
Journey Through Connecticut 2018-2023

08 Jul 2020

I found myself watching Mission Impossible I.V. last night.

I found myself watching Mission Impossible I.V. last night. Ghost Protocol. G.P. And as I watched it without watching it, I realized, that that was the confirmation of the play I was always aware that I was in. I.V is the 4th Dimension the Green Zone in the Rainbow and yes the 4th Dimension, note of FA! I was aware of this since 2006 January. The Mission impossible was to prove that not only that this World is a Universal […]

07 Jul 2020

From Darien Shea D S.

From Darien Shea D S. 9:19 p.m I S. 4-16-84. D P H D… David Powers Hi Definition. Big Brothers is Watching. 1984 My Facebook Year of Birth, Esteban Miguel Filgueira Year of Birth Original Facebook Post: Click Here

06 Jul 2020

18:25 p.m

18:25 p.m 6:25 p.m R A H Y.. B E. F Y… F B E 7-6-2020. G F 2020 Vision. Hello.. I should be happy today.. Because for the first time in perhaps 19 years.. no 27, I feel no compulsion or drive to post. My body is still occupied but its not compelling me to unravel from Muscle Memory MM, codes. I would like to say because I have completed the codes here of each member of this family […]

04 Jul 2020

1:41 a.m

1:41 a.m From Tree Sage Via Esteban Miguel FilgueiraEsteban Making Conceptual Art. M.C A 1 out of 4. 3rd out of 4. 1:43 a.m Tis not I who will die alone in the Woods. 1:44 a.m Original Facebook Post: Click Here

29 Jun 2020

22:05 hours

22:05 hours V O E .. Tree Sage Benjamin C. Krajewski Stephen Johnson Etc… There are no words to describe the Fury and Hatred which rose in me, from the Hells Kitchen to the Deck today. Jason Williams share A Gathering of Dragons ( G O D.. ) made it understandable I had noted to metal containers left outside But still it has been with with me but today I found myself being compelled- pulled to tender these two vessels. […]

28 Jun 2020

6:22 p.m

6:22 p.m 18:22 hrs. From Esteban Miguel Filgueira E M F Yes, Link Jeron Satya yesterday Essential Oils. Lemon Lavender.. Mardi Gras Grasse Perfume the Movie Book The Festival of Paylasmak.. Sharing Date 6-22-2020 Original Facebook Post: Click Here

22 Jun 2020

From Tree Sage and Serenity

From Tree Sage and Serenity This is the statues where the play of 4 indians 4 Squaws and the 1 King Stag play began. It was the view from my hotel room at Red Roof Plus. Red. Phoenix. Yes, my recent Facebook Friend with that name Roof. I was in room 904 Organized by Esteban Miguel Filgueira And where I met Sarah Kaizer E M F. M. A. S K. 6:12 p.m 18 12 hours. I had just arrived in […]

21 Jun 2020

1:48 a.m

1:48 a.m AL S Code 222 616 A L S Intel was via Liberty C Liscomb Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. A M Y. O. T.R. O. P.H. I C E L. AT. E R A. L. Infinity Lies down and never gets up… smh. S. CLE. ( KEY) Yes 6261 intel Drive Lu ray with a 3 o Key As the one I found from Ferrill and the one on the French Made Hologram Computer Simulation on Sacred Portal 12 ( […]

20 Jun 2020
18 Jun 2020

Good Lord,

Good Lord, 12:12 p.m L.L. A.L L. = 24 6-18-2020.. F R. TT. Dishes Left in The Sink. The Curse one. The One who left me the dishes in the Sink is The Cursed one. Yes, this believe it or not is part of the End Script. Love Conquers All. And those who do not respond to Love but take advantage or use it, or see it as their right and entitlement, who thus enslave others. Justify enslavement. Slavery. Black […]