
Journey Through New York 1999-2018

27 Jul 2017

NZ 67 67 46 B

NZ 67 67 46 B Yes, My British Social Security Number is a Code. And it linked from England to America.. E.A.. 51.. Area 51 of the Universal Matrix.. Thus, here is corrects to B 64 76 76 ZN… Drew Reyn D.R sent me his video where there are 80 views and 14 likes.. 14 is N. Brenda is here when I arrived with Ms Lilian code 56 and 74… Erek Eclass Mateo was born 76… He is Me. Emeka […]

25 Jul 2017

This is sacred Portal 52.

This is sacred Portal 52. E.B… Which ended with myself and Brenda, which creates the code E.B. The E Be. Linking it to the date,the 25th and the play which ended with Brenda Boothe and I… And her 5 USD proving true, but it would appear I have been contained in a Controlled Environment- it which the Delta Manor which I perhaps too confidently to go to, has been a containment field, a testing ground of the Truth of my […]

17 Jul 2017

3:17 PM

3:17 pm C Q. Aurora Borealis Appeared this morning up until 5:00 a.m. Many older face book friends may recall that 4-5 years ago, I had waited in vein for my portal to open. It had been identified as the physical representation of the Aurora Borealis 7 years ago while at Tom Trumans Loft and with Marina Burini but it was represented by a Restaurant. It was at the tail end of my stay there when I had completed everything […]

01 Jul 2017

2:33-4 pm

2:33-4 pm B C C – B C D 7-1- 1 O Hello, I am not very surprised that the moment, I have finally decided to take the action necessary forwards, and out of this place that it would fall on American Independence Day. ( A I D… Yes.) But then yesterday, I illustrated the reality I have been aware of, and living in for the past 25 yrs.. And the 16 in New York in which I described how […]

01 Jun 2017

Zip code 29710

Zip code 29710 Hello…. I wish to share with you what just happened on my return to Delta Manor… I was told that I had been moved by the Directors of the Shelter, both Caucasian, from room Room 5A. Bed 5-006 to Room 4A Bed 4-004…44… 5 56… 11 1 4 44… 12… 4( 3)…. D.C… 43 Sacred Portal 43 Door of Life Eternal Life. At 4:56 p.m Lota George Odabi sent me the first Western Union Code… 74852730… 4-56… […]

23 May 2017

It Rises 12 Feet in the Air..( 366)

It Rises 12 Feet in the Air..( 366) Egele.. Kezie Egele… Ijelegizida Omenigbo I am not in the Igbo Story but my Past is.. The Past as Uwa.. and they are now here in the present through the line represented by Nenad M. Djurdjevic… And this play of bringing the O Igbo Nri Creation Story as the Crowning Truth of the Sum total of the Human Creation Stories… Though it had to be cleaned up.. Yes my Biological Ancestry is […]

28 Apr 2017
04 Apr 2017
11 Mar 2017
27 Feb 2017

921 FB F

921 FB F I.U… C U B E And as if to confirm this today the cellular and musculature release today has been such that I knew and know that I should never have been subjected to all these tests and made me aware just how much it is now imperative that I live Delta Manor…. 5:28 p.m. 528 Hertz… E H.B. Emeka is rep the Human Body… See Anthony Bienke ‘Solfeggio’ post and what 528 Hertz represents.. As well […]