
Beauty: Aesthetic of Truth

23 Jul 2019

5:59 p.m

5:59 p.m E E I.. 7-23-2019 23-7-2019.. G W. G.V V.. T S. W G T S. V V T S. Double U. 42. J S M. E M F 24. Link Stephen Esteban Miguel Filgueira And John Mack. J.M is 23…W .. J Spencer MacDonald 42 John is see to return from Florida 24th. 6:03 p.m 63.. I feel as though I am simply treading water, posting while simply for the WAVES represented by John McDonald to return while […]

23 Jul 2019
21 Jul 2019

2:53 p.m

2:53 p.m I am not sure how many times I called these activities out over the years of equating and quantifying on Facebook. But most times the reactions were the same.. Look Away Over the course of my Sacred Journey while talking to the Silence the intensity and truth of this appeared so frequently where ever I went.. The people who I met who had stories, my own experiences, research. My Sacred Portals seem sexualized, and for a long time […]

20 Jul 2019

From Bryan Honea

From Bryan Honea K I Z Z K I SS The Second Coming First Contact When we moved into Canada, In 1972, my sister and I were very young but I will never forget in out Hotel, elevator we saw a group of people called the Band Kiss. Two bands stayed forever in.my consciousness that time in the hotel before we moved into our new home.. 8:00 p.m The Bay City Rollers.. And the band called KISS Considering that we […]

19 Jul 2019

2:20 p.m

2:20 p.m 22 O V O 7-19-2019. G S T S. Hello, I woke up to an intelligence report from John Mack. 7 years ago, I was in Forte Lauderdale, Florida with Billy Hung, I was doing undercover work for the E.T. Not only about Igbo Landing but also the I ntel on the plans laid out by the Military about the Awakening. I was fully aware of what I was really doing, as well as being sent there to […]

17 Jul 2019

11:23 p.m

11:23 p.m A A B C. E K W… K E W. Gardens Queens. Where I had an apartment for a year. Also famed Green House Nursery School A W.. Adam Waldron Alien Wizards. A W E A V V E Alexa VertefeuilleAlexa A V Y E A Victorious Man E. 7-17-2019. G Q T S Gentleman Quarterly The Script. Beauty is an Elegant and Graceful man A warrior being Naturally Graceful. Elegant Manner… 11:28 p.m right now Naturally. There […]

15 Jul 2019

7:04 p.m

7:04 p.m G O D 7-15-2019 G O T S.. GO GO. D T.S. Johnson Leland. J.L. =V Barrett Exhale. B E =. G Mollie Stacy. M S= 32….C B Michelle Darleen. M.D. = Q Joseph Okpala. J.O. = Y Toni Bemis. T B.= V These are my last 6 Facebook Friends. 7:06 p.m right now 76 Yes, it’s a code. And A coded message. But before I decode this to demonstrate for what is supposed to be, my last […]

13 Jul 2019
10 Jul 2019

10:48 p.m

10:48 p.m For John Mack J. Beautiful Death the Transformer Representation of The Truth – A.K A God.. And Kim…Arthur Hines. Representing: The Script of The True Source. 10:51 p.m J E A… John gave me the Intel of the Sign erected opposite his home with MAC Congratualtions We are at 13 O.O 13= M 1 = A 3= C.. He later came back to me to state that it was not Mac Donalad as I had written. I had […]

08 Jul 2019

1:30 p.m

1:30 p.m Evidence Facts Proof. 29. Alexa Vertefeuille Tree SageTree Brooke Lee Lemery Stephen Johnson Axel Love Chibuzo Okolo Eunice Oviawe-Jones Esteban Miguel Filgueira Nathaniel Thomas Bywater Josh Bywater A White Raven Hello.. I woke up this morning, and with a serious light feeling, I was moved by my Espirit, while at the same time fully aware of my Espirit moving me, while pausing as my Hue man rational and emotive self to examine if I was in agreement what […]