
Journey Through New York 1999-2018

14 May 2020

5/14/2020 16:54 – Facebook Post

2:23 p.m B W. B Double VV. 5-14-2020 E N TT. E N T E R. The Circle. The Center Point. Hello, I am the Being of Beautiful Pride. 2:25 p.m B Y Beautiful Youth. And this is the Truth of my E Family Beautiful Pride in Existence, in Being, who stand tall, not requiring to fight to prove a point, but who will fight to the death and beyond for the right to be as we naturally are, for […]

16 Apr 2020

4/16/2020 12:39 – Facebook Post

11:45 p.m I am kind of proud of this. You have to remember, it does not work if you try and cheat, it all happens naturally. You have to simply do it naturally, meditatively. 7 months old. 7 months at Liberty C Liscomb portal. 7 the pink ball Steven is the name of my Last Facebook Friend. Do you see the name on the letter, I just put it all together. D.T.K.. 4 20. 11 420 play by E and […]

03 Apr 2020

4/3/2020 16:35 – Facebook Post

11:27.. 11:28 p.m 4-3-2020 Sacred Portal 43. Door of Life. @ 1484 Facebook Friends. 14= N. 84 is linked to myself and Esteban Miguel Filgueira My Facebook Memories Today showed my the most Loved Image by the public was the image of my ” Eye” – Big Brother is watching you. George Orwell ” 1984″ My date of birth on Facebook is 1984. I was taken by the designated petson Stephan Filgueria out of Delta Manor after waiting a total […]

19 Mar 2020

3/19/2020 21:20 – Facebook Post

6:35 p.m F.. C E. Ferril Consciousness Energy. A Valiant Victorious Man C.E. A quick up date… once again for the record. Arden later came down to the Kitchen and as with Liberty C Liscomb scene, I was on the ground floor. In a few moments he began to whistle, and my body came alive. Rising and moving me, as I fought for Control. I knew that a Aware and Conscious Energetic Expression was moving me, Lord knows I became […]

11 Mar 2020

3/11/2020 21:31 – Facebook Post

5:35 p.m 3-11-2020. Yes, its a code. So is the name FAHAD which Liberty C Liscomb spoke of having spoken to in order to establish a blog of the 8 years of my work and story on Facebook: Its a Persian name and means ” Panther and or Leopard” Nor is about the fact that last night I sponteously asked Arden if he would like to take a walk together, only realizing in hindsight by his own definition why he […]

03 Mar 2020

3/3/2020 16:38 – Facebook Post

3:35 p.m Eternities Body and Being Blue Me. Yes.. Blue Santana Dharma Blue Eternal Law. Love. E. B E L L. E B EAU TE! Ah.. Tears well in my eyes.. but I will not weep until all rise.. all see .. all know.. all awaken from the Dreaming Awake. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

25 Feb 2020

Intel from Liberty C Liscomb

Intel from Liberty C Liscomb As those of you following the decoding the script of Revelations on my page for the last 8.2 years are aware, the name Noah has paramount, especially in the last play with Libertys sons whom I met the first and last Geminio sons, the last and the 1st for the first times, accompanied by their friends Noah. Noah actually means Rest and Repose That didn’t happen but the meaning of her sons names did. Leander […]

24 Feb 2020

2/24/2020 21:01 – Facebook Post

4:34 p.m Now that is interesting, I just had a brief conversation with Liberty C Liscomb She told me that a code she sent me was a total of 34634… She coded it as the full circle of 767. I saw it simply as 34634 full circle, then I paused, for the last almost 6 months on the 29. Yes, Anne McHugh is 29 today. The intelligence, “prompts, stimuli impulse come through my activating her to become a sort of […]

20 Dec 2019


From Nordenx Ordenx N.O. 14 O 14 6 Adolf Hitler. A.H. Authoring Harmony Even Adolf Hitler was part of the Script of Harmony resolving conflict chaos to Harmony Cause and Effect. As was Albert Santana Albert Einstein As was the Black Hole Adol fin. A Dol PH I.N. A Door of Life. A D.O.L. Fin. Means End F. I N. Facts In. PH I N .. P.H Litmust Test. Dauphin. D A U.P. H I. N Dophin line A Genino. […]

13 Dec 2019

8:03 p.m

8:03 p.m H O C. H.F C.. 8 6 C… Hindsight Foresight creates Consciousness Harmony is Sixth Sense = Consciousness Hello, Liberty C Liscomb invited me to the Salt Baths after my body had to go back down, it wasn’t her fault of course, its the play of ah yes 8:06 p.m right now. Perfect Timming Perfect Symmetry And yes, I did travel aided by the code represented by Arden and Ferrel Air Arden ( and Water) Ferrell Water Auriela […]