
Journey Through Connecticut 2018-2023

25 May 2019

Facebook Post..

7:08 p.m 78 Continued. I will make this simple what the Script I have deciphered, cleaned up transformed and programmed and codes back to its original Plan E.T means. That we are now at the J.M. Jump Man Quabtum Leap Jump Emeka Victorious Was the Orginal Lucifer John L.J 7:11 p.m And that we are at Evolved Beings of E who proved through a very Decuetful and convoluted play which began with Africa Pangea and then the Out of Africa, […]

24 May 2019

10:53 p.m

10:53 p.m J ( A.F) E C .. 5-24-2019. E X T S. Add I, X I. ( 11) E X I T. S.. Exits. E Exists the Body as Time: 1-7 Chakra now at 8 out Side the Body. Crown Chakra 33 confirmed by Arinze Umeano I had a Scene in the Script with Sarah KaizerS Earlier it was with John Mack before they McKayla RaysRays. M J S Today it was Tree SageTree. Kim Arthur Hines. It’s repeated […]

18 May 2019
17 May 2019
16 May 2019

3:52 p.m

3:52 p.m This is the Equation of J.M Jump Man confirmed by the person representing Supreme Sixth Sense Stteohen Esteban Miguel Filgueira Of that which I had been staying and forced to prove that expression comes from out if the blue, and creates Energy which creates the Quabtum Leap Jump of Man Kind. Please look at the codes The Year March 1989 – May 1993. The Dates are number codes C- S H I – E-S C I Eternal Spirit […]

16 May 2019

2:18 p.m

2:18 p.m B R. O 5-16- 2019. E P. T. S Energy versus Money Energy = Money… New Money New Men Epression Energy = Money= My All Seeing Eye.. Money Energy Manifestation Expression M.E F M.E / E M F. Hello 5:28 is the number which began appearing everywhere last night and today 5 :28 Hrtz – The Love Frequency. I am sitting here at the apartment, no one has been here apart from McKayla Rays dropping in for brief […]

15 May 2019

Via Roberto TodaroRoberto

Via Roberto TodaroRoberto The Gift which Esteban Miguel Filgueira.and Sarah Kaizer brought me from Peru Macchu Picchu has on one side an Owl. But I placed the Pipe on my Altar which the owl as the Back and a long beaked Bird in the front. As some of my older Facebook Friends such as Brooke Elizabeth Banwer, Edward Eceinco and Andrese Harris Burton will recall the Owl play rep by Donna O Sullivan at 18 Mountain View M.W to John […]

12 May 2019

8:15 p.m

8:15 p.m H.O H E A. R ING. SARA I Aligned to the line of Sara Lee Sarah Kaizer Sarah Lagrange Sarah Simon John Sarah Marie Sarah Jaclyn Arrijani Sarah Beth Friedman SAMSARA. I. S A M E S A – Reflects A. A =1 1=I. 11 7 I received this a few days after Esteban Miguel Filgueira and Sarah return from Peru Micchu Pichu Mayan They preferred the Mountains the Natural Peak. Return of the Royal Mayan Aztecs Inca […]

10 May 2019

3:58 p.m

3:58 p.m Thanks Esteban Miguel Filgueira… For not giving up on your Sixth And the True Story of the Eternals That is why The Script and the Beautiful Truth never gave up on you. 4:00 p.m Original Facebook Post: Click Here

09 May 2019