
Children: Original Purity in Motion

20 Jul 2019

From Bryan Honea

From Bryan Honea B H 2 8 28 But is that not the same thing? You have to be Destroyed in order to be Restored. The question is why would being who where created Perfect. Body as well as Being.. ( Babies Children) Reach a point where they need to be Restored? And Saved? 7:53 p.m Original Facebook Post: Click Here

19 Jul 2019

2:20 p.m

2:20 p.m 22 O V O 7-19-2019. G S T S. Hello, I woke up to an intelligence report from John Mack. 7 years ago, I was in Forte Lauderdale, Florida with Billy Hung, I was doing undercover work for the E.T. Not only about Igbo Landing but also the I ntel on the plans laid out by the Military about the Awakening. I was fully aware of what I was really doing, as well as being sent there to […]

15 Jul 2019

7:04 p.m

7:04 p.m G O D 7-15-2019 G O T S.. GO GO. D T.S. Johnson Leland. J.L. =V Barrett Exhale. B E =. G Mollie Stacy. M S= 32….C B Michelle Darleen. M.D. = Q Joseph Okpala. J.O. = Y Toni Bemis. T B.= V These are my last 6 Facebook Friends. 7:06 p.m right now 76 Yes, it’s a code. And A coded message. But before I decode this to demonstrate for what is supposed to be, my last […]

13 Jul 2019
08 Jul 2019

1:30 p.m

1:30 p.m Evidence Facts Proof. 29. Alexa Vertefeuille Tree SageTree Brooke Lee Lemery Stephen Johnson Axel Love Chibuzo Okolo Eunice Oviawe-Jones Esteban Miguel Filgueira Nathaniel Thomas Bywater Josh Bywater A White Raven Hello.. I woke up this morning, and with a serious light feeling, I was moved by my Espirit, while at the same time fully aware of my Espirit moving me, while pausing as my Hue man rational and emotive self to examine if I was in agreement what […]

07 Jul 2019

5:52 p.m right now

5:52 p.m right now To Esteban Miguel Filgueira Axel Love Brooke Lee Lemery Brenden Velez Stephen Johnson Tree Sage A White Raven Sarah Kaizer Kelsie Bissell Victoria Jackson John Mack Jesse Macias Response to M.I. M.I. not A.M.I.. Not M.I. 3rd Note M.I as Planet Earth as Woman Supreme.. Challengers McKayla Rays Isabelle Ilic M.R I. I. As the Brain Mind. Drain. Mind Games.. Do you see what it says.. Do you see the Blonde youth behind the Warrior Frigga/Freya […]

07 Jul 2019


2:40;a.m 24 X O B DO. Evidence Facts I’m response to McKayla Rays S-word in Hand of the Female warrior rising from the Sea I respond with Thiis as evidence and my compassion despite the Battle Isabelle Ilic Brooke Lee Lemery John Mack Stephen Johnson Axel Love Alexa Vertefeuille Pls witness the Truth of the challenge ..still, after all the evidence facts presented … Going too far.. And why with J.D confirmed And all Grace mercy and attention and training […]

06 Jul 2019

5:39 p.m

5:39 p.m 7-6-2019.. E: C I. Sacred Portal 76. Brooke Lee Lemery representing the Eternal Energy line Descendants Awakening across the Globe. Of the 123 True Cock sure of the First Dawn Awakening 20 19 T S.. Tree Sage 20 +19 =39. Cosmos International Jesse Macias 39. Play by numbers 3 17 and 5 17 codes aligned to him. Jesse David. J.D. Judgment Day Sacred Portal 104 Com Pass Me Says Terrible Death ( T.D 204.. 26 4. Z at […]

04 Jul 2019

4:15 p.m

4:15 p.m D.O… D A..E 7-4-2019.. G ( O..F) D. T S. G F D. The Script. Independence Day. I D.. 9 4.. 13. 36. 4 9. Bed 49 2015. It’s Micael Wheeler birthday today, Happy Birthday… 🙂 He turns 69. M.W 69 M W 87 69 Milky Way Galaxy.. I.D. Hello I… we are now at 1283 Facebook Friends And it is Independence Day. I D 7 years ago,.this day, Ravindra Singh took me away from the portal 268, […]

02 Jul 2019

9:25 p.m

9:25 p.m 7-2-2019. @ 12 79 Facebook Friends Sacred Portal 79 Blue Print of Existence Link to Sacred Portal 97 19. 79 represented by Jesse Macias born 79 9-22 I V 19 97. Represented by John Mack born 1997 2-27. B B G-H Your Going To Miss Me When I Am Gone.. H O M E… Stay the Course… Be Constant Be consistent. Many people make the error that when I say that they are in Harmony with the Script, […]