
Journey Through Connecticut 2018-2023

25 Apr 2019

4:15 p.m

4:15 p.m D.O.. DO. I N. G. Grace. Bring The Vision from the Crown Chakra Gracefull through the Maze Matrix to land as Star Ship Serenity Snow Flakes (Sensational Feekings Sol-I.D FA.C.T.S. E. F. A.M..I L…Y Grounds and Lands in Humane People Present. 4-25-2019. D Y..T S D A Y. T S.. B F ..S J A O-F. E Family. Hello.. Troy was just here with his wife Jill. Yes T.J…Thomas John. John Thomas. P.H. A.L.L. U S See sacred […]

23 Apr 2019

At exactly 10:28 p.m

At exactly 10:28 p.m Sarah Kaizer came over . She is going to Machu Pichu with E.M.F 10-28 is Reign Maximus Rodriquez Santana who is the younger brother of Royal Mayan Rodriquez Santana. The time right now is 11:28 p.m My birthday. I was amazed by the Harmony displayed by both Esteban Miguel Filgueira and Sarah.. Of course I am fully aware that this was meant to happen but how it manifests has always been a delight or surprise ( […]

23 Apr 2019

See From John Mack Linked to Esteban Miguel Filgueira and Sarah Kaizer

See From John Mack Linked to Esteban Miguel Filgueira and Sarah Kaizer Original Facebook Post: Click Here

22 Apr 2019

5:31 p.m.

5:31 p.m. 4-22-2019. E 31. Sacred Portal M87. Hello.. I just had a pleasant conversation with Tree Sage and Serenity. It was a beautiful play in which fboth father and daughter were in the Natural Instinctive and Intutive wave of the E .S P. His daughter 3 yr old Serenity suggested coming up in Harmony with me, and Kim who contacted me. * Both of us .. looking or Johnny Newman For different reason but nevertheless in Perfect Harmony. J.N..M. […]

22 Apr 2019

From Gavin Inti PachaGavin

From Gavin Inti PachaGavin 3:31 p.m. I recognized Gavin the first day I met him, at 29 the Sacred Portal represented as Esteban Miguel Filgueira space. I knew him from the E.T or Espirit realm… But I am finally to exhausted and Tired of explaining and proving how I know who each are and proving it true to the Unseen. So when Tree Sage connected with Gavin yesterday and suggested he link with me in Face Book , I sighed […]

20 Apr 2019

7:43-7:44 p.m

7:43-7:44 p.m 4:20 p.m Hello…. At 2:27 p.m during a conversation with John Mack, McKayla Rays and Olivia Burgos and myself, John was saying something and in Harmony of Perfect Timing he paused and noted the time. 2:27 p.m His Birthday, and at that exact same time Olivia Burgos was confirmed as my 1250 Facebook Friend Friend. I have 50.00 u sd. 7:49 p.m And then after a conversation with one close to my Heart, I saw I had returned […]

18 Apr 2019

It’s Insane…

It’s Insane… 9:35 p.m I C E This Exquisitely Beautiful True Script. 4-18-2019. Linked to McKayla Rays and Tree Sage To continue the unfolding Enders Game Read Player One.. I had 5:00 u sd left. 5:39 u sd to be precise, Which aligned to the The Script but as I have made it very vocal and clear, that it is not in Harmony with me. That this not my Script, it is Nnamdi’s aka Nnamdi Naturalness. Awareness Manififested 4 9. […]

18 Apr 2019
16 Apr 2019


7:16 Bags Field Barracks.. Being Field Body. The E.M.Field.. Rep in the Reflection of Space as the True Mirror and Mira-Cle. Esteban Miguel Filgueira Bags are the load, LB. Pounds Beatings Hard Knocks..P..T.S D, Burdens, Emotional which we carry. It’s a Laundry Bag.. L.B/B.L Cleaned laundered restored to as good as new by washing. Field is the World the Earth and perception E M F Electro Magnetic Field What we attract and are the aligned as Busayo Alonge post yesterday […]

16 Apr 2019

4:46 p.m.

4:46 p.m. 76 USD In my Wallet… 51 usd in my wallet yesterday… 1967 L.I.. Limitlessness Infinite… The Knight Templars Cross and the letters B.K.E 67 Red wallet bought by Christopher Filgueira. at 29 address E C E C… Burgundy wine red color… Bacchus… Terracotta… Mine is Perry Ellis… P.E… Planet Earth, same make as my Suitcase gift from Jonn and Donna… 18 Mountain View, who gifted me this H P Computer, Whats in Your Wallet. Capital One… C O.. […]