
Beauty: Aesthetic of Truth

14 Aug 2020

2:04 p.m

2:04 p.m 24…E M F 20 4 T D.. 2O 4… B O D… Y 2 64 8-14-2020 H.N TT Harmony Nature Pi. Hello… First I wish to make something Clear to you all .. again. This is a Video Game. Second of all- the entire point of my Life Journey from Birth at St Mary’s Hospital in London, to Alexander Grove where my sister and I were both born, to Arden Geminio and the 4 in one lines he […]

29 Jul 2020

7:12 a.m

7:12 a.m 7-29-2020. Nothing But The Truth I have been watching that movie.. I miss Jeron… But in the Eternal Realm he is of the E The family I came to find. But in this world he is not my son. I was made very aware of that. And I had steeled myself to the possibility of a separation. And 3 months ago I began preparing both him and myself for that possibility. I came all the way from the […]

22 Jul 2020
20 Jul 2020

11:04 a.m

11:04 a.m 7-20-20-20. Hello. Its Immaculate Symbiosis birthday today. I.S. He just turned 24. And Esteban Miguel Filgueira E M F is on his way. Arden and Morgan are here. I would like to say that there was is an immaculate symbiosis between Arden and I. And that the riddle I have been solving which led to my meeting with him. Lucifer was one of his names. And since he is his own version of My Self I am Lucifer […]

17 Jul 2020
06 Jul 2020

18:25 p.m

18:25 p.m 6:25 p.m R A H Y.. B E. F Y… F B E 7-6-2020. G F 2020 Vision. Hello.. I should be happy today.. Because for the first time in perhaps 19 years.. no 27, I feel no compulsion or drive to post. My body is still occupied but its not compelling me to unravel from Muscle Memory MM, codes. I would like to say because I have completed the codes here of each member of this family […]

23 Jun 2020

Who planted The Seed Of Doubt.

Who planted The Seed Of Doubt. Which grew to be the greatest evil and threat to Ecistencce itself. The Seed which grew from indescion, but was really turned out to be a weapon. 16:34 p.m 4:34 p.m 6-23-2020 Battery at 49. Message delivered to Liberty C Liscomb completed at 11:49 am. Sacred Portal 49. 6-23-2020. F W TT. F Double V. At 14 79 Facebook Friends 14 Evolution of Consciousness 79 Blue Print of Existence. I woke up, so twisted […]

23 Jun 2020

Facebook Post..

J .. A M. AL. Its means BEAUTY Not JA. MAL. JA. EVIL Mal in French LA.! M 6th Note A J. 11O No Jeron was me as Beauty. As was Arden.. But Arden is now my I The Beautiful One And Jeron is now E. I am Mal. The D. EVIL The truly dangerous one… Evil. ? It is Pure Evil That is the Truly Dangereous Me. Evil as you see it it.. I walk through Do it But […]

22 Jun 2020
20 Jun 2020