
Journey Through Connecticut 2018-2023

22 Oct 2020

I asked permission from Eztabon Miguel Filgueira

I asked permission from Eztabon Miguel Filgueira To post this intel which just came from him. Because he asked me not to tag him anymore. And this is really been about Respect. Esteban is in Perfect Harmony in fact he is currently expressing such a rage which I am witness to its Beginning as Loves Grace Mercy when I first came here, 22..23 months ago, when he defied my desire to not communicate or meet anyone, but he felt my […]

20 Oct 2020

10:43 p.m

10:43 p.m I know it is hard to not take things personally when you are an Actor in Play Script you do not fully understand and which is confusing especially when your reality is this experience of every day. But this is not my play of Script I have been transforming. Its that of what some call Devil Satan in rage as terrible death and despite my being his Source, I was placed in the role of a script of […]

20 Oct 2020

20:56 Hundred Hours right now

20:56 Hundred Hours right now 8:56 p.m Don Miguel Ruiz D M R. E E Emeka Eztabon Miguel Filgueira Delta Manners. Respect Existence E 20:58 Hundred Hours right now 8:59 p.m Original Facebook Post: Click Here

08 Oct 2020

Sagan Stephens Eztabon Miguel FilgueiraEztabon dog just made an eloquent statement to C E. Two Women

Sagan Stephens Eztabon Miguel FilgueiraEztabon dog just made an eloquent statement to C E. Two Women Which prompted me to investigate the meaning of his name Loved. And Brings together… Code Ali Samadhi meaning.. DOG/ GOD. A S. Arden Stephen Esteban A S. E. A. And it means Wise One. W O. W. It makes sense Original Facebook Post: Click Here

03 Oct 2020
02 Oct 2020

13:29 Hundred Hours

13:29 Hundred Hours As I headed out of 29 Lincoln to pick up a few things, I had noticed that Stephen Filgueria ( Eztabon Miguel Filgueira ) had liked Sacred Portal 87 which is the numeric equation of TRUTH Played out with Chris Filgueira born 1987. C F And Tree Sage Confirmed at the completion by Christopher Filgueira. Fil Gueria.. Warrior who sustains the Thread.. Sol! A neeedle pulling a thread .. 12 14 87 ..26 87 A Z Athena […]

01 Oct 2020

From Alexa Vertefeuille

From Alexa Vertefeuille In response to the equation I posted yesrerday The numeric Equation of Truth True. Truth = 87. T R U T H = 87 True = 64. T R U E = 64 My 64th Move is where we still are since 900 South Road and 29 Lincoln are the same thing as a circle. Liberty C Liscomb was the witness to the play of Sacred Portal 64. 8. 88 16. 64. 80. Esther Eztabon Miguel Filgueira […]

29 Sep 2020

19 months..

19 months.. Look at the personality and character in his face.. Ah.. Jeron.. Time at last as the link to Stephan Eztabon Miguel Filgueira is completed. 17:29 p.m Original Facebook Post: Click Here

21 Sep 2020

4:33 p.m.

4:33 p.m. 9-21-2020. Hi.. At this point the Time and Date codes are easy for you to read. 4 33 would be we are still completing the code of the Universal Body. U B.. C..U B… E.. Sacred portal 4 and 33.. 43 @ 3 A T 3 16 33.. 9 21 is simply I.U.. I.. is the Universe…Whole Complete 9 is planets in this Solar System. and that this post is meant to be the confirmation of my awareness […]

20 Sep 2020

Still at 14 84 Face Book Friends…

Still at 14 84 Face Book Friends… 14 84 98…. 17.. 8. 19 84.. rep Esteban Miguel Filgueira H P… 103 linked to Aurelia via myself and Jeron. 13 Nnamdi.. M A C… 1/3.. S P 86… 6-6-2020..E A Mac…k John Mack M A C E K…D-E.. / E D S… Kamora Herrington told me how her 8 year old son made her watch Mr Deeds.. M.R..D E E D S… D E A D.S Mike Reynolds M R… Original […]