
Journey Through Connecticut 2018-2023

24 Feb 2020

From Anne McHugh

From Anne McHugh Happy Birthday Anne. 29 is a code as you know, A MAN. A trail which I found myself on which linked to from 29 years ago, to 29 Lincoln Street Esteban Miguel Filgueira And 8-29-2019 Liberty C Liscomb where on that very day, I was made aware of your work. Its 10:29 p.m right now… 🙂 And to your work and intell which in 27 years of doing this work on proving the existence of the E, […]

18 Dec 2019

Breanna Carlota

Breanna Carlota B.C.. 2 3.. = 5 B.C E. 5:58- 5:59 p.m Breana means Bright, Noble Honorable, Strong…. Virtuous Its also links to Edmund Spencer’s The Faerie Queen Carlota: means Manly. Water is Memory. Orlov… Frozen. Air is Intelligence Circulation A. The Body is Energy E.B/ B E. Building Blocks. Everything is Energy and before there was Energy there is Expression. Energy is the Expression of Everything. E A W E B. 5 1. W E B 6 A W […]

14 Dec 2019

I can not stay in a play which is not concerned with the Truth.

I can not stay in a play which is not concerned with the Truth. 11:58 a.m. But only in reducing the Truth to a Story which equates to Disrespect and Hate and to constant non existence. 12:00 a.m L.. Liberty C Liscomb had no idea of what she was getting into when I was sent to activate her to Awareness and Awakening. She has become The Witness. And she has witnessed the truth of my experience of simply delivering a […]

13 Dec 2019

8:03 p.m

8:03 p.m H O C. H.F C.. 8 6 C… Hindsight Foresight creates Consciousness Harmony is Sixth Sense = Consciousness Hello, Liberty C Liscomb invited me to the Salt Baths after my body had to go back down, it wasn’t her fault of course, its the play of ah yes 8:06 p.m right now. Perfect Timming Perfect Symmetry And yes, I did travel aided by the code represented by Arden and Ferrel Air Arden ( and Water) Ferrell Water Auriela […]

13 Dec 2019

Bowing Out From The Play of Truth.

Bowing Out From The Play of Truth. Its way, way to Evil for, and to me. 5:22 p.m E.V. 12-12-2019. L-L- T.S. E.V.L L T S.. E V I. L. L T S. E V I E L L T S Full Moon at 12 12 There was a Halo around it and Intel from Stephen Johnson a composition completed by his daughter Erica at 12:12 a.m Yesterday I did what I have decided is my last play or scene […]

19 Nov 2019

3:14 p.m

3:14 p.m C.N.. Pi Consciousness Naturalness 3:58 p.m C E H There was a pause. 11-19-2019. K S T S.. 11 is Full Consciousness in Symmetrical Perfection. Hello, Sarah Kaizer is S.K. / K.S. Anstasia B, Liberty C Liscomb friend came over today. She had begun braiding her short Caucasian hair in streams of braids in the spectrum of rainbow colors. It looked quite eccentric and cool. Yes, you may have referenced my post and play yesterday with Liberty. I […]

13 Nov 2019
12 Nov 2019

5:46 p.m

5:46 p.m 11-12-2019. E= Sacred Portal 46. D.F. K- A-A L T. S. Hello I am no longer at 1479 Facebook Friends, after days of expression to move it to completion, which instead of going up, it went down to 1478. This is in Harmony of M.W 87 as M.W 78/87. Please see Aki Thunderpaw ( A.T) post. I shared of the interconnectedness of the most far flung universes and galaxies which is mystifying Scientists. See Liberty C Liscomb Kitchen […]

06 Nov 2019

From Esteban Miguel Filgueira

From Esteban Miguel Filgueira Beautiful Chaos. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

04 Nov 2019