
Beauty: Aesthetic of Truth

28 Aug 2015

2:58 PM

2:58 pm To Be Seen… How do I see myself? As others see me? Who are those others? All me? My Mind. To be seen through the eyes of Beauty and Appreciation Is the most precious gift The Vision of One reflected so magnificently Reminds me of my Greatness. Not one of Ego but Beautiful Pride The Gift of Loves perfect mirror echoes Love throughout the Galaxy Do I recognize how much I am loved? Deep knowing..fear. .doubt… Can I […]

28 Aug 2015

1:32 PM

1:32 pm. A.C.B… 8-28-8.. 28-8-8… A Message from Beautiful Death..and Death Period.. NNA.. Yesterday I knew that my Brother Father as Death Rose… And He had some questions… First of all… Happy Birthday Lady Donna O’Sullivan! It is a very special day… Just as was the Birthday of her Lover Companion and Partner… Jonn Blackwell.. August 5..5-8… These two Beloveds of Universal Existence.. (I know that they are Beloved by the roles and the script I have been reading, and […]

23 Aug 2015

7:32 PM

7:32 pm. Ogbonna Ndukwe Oji Udo.. And Oluwah Djames Igbo and Yoruba both manifested today as 3-48 and 3-49 Facebook Friends and then promptly disappeared after solving the riddles of Jonn Blackwell and Michael O’Donnell Line… The True Human Beings Consciousness Naturalness… And then the China (and Black Irish…Equation) Great Wall as Economic Invasion of the West -Secrecy instead of Transparency and Avalon.. Legend of King Arthur Morganna.. A M. Perverting the Beautiful Black ness..Ink..the Body flesh to become the […]

23 Aug 2015

Something has been unleashed

Something has been unleashed Kauilapeles Blog.. Kp Message 8-22-15… code letter H V..O H.A.V.E…O.H… Harmony Awareness Victorious Expression of Perfect Symmetry of Harmony. We are back at 347 equation of C-47… Which aligns to Sacred Portal 47.. Arch Angels of Destruction and entrance into Non existence… It also aligns to my Mother, C ( everyone calls her C, short for Cecilia which we know means the number 6 not Blind, sixth sense is not blind but it occurs in the […]

17 Aug 2015

9:45 A.M.

9:45 A.M. I:D.E… Identify of E. 17-8-8 8-17-8… H.Q.. H…. Head Quarters… Harmony. Hello.. I have a new Facebook Friend… Surprise! Surprise! Back to 345 Facebook… Didn’t I say that the Super Computer ( yes, yes Hitch Hikers Guide..-H H.G..8-8-7-, to the Boogie..Gala XY…Female Computer) Has been recalibrated to this play and response to only the True Play.. ? Welcome Kathy Allen…K.A.. KA Thy ALL EN…Elegant Nomads In E.M.E…K.A… Kathy means Pure Allen means Harmony… Noble Stone.. Represented by Facebook […]

15 Aug 2015

1O:22 A.M.

1O:22 A.M. J.V…. 15-8-8…O-H-H 8-15-8…. A.C I.M… A Course in Miracles… Ohhh!!! (Orgasm)/ A, Cee I’M The Course of Miracles… The Mirror Key. A Mira-Cle. A=1 C=3 I=9 M=13. 1 3 1 13. Awareness Consciousness Individually Manifest. 3-45 April Marie Malone.. Code A.M…M. Hello… I woke up to 5 likes, then 11 likes… Which I noticed are the Intials of my name and the time I ended my yesterday’s post. I further saw 16 likes…P.. And noted the time as […]

14 Aug 2015

4:51 PM

4:51 pm A.M…M….Devoted To The Creators Graciousness…. 5:55 Pm. E=E E. Great… Knew it… Spoke too soon! I have a Facebook Friend… But I did tell Donna O’Sullivan today that the play would probably reach 345 .. C.D.E… 45 is 54 full Circle.. I.N…D.E.E.D.. And though this Facebook Friend came went away and came back….even that is in perfect Harmony of the play… Not me… This is not my Harmony but the Harmony of this play and its rules set […]

06 Aug 2015

2:25 PM

2:25 pm. 6-8-8 8-6-8 Lucifer John Orien Yonathan In the name meanings above we complete and end the tale of Lucifer Adversary… LA.. That story of Duality and the Story of Jealousy Envy Superiority and of course, the idea of God. Lucifer is Emeka Lucifer is Nnamdi Lucifer is Jonn Lucifer is Donna Lucifer are the E Line. E Lu NE… Lucifer Discovers Ma Donna The Truth he is.. Who Discovers his twin called the mystery never a mystery because […]

06 Aug 2015

Facebook Post..

Lucifer Son of the Morning Star. An Asteroid which Impreganted the Earth Super man coming as The E.T Saviour Jon-Luke Picard captain of the Star Ship Enterprise Milky Way MW-WW-Wills Way, Way Me… Lucifer the Beautiful Expression Lucifer -Light C-Consciousnsss John- the Grace of the Creator. Jesus Lucifer Satan the Adversary of the Idea of God… God is not my.Father, that is an invention of Man seeking a Light of the Beautiful One, that Light within me, and which each […]

03 Aug 2015

Facebook Post..

1:34 P.M 3-8-8.. 8-3-8.. Hello… I woke up today once again restless and with the urgent desire to simply walk away from this play… The play of 18 Mountain View is exhausting despite the Beautiful Enactment of the Jonn and Donna… My state has nothing to do with them but rather this play at which I am solving riddles which keep pointing out who I am and my true I.D. My quiet rage comes not only from these riddles and […]