.. Is it true..? It is an Ideal of a Man and is Doing and Being which the Artist sought to convey. He is Unique. And Individual. He […]

30 Nov 2017

7:31 p.m.

7:31 p.m. 11-30- 10… 11- 3O-1O… 7-31…G Sacred Portal 31… G is 7.. 7 Vertebra in the Neck… O is the Full Circle.. GO means 5 in Japanese.. D..Delta.. represent life springing up.. Cellular Life ( C.L) in the Fecund Delta Regions… Where Snakes often dwell… Serpent Asclepius Ochiuphus…13 Astro-Logical Symbol… D is 4… 2 2.. Link Ekene Offor Susanta Nayak and Jason Williams and Jonathan David Frechette their like. EO. S N…. J.W… J D.F… D is Death… GOD… […]

25 Nov 2017

From Jason Williams..

From Jason Williams.. That is what happened to Nna… Father.. not for Questioning me, but for Doubting a Love so Radiant that it caused him to Rise… O PEN IS.. PIERCE… Dawn Piercy…. But not even … not really.. it was for not asking for Clarity and Expression C.E… 305… CO E.. Egypt… 27 children… 9 9 9… And so he found himself cast as Satan in his own Story of the purest Intentions and sent into a pit for […]

21 Nov 2017

I got this intel from Lisa Natalie Johnson..

I got this intel from Lisa Natalie Johnson.. 80% of the rapes were to boys… I had written to Kemi Sara in my first text message that and on Face Book, that after the girls rape revelations will come the Men… Look at the codes… As a result of the investigation thus far, 50 people were arrested in Ontario, 58 in the rest of Canada, 76 in the United States, and 164 internationally. Brian Way… Age 42…. I am B.RAIN.. […]

21 Nov 2017

The True Matrix…

The True Matrix… Rain Falling… That is the real numbers one sees in the Matrix movies…1234567890.. They are not numbers… They are Seeds, Lines, Point and Idention… Children of Infinity… Father Of Infinity.. F.O.I… Liver in French… The Liver is the Cleanser… It Cleanses… Is Transparent Brings Life and Color… Rain bow is the illusion.. of light being refracted broken down but we all know that light can not be broken down from its original complete state… hence the term […]

19 Nov 2017

9:10 p.m.

9:10 p.m. 11-19-8 I O.A. K-S…H T.O…E… E.O.T T= 20…O= 15… E=5 The One Existence…. To E End of Times… *The end time is a future time-period described variously in the eschatologies of several world religions, which believe that world events will achieve a final climax. The word arises from the Greek ?s?at?? eschatos meaning last and -logy meaning the study of, first used in English around 1844. The Oxford English Dictionary defines eschatology as the part of theology concerned […]

02 Nov 2017

10:55 p.m.

10:55 p.m. J.E.E. A O E E… Good Lord… I truly have nothing to say…. The Computer here at Delta Manor was suddenly made available, so I thought perhaps there was something…. Nada… My body and my spinal chord is aligning and stretching, ( once again), despite my desire to say Ho Hum…again.. the experience is still alarming… Made more so by the fact that it is something which I have been proving into existence and it aligns to sacred […]