
Beauty: Aesthetic of Truth

19 Jun 2016

8:56 p.m.

8:56 p.m. Code; H;E.F….Harmony -Expression-Fact. 19-6-9… S.F.I…Sensational Feelings Infinity…(Meaning that The Frequency of Infinity is that space where you feel Sensational..literally.. That Feeling and State.. that is Ifinity.. and its meaning. 6-19-9…F.S.I….Feeling Sensation..I..Meaning of Individual (Naturalness) 6-10..6-1O..9…6 1 9..F.S..Feeling Sensational.. Full Stop. Hello.. I have a new Face Book Friend,which brings us to 692 Face Book Friends.. Code 69 2…69..B.. Most of my older Face-Book friends are aware of the relevance of the 69 to this Face Book play… It […]

18 Jun 2016

From Herry Lang

From Herry Lang Someone whose name means Settlement by the Rivers Source showed me a similar image yesterday, It reminded me of the story, later confirmed as Fact from Echo response Affirmation outside of me, of Jah, and my recollection of how the first Child-Man was born.. And his Feminine C.. Really what is Magic, but Magical Thinking which children have.. Limitlessness… Until they begin to believe that their words and expression have no effect of Physical reality.. And then […]

01 Jun 2016

30-5-9… 1-6-9

30-5-9… 1-6-9 C.O.E.i… A.F.i…. The Name and word Afi means, Grandfather, Fire.. and Pure Nature in Urdu… So we know that at least this day as well as yesterday when I began this post (Amid a great deal of Activity going on around me)… begins with the understanding of the link between the word AFI… which todays date aligns to… IFA… In IFA is found the vision of the world , the destiny of mankind , the social relations, the […]

23 May 2016

8:05 p.m.

8:05 p.m. H:O.E… Communication Hearing I… C.H.I… ( The Individual…not the Egoist, the Individual who investigates things for themselves… The One who grounds themselves within what they have investigated for themselves..) Within the Individual is the Source, the Collective, the Whole… And from Him or her, be it the Source of All Being and Existence.. to Adam and Eve… Nnamdi and Nneka… Male and Female, Father and Mother there is a point of which that One Individual becomes Two… Two […]

16 May 2016

8:07 p.m.

8:07 p.m. 87… H.G…Sacred Portal 87… West Virgina… W.V…A.V. I took a walk on a road called the walk of Champions ( not my idea, it was the nearest road where I could be alone, Morph -stretch- and catch a smoke.) As I walked out I saw the sign A.V with a Ram Bowing…I could read… My brother- Father Nnamdi is a Ram- Aries. I knew who he was bowing too.. My sister lives in Washington- I could hear her […]

14 May 2016

10:19 p.m.

10:19 p.m. There is something wrong with this play.. I am being worked to Death and Exhaustion… I have not had a break in 4 years.. and today it has been non stop correspondence through texts as I am posting.. Each text adding to the equation.. And I am sitting in Cafe, with no place to go after 15 years…of this… I just got a message from Fritz Venneiq.. F.V…Favour..F= 6 .. Saturn.. the 6th planet… Favor…then I saw Phavour […]

08 May 2016

5:58 p.m

5:58 p.m E.E.H 5:59 p.m. E.E.I. 55; 89.. E.E..H.I.. My Mother is E.C.H.O..I line… Because my mother told me that when my Uncle told her of Her dream and he affirmed that he had, had the same dream, she mentioned that she said that over the last 27 years, and especially the the last 15 years, that I had been telling her all these things.. She remembered everything I had told her… though she had not given any indication that […]

07 May 2016

6;26 p,m…

6;26 p,m… 6-26-8… Contd… Solving the Riddle of Arch Angel Samuel…. Abrantepa Deadline… Samuel Crow… 614-612…. Code meaning: A.S…C.D… Alberto Santana … A.S Lotus Santana Dharma… L.S.D.. Zeina Hanna-H. Zorror Harmony… Sunshine State.. * There is no doubt, that this 15 year play, and especially the last 4 years is deeply disturbing to me personal, as a Hue-man Being as well as a fully Aware Eternal Energy Expression of Truth… I have no allowed myself to express, what I am […]

04 May 2016
04 May 2016

1:02 p.m…J.B.

1:02 p.m…J.B. Just saw that I have 50.00 U.S.D left in my wallet, I am fully aware of how for the last 15 years, I have had to be very aware of Money, and that it is a code. I do not like having money, and the 15 years of living off pure expression without being allowed to charge anything for it, and watching people just… Well, I looked into my wallet, knowing already that the one 50;00 U.S.D. which […]