
Journey Through New York 1999-2018

13 Dec 2019

11:13 a.m

11:13 a.m K.M .A-A-A C. 12-13-2019. L.M. T S. A B. A C The Script. A.B.C’S of Nature. Entering The Circle. E.T C.. Hello. I thought about the Dream Arden had last the night before, as I stood on Liberty C Liscomb terrace. I could see the two blobs, he had spoken about , one blob pouring into the other, I knew what it was. Ying Yang .. 96 69… He said that it was his job, to keep pouring […]

13 Dec 2019

Bowing Out From The Play of Truth.

Bowing Out From The Play of Truth. Its way, way to Evil for, and to me. 5:22 p.m E.V. 12-12-2019. L-L- T.S. E.V.L L T S.. E V I. L. L T S. E V I E L L T S Full Moon at 12 12 There was a Halo around it and Intel from Stephen Johnson a composition completed by his daughter Erica at 12:12 a.m Yesterday I did what I have decided is my last play or scene […]

12 Dec 2019

12/12/2019 1:27 – Facebook Post

8:51 p.m H: E.A. 12-11-2019. L-K-T.S. H E A L. O O K. T.H.E. S C R I P T. Hello; I am not sure how to even begin this post. Since Arden and I conversed, it has been moving so quickly, and what is happening to my awareness has reached a point of which my only desire is to retreat from any person I must explain anything to anyone. 8:58 p.m I would like to sit privately with myself […]

19 Nov 2019

3:14 p.m

3:14 p.m C.N.. Pi Consciousness Naturalness 3:58 p.m C E H There was a pause. 11-19-2019. K S T S.. 11 is Full Consciousness in Symmetrical Perfection. Hello, Sarah Kaizer is S.K. / K.S. Anstasia B, Liberty C Liscomb friend came over today. She had begun braiding her short Caucasian hair in streams of braids in the spectrum of rainbow colors. It looked quite eccentric and cool. Yes, you may have referenced my post and play yesterday with Liberty. I […]

19 Nov 2019

11/19/2019 0:32 – Facebook Post

6:19 p.m F.S. Feelings Sensational 11-18-2019. ( K) A-A.R T S…. Arts Ressurection Rebirth. A.H! Hello.. I am not sure I can even begin to tell you what took place today.. So I dont think, I will try. Instead, I will tell you something which soon enough you will see for yourselves. The whole process of Evolution to completion involves being able to read Energy. Once this was proven through a “Script” to conclusion, it manifests a quantum leap ” […]

16 Nov 2019

11/16/2019 18:00 – Facebook Post

I am Evolving Alone, in front of the Entire world. My Body and Being linked to my solving a riddle which included passing through 64 Human Portals of Human Nature, stuck in a 3D Mentality of this Insane Diseased idea of Life and Existence. And having to proove them of the Extra Terrestrial family line of The Elegant Nomads, and then give them a choice after presenting.. Evidence, I was forced to prove, multi dimensionally through a play of Nature […]

12 Nov 2019

5:46 p.m

5:46 p.m 11-12-2019. E= Sacred Portal 46. D.F. K- A-A L T. S. Hello I am no longer at 1479 Facebook Friends, after days of expression to move it to completion, which instead of going up, it went down to 1478. This is in Harmony of M.W 87 as M.W 78/87. Please see Aki Thunderpaw ( A.T) post. I shared of the interconnectedness of the most far flung universes and galaxies which is mystifying Scientists. See Liberty C Liscomb Kitchen […]

11 Nov 2019

11/11/2019 16:05 – Facebook Post

10:51 a.m. 11-11-19 Now, see the time and the date. The Time Code T.C indicates where we are in the Play. I did not say to myself, I must post at 10:51 a.m, rather it happened naturally. You can’t fake it.. and that is the Nature of the Play. It was never meant to be an Enders Game of Thrones, but rather, A Play of Perfect Timing ( E. G.O T. A P. O P..T. ” Attained Perfection; ( StephenJohnson..Sacred […]

07 Nov 2019
06 Nov 2019

6:52 p.m

6:52 p.m F.E.B. 11-6-2019. K F. T S. Hi.. I am not sure, how much more surreal things could get. Liberty C Liscomb has guests for Dinner to celebrate her daughter’s 14th Birthday. Its a charming Family Affair. Each have their friends, from Bun, to Aureila to Arden and Farell… Liberty with friends J.M. I feel extraordinarily out of place, not able or willing to join them, to explain my condition or have some responde unexpectedly from me. Its a […]