
Beauty: Aesthetic of Truth

01 Mar 2016

6:58 p.m.

6:58 p.m. F.H.E/ E.H.F..License plate of Donna O’Sullivan E.H.F.1O 79..58 1-3-9…A..C.I…M.I…Mi the third Note and third Color Y=G third planet from the Sun..Earth.. A C.I.M..I..E; A Course In Miracles..Exemplified. 3-1-9…C.A.I…Consciousness Alpha Intelligence (First Intelligence F.I..69..Nnamdi..Nna) 31 9…See Sacred Portal 31 Resurrection Restoration Re-birth Rebuilding and Rejuvenation… Sacred Portal 9, By the Two E.N- Fair Oh, and self as brother Son and the 9-1O Elemental Goddess’s 3 Grace and the 7 Sisters.. 37.. 1O..21.. 31.. 4.D..David Donna… DD 44 8. Hello… […]

29 Feb 2016

As I have given Evidence of constantly

As I have given Evidence of constantly the E-Spirit moving through Jonn Blackwell (and Donna O’Sullivan) is so elevated, it is like having a one on one intelligence report which aligns with the E line already full arisen… let me give you an example of the Intelligence report.. (I call it that because that is precisely what it is…My family undercover in Human Beings) One of my most recent facebook friends name means Stand Ady Stoian..: Stay, Remain..Stand it alludes […]

23 Feb 2016

From Richard Schooping

From Richard Schooping Exquisite.. Harmony.. Resurrection Restoration of the Crystallized consciousness of Transparency- Transparent Reflection yielding Beauty A-Z A.M.E…N.. posted 8:14 p.m.. Harmony N..Nature Universal Simulation Ra Ma Da Sa… Code R.M…D.S…Room Divine Splendor.(Sophia Wisdom). R.M.D.S.. R Manifest Destiny Supreme… Ancient Echoes He-Art. A.E.H… 1 5 8… See play today aligned to 1 58.. 1 13..A.M.. 14.. N.. 8:14..8 5… 15 8.. O.H… 68..Sixth Sense is Harmony, harmony is beauty (Symmetry) and Symmetry is the Expression of Love-Clarity.. IC 6:O4 […]

14 Feb 2016

From Vilayhack Sydaphasavanh Sydascorporation..

From Vilayhack Sydaphasavanh Sydascorporation.. And then I.did it again through Sound and Noise.. Which then returned me to the Silence.. but this time it was different for in that Sixth Sense of Light called Silence.. Heard Harmony.. Music.. And through this way, I even have a name to add to who I am… M=D.. 13-1+3 (Y+I) =4..d.. M.I-D.. I Dance.. I.D.. And that is how I got my Unique Individual Identity.. I Dance to that music.. M.D..Q..H..M.. And as I […]

14 Feb 2016

An Exquisite Geometric representation of Harmony..

An Exquisite Geometric representation of Harmony.. Posted at 6;26 a,m. Which aligns to the equation solved once more of the Evolution Awakening is 6th Sense A-Z, Harmony… Zeina Hanna.. 6th senses rises through through perception at of Beauty to Harmony.. 1:2O p,m. 12O.. I woke to the code 3 15 on my phone.. And immediately, knew that today would be about Zeina Hanna…Beauty is the Creators Grace and Favor..And Harmony is Mans Best Friend…. 6 26.8. F-B.F…H..Harmony Infinity… 1:23 pm. […]

13 Feb 2016

This is simply wonderful…

This is simply wonderful… It has so many dimensions of meaning… From a here to Eternity… The gift of Sharing Wonder.. (Which was the gift, I sought to share with you, of my Wonder at what I had discovered, remembered, recollected, was solving, was, and am still sharing..of a treasure.. an incredible treasure of the literal process of Human evolution, which despite everything I have had to personally endure to uncover and even share this treasure, excites me, re-animates me, […]

12 Feb 2016

One Parsec equals 3.26 Light Years..

One Parsec equals 3.26 Light Years.. *Please recall the equation of 3 26 has been resolved to C.B.F..H Cee Best Friend (Of Humanity) Harmony. C.Z.H.., C.O.D.E- Zeina Hanna… E.D.O.C- Harmony Zeus..(Jupiter Chiron E-rose Royal Blue-Note-G-Uranus V.I.O..L..E.T).. And Harmony is A Circle Filled with Everything required to understand the Point of the Note of Sol! The 5th note,-A Needle Pulling- A Silver Thread- of Awakening Memory. Ariane Oates Alpha Omega, O.A, of Aryana Luna Leone, The Noble Race of the Luminous […]

10 Feb 2016

This is exactly what it feels like at

This is exactly what it feels like at 18 Mountain View… Time does not seem to Exist, just a House,and three people and a cat, in a Space Ship. with a room with a View (What we are witnessing and reading as we navigate the Space ship by reading and linking the play.. For example from the play between the Twin lines of C of Andrese Harris Burton and Donna.. In which they used Flowers to communicate today when I […]

19 Jan 2016

Fro Monica Karaba Huibers..

Fro Monica Karaba Huibers.. Truly a Lady by the intel her consciousness represented by her posts relay.. The Family of the E.H.F..5 86/68 5… Notice the 5th Energy point is Blue.. ROYGB…The Fifth Energy points is where we are moving to having finally satisfied the Green Point as well as the Violet 7th and the Face as Indigo I..And of course Aligned 5 to 8..Expression creates Harmony.. Above Below and All around.. Thus, not is only my portal home imminent, […]

17 Jan 2016

3:O9 p.m.

3:O9 p.m. C..O.I.. C.I. Diamond White… Being the name of the brand of flowers Donna O’Sullivan just informed me she just purchased. C.I Diamond White… Would this not link to Ga La X.Y..Z…C.I. 1O 11 X (T.E.N) the Largest Universe currently revealed to Human Awareness classified through this current world consciousness as Galaxy I.C. 1O 11…X. C.I Diamond White.. A Voice manifested through my solving an Equation and Donna O’Sullivan expression just as I began to write this post.. E+D=I… […]