
Journey Through New York 1999-2018

12 Sep 2020

9/12/2020 20:01 – Facebook Post

Ku in Chinese means “9” K K K 11 11 11… = 33… and all 1. it means Circle.. Full Circle… A Circle of 9.. O 9.. O I. Jeff Sullivan has a painting which I coded – as the actual truth of the play of the circle of Nine. it shows 9 hands holding the Globe.Planet Earth. The 9 hands represented the Dark Matter… They mystery which makes up the Dark Energy of the Universe from which Stars Rays […]

10 Sep 2020

9/10/2020 20:14 – Facebook Post

4:52 p.m. D:E B. / B E D. 9-10-2020… I ..J TT… I John Thomas.. Hello.. After receiving intel from Athena Sarah Kaizer yesterday, and yes, that which I did say, that I was no longer interested in, and that I am working now only on automatic pilot because of the level of disgust and contempt for what is literally the Evolution Awakening play which will not be in Existence and the Records for every.. in the Library and yes, […]

09 Sep 2020

9/9/2020 16:28 – Facebook Post

2:40 p.m. 9-9-2020. I-I-TT….29 29…1 58. Hello… As I read the intel which is pouring out of my stream of consciousness- flow- water linked to my body- I realize that what is pouring out of me, like a Bobbin and thread of an industrial sewing machine, I recognize the story as the one I had figured out by the time I had reached age code 32-33. Which means that I had the memory of the blue print before it became […]

08 Sep 2020

9/8/2020 21:41 – Facebook Post

That which is manifesting onto my awareness as I complete the Script is becoming overwhelming. 6:58 p.m. Nor do I even trust myself to post the last of this together. Its not simply the nature of having always known that you were telling the truth, despite what what I was made to Endure and untangle. 8:56 p.m. That I am calm- as I move through the last phases of the Script of the dreamer awake… aware… manually coding a sequencing […]

08 Sep 2020

9/8/2020 18:04 – Facebook Post

2:18 p.m. B R..O B-A.H. 9-8-2020. I H TT. I with Arden and Jeron represent the ultimate Underdog Creation story as the little known OI Nri Peoples and a the true story of origins unknown to this reality. the E Family. Yesterday, I found myself once again being used, but this time with elegance and honor and even was allowed to say my piece as the emeka kolo who i created as a result and consequence of this play in […]

07 Sep 2020

9/7/2020 17:57 – Facebook Post

1:27 p.m. A-AA. 9-7-2020. I and I at 7 Crown Vision Perfect. Hello… As most of you might be aware what sacred portal 127 represents.. Royal Universal Epiphany, that it has been 27 years 8.9 months since I went to the Dark Matter and 31 years this month when I began “Talking To The Silence” ( TTT-S= 79) not realizing that the 31 years and 27.8-9 years was a designated code of a play of the Blue Print of existence […]

06 Sep 2020

9/6/2020 18:48 – Facebook Post

3:51 p.m. C Area 51 9-6-2020. I-F.A C T…/ True Clarity A.F ( A Fact) is I.. at 900. Hello, after the play with Kamora Herrington yesterday, I received a call from Qusharia Aallah Q A. I had not taken up Kamora’s suggestion that I met with her, because I was aware that I was not in the best form and condition to connect with anyone because of what happens to me when I do… I enter the play. It […]

05 Sep 2020
03 Sep 2020

9/3/2020 18:12 – Facebook Post

4:25 p.m D Y… D Y E… Purple Reign. 9-3-2020. I C 2020 Perfect Eye-Sight and 2020 Hindsight-Foresight. Hello… Yesterdays play of I.D. culminated in the brief appearance of Eun Kyung. E K. In the meaning of the name was the response to Emeka Kolo as the reps of E Knows Expression. The meaning of the name Emeka Kolo interfaces with the Korean name and meaning of Eun Kyung, When the two names me as rep of the E and […]

02 Sep 2020

9/2/2020 19:59 – Facebook Post

4:40 p.m. 4 40… 4 46 9-2-2020. I B TT. Hello… I am in a grumpy mood. Well not really, just when i find myself in this play.. again. I started the day with urgent desire to text Ferril Gemino. It was something I knew had to be done. But what irked me was though i knew why, it was the scripts seemingly endless way of creating mis-understanding by my having to play both the observer and actor in a […]