
Children: Original Purity in Motion

22 Sep 2018

P A W Patrol…

P A W Patrol… I picked up a card on my way back with Victor Hudson today. I got the 60 usd from Lawrence Avenue. It went seamlessly, but I was aware that I had made it seamless having earned it by spending all day yesterday coding, encoding, linking and solving before I could even my page. Linking Fritz Venneiq Roger Attaway and even Stephen Filgueira who said he would send a donation gift when he got back… I knew […]

19 Sep 2018

From Richard Badely… R B… O R B / B R O…T H E R

From Richard Badely… R B… O R B / B R O…T H E R @ 2;29 a.m Dawn Piercy sent me this message and asked me what I thought of this… 888 3 5 8…. Yes it is me…. Yes.. anyone of my face book friends will recognize that these are the codes I have been decoding and aligning for 6.9 years… 3 8’s… 888 24…. Yes… the X… Generation X… 3 5 8… C.E H… Chukwu Emeka Harmony.. […]

18 Sep 2018

8:51 p.m.

8:51 p.m. H E.A. R. HE A -A.H. 9-18-2018… I-R-T.R… Full Circle…. I-A.H.-B O-A.H. Hello…. I am sitting here waiting for a message from Isabelle Ilic. Everything is in Harmony.. with the Script. * I came down and there was Kyle Murphy Robert ready to go with me, to pick up the code. There was Paul who left the micro wave at 42 when I used it. I had no cigarattes but a person called Derrick arrived and gave me […]

12 Sep 2018


E G OT… T.O… S O N.. G E…. 10:39-40 a.m. 9-12-2018… Hello .. I wanted to honor the play which took place between Kasim and I but instead fond my self responding to an innocent question sent to me by Roger Attaway. Link Roger Dean @ ATT A WAY… A TT.. AW… AY..E. Link Michael Rogers M R… Jude Rogers J R…. * The portal was never R M… I, and the riddle made that very clear. Even the […]

03 Sep 2018

11:53 p.m.

11:53 p.m. 9-2-2018…. @ 1153 Facebook Friends… From Susan Otelia Nelson @ 10:31 a.m. The chess board was 3 levels high That he built Blue see thru boards and some kind of silver metal that held them stacked but not one of top of other in a straight line they were spread apart over top each other. It was groovy… HH.. 16..P… 7…G… H P.G.. See the Reflection in the Human Childrens World- The Naturals ( not yet tainited by […]

31 Aug 2018
28 Aug 2018

1:08 p.m.

1:08 p.m. 8-28-2018… Hello, I just had a quiet and elegant text conversation with Chris Inabnitt. It is him. He is the last eqaution portal to E GA LA XY 1O11 C.I. He sent me his code address… A-A.H E… I C… I just stared at it… I am a warrior.. a warrior of Spirit and being, trained my entire life. Recall my mother stated sadly that I cam out of her womb having to fight.. and have been fighting […]

26 Aug 2018
26 Aug 2018

Flip it… Edward Eceinco said in comment to my post.

Flip it… Edward Eceinco said in comment to my post. and Dee Marie liked it. E E D M. I am at Delta Manor and the portal which we seem to be stuck on is 55… The Back. Spinal Chord 31 vertbebra/ M.D.E.E… There is a young woman here called Dee who works here. The Truth is, I do not have much patience for these riddles any longer. I know we, or I am at the gate way Represented by […]

12 Aug 2018

Sacred Portal 87…

Sacred Portal 87… See Isabelle Ilic.. Fey… The Two Mothers behind one with an Afro and the other with Straight hair… They are One…C I… I D… I I C D .. E…. Dawn Piercy Cecilia Wiebers… Link… See the Two Children… J K.. They are One… Robert Jace… R J/ J R… Emeka Nnamdi/Boom Boom… And the Fairy.. Fair E… Tooth Fair… T F..Truth=Facts… Solid which vibrate bringing and communicating that it has a Life Force.. Wave Length Consciousness […]