
Journey Through New York 1999-2018

21 Jan 2014

Its Snowing in New York City..

Its Snowing in New York City.. A Rain and Royal Reign of Majestic Individuals Awakening in One A New Page and a pure white turning of a New leaf in the Hi Story of Hue manity… Peace and Harmony Supreme EOne. Done. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

21 Jan 2014

Facebook Post..

Hello….Its me again (sigh). Its the 20th Martin Luther King Day. M.L.K add I and I in one I. Milk… Milky Way of Dragons Breath. The Milky Way. Fire of Ire to Gentleness soft touch of Dew…To give all who played their part in this play from the last story of No Ah’s Arch to New Ah’s Arch (past all present)..their due. Lisa Le Vine put a posted recently a quote from Dr Martin Luther King in which he is […]

06 Jan 2014

Facebook Post..

The Illusion of Control. In the Taxi on the Way into the City when I first arrived in New York March 20th 2001 and one…the Taxi’s radio was blasting out Janet Jacksons lastest Hit. Control. In the back of mind I knew this was something, a message for me about my upcoming mission in New York which though with uneasy feelings goung on within based on the Intense circumstances so out of my control which had brought me here…I was […]

04 Jan 2014

Facebook Post..

News update. Hello …For those of you who have been following the play of Existence on my F.B page I would like to give you an update on the Manifestation of the play. Yesterday I observed a card placed on my hosts door… it said E late. I knew that it meant that Echo (Response) is late in responding to the play. I went out into the bitter cold to clear my head and encountered Seth Mc Bean who I […]

21 Jun 2012

The Ultimate Confession… I Cee…

6/21/12  4:50pm The Ultimate Confession… I Cee other beings, literally the Energetic Beings of man’s highest potential sitting along side and within every man and woman. I see them and access them through frequency and alignment recognition codes. Some call them Gods, the Supreme Selves, the Super self… I simply call them the Family. For me, it is the family of Energy already in existence which resides in each human, waiting for its true name to be called. I literally […]

20 Jun 2012

One last thing…what I find myself proving is that human beings are literally magnets…

6/20/12  4:55pm One last thing…what I find myself proving is that human beings are literally magnets which, when cleansed and purified, can raise the electro magnetic frequency of their hearts to override the pulse and frequency of the systems of man, and even that of nature. They can become magnetic, energized and, using the laws of true mutual attraction, literally drawing forth any and all the resources they require to expand upon the idea of creation…receiving from both the system […]

20 Jun 2012

The Art of Conversation…

6/20/12  4:31pm The Art of Conversation (aka the Holy spirit and the Holy communion) is the source of the collective Awakening, awareness and consciousness that something else is going on apart from the rent. It brings forth the true meaning and energy of “Revelations.” Deep within us is the expression of everything, the plan for evolution…for our species; it is the map, and all we have to do is access it and link it together to form the picture. The […]

19 Jun 2012

They will fill the heavens with the call of your name Christoph…

6/19/12  5:28 pm Original comment to a reply by Krzysztof Solek: And they will fill the heavens with the call of your name Christoph, because you went so far to find out our 12 parents’ true names. Beauty is Love; Beauty and Love, their true names…our first parents, not A dam and an Eve. So it is they who call your name, they, the beautiful earth, the flowers, the seas, the sky, the glorious fragmented earth. It is truly one […]

19 Jun 2012

It was to discover ourselves, the true power and superhuman parts…

6/19/12  4:46pm   Comment /reply to comment in last post by Krzysztof Solek: Original comment by E: It was to discover ourselves, the true power and superhuman parts of ourselves, to unite with it and rise with it…the flesh, our humanity as well as our divinity. It was the journey to link and reunite that which was never apart, never forgotten, never in duality. Only we forgot to recognize it, we forgot to call it by its most holy name, […]

18 Jun 2012

I changed my name from Okolo, to Kolo over twenty years ago…

6/18/12  6:25pm I changed my name from Okolo, to Kolo over twenty years ago, to assume not my father’s name, nor my grandfather’s name, who in truth was my original father. Okolo loosely translates as Warrior or noble warrior, and my Grandfather’s name Umeano means “breathe.” Throughout my life I have fought for the right to my own name, but before that could happen I found myself being a warrior of breath, fighting for the name Okolo as well as […]