
Journey Through Connecticut 2018-2023

03 Jul 2015

1:45 PM

1:45 pm 3-7-8 I=4+5…9=I.D+E… 7-3-8… C.G H. Consciousness God Harmony.. Gaius Cassius Harmony… 1:49 pm. 1is 49.. That is my bed number… B R C Shelter. Being R C of Consciousness ROYB..Being is our Incarnated Victory.. Our Consciousness E.T. 5-2O. Boom Boom 25… B.E Beautiful Expression. Y Yonathan Yohannes Grace Grace Perfectly Matches Being Body 22 =V N+ N. Nenad M. Djurdjevic Nnaemeka Jude Charles 14-14=28=1O. The Elegant Nomad T E N The Family of 1O Jo-NN Blackwell… The 4O […]

06 Nov 2014

Facebook Post..

Hello as you might have observed, I have a new Facebook Friend… 214 if I am.correct. Welcome Princess Sunshine Rae.. Friends with Chris Franco and Stephen Filgueira one can easily read the code.. C.F..S.F…S.R… The Bearer of Christ is a Free man who.is Circle Filled is crowned with laurels Feeling Sensational, the thread of war of and for the.ascension of the Sunshine Ra E Line. It is great to welcome Sunshine Rae not only for who she is and the […]

03 Nov 2014


Okay… As I left Chris Franco and Raz Berry… I saw a person pass by in front of me wearing a T shirt saying ELINE..the E line. Chris is 21 and Raz perhaps younger. But Awareness has nothing to with Age… It is about Youth… Eternal Youth… Graciousness and Grace. I told Chris and Raz… So.ho… That I am the Supreme Source O. 8 O… No one batted an eye lid… Or said a word. But I knew today that […]

07 Oct 2014
18 Sep 2014

Sept 18. True Nature

Sept 18. True Nature Ah!!! …So this was about proving into Existence the Originals.. True Nature… The First Family using Car bon Copies And the Cast of supporting Actors… The Naturals N line. The E line are those who Expressed Voiced Testified To Truth of E. The Line of E O Full Circle from E to Nnamdi to Onu.. E.N.O.. From Nwoke Nwanyi. N.N. M.F. Male Male to Male Female To Female Female to Z. Then the Evolution of One […]

04 Sep 2014

Filipe Arkadiusz is my

Filipe Arkadiusz is my 191 F.B Friend. F.A. Fa is the forth note. After that it is Fifth..E So…. So what or what happens now..? When Stephen Filgueira asked what E stands for and Chris Franco responded simply Evolution Existence… E.E. 55. E.K. E expanded by X K=11. 55. E+K 6+11..16…7 A.B.C.D.E.F.G…H. These are the all the initials in the names of Felipes family… 7. Which is also the time frame btw Chris seeing Nikoma. Felipe said to.me I see […]