
Children: Original Purity in Motion

21 Nov 2018

This is sacred portal 13.

This is sacred portal 13. 12+1=13. This represents the concept of Manipulation. Using others, especially ones children, to manifest an Agenda which could be pure- say revenge for an injustice, or to help save the Human Race.. all by casting a spell on them. 11:22 a.m ( So we all know now, to whom I am addressing- the principle which went too far… 11 22 is my Mother Cecilia and her male version David) And a spell can be cast […]

20 Nov 2018

5:41 p.m.

5:41 p.m. From Busayo Alonge B A… 11-20-2018… K.T.. .. Kasien Thompson born under the sign of the 13th Astrological Sign. A S… 29-11- 28-11… 22 98… 11 11… 22 17 22.. 22 Quantum Leap Year Jump Man 2016 Leap Year.. Jump Man… 22. 22 8 22 V H V… From 17.. 1 -7/7-1 To 88… 8/8.. 8… 1… Harmony… H.A! A.H.. HA-A-H. Star to Star… Family Master Lock… Master Key… LOCK And Key… M M K L… *See the […]

11 Nov 2018

10:29 a.m

10:29 a.m And there, behind the Knight. (Templar) who stands behind the Tiger Druid/Sorcerer/Magician is the F Block which shifted to reveal the hole in the wall A cruel play is it not, 43 years later since I wrote the Truth of my Understanding and Memory.. That for the next 43 yrs of my life, That without realizing it, that by penning that Truth, I would spend the rest of my life first aware then unaware of why I was […]

30 Oct 2018

I do not have the words to convery what took place with Stephen Filgueira today…

I do not have the words to convery what took place with Stephen Filgueira today… I knew Harmony Eternity had landed- not through me but through the Family of E. The E.C.H.O. of E. Those who recognize that frequency. I told Kyle Murphy that today I would know if it had really landed by how smoothly the day went.. Meaning harrmony is flow and fluidity, Music Waves, a which has meaning which makes it a song… I do not have […]

23 Oct 2018
16 Oct 2018

H W…

H W… Home Work… From Wilbur.. K Two… Ball Point Pen… B P P… 4 Colors with 3 on the packet… Just saw 43 likes on my page so I knew that despite reaching the code represented by Ejaz Saim, Vincent Ponnet, and Sienna Holmes…with the message decoded through the meaning of each name, as well as the code number as a Facebook Friend they arrived as .. 1168 69.. 1170… 117O/ 711..O… 7-11-2018 is when Robert Kyle Murphy received […]

12 Oct 2018

9:22 a.m.AME AM cA

9:22 a.m.AME AM cA 10-12-2018 I V. J L… T R/ B R 10+12= 22 I V. V B R O…. I know what Love IS… This was never about Love… I stated this over and it is about Truth. And to be True and thus a representation of the Eternal Truth you must be conscious. To be Conscious is to Cee… And to Cee, Be Conscious of Expression is to me in perfect alignment, in perfect timing with C- […]

04 Oct 2018
03 Oct 2018

At 5:31 found that my Facebook account had been accessed and reset.

At 5:31 found that my Facebook account had been accessed and reset. Hacked… But then I paused at said how is that possible that someone had accessed my account and changed my account when I was here and the the time was 5:37 p.m.? I saw only one message on my page.. No likes, nothing but a message… The one message, as if the entire Script was focused now on that One message, turned out to be from Isabelle Ilic.. […]

02 Oct 2018