
Journey Through New York 1999-2018

05 Oct 2020

10/5/2020 17:21 – Facebook Post

Authoring Harmony. A H! Awareness =Harmony Explaining Harmony. E H. – Eternal Harmony. Proving Harmony… P H. Perfection=Harmony. Facts=Harmony. Infinity Proven. I P Man. 9 16 Individuality Snow Flake I S F… 9 19 6…9 25… = 34.. / 43… 7 7… 1…14… 1 49… 25.. 50.. 75-57…12 12 1 24… 25. Y B E. E B Y…E… 5..2-25… 2019… ( 39.. 11 28=39 ) Jeron’s Birthday. 2:09 p.m. 29. B I.. A-Z-ABC..123 10-5-2020. J-E-A Vision. C.V.. Crowned Victor. Corona […]

03 Oct 2020
03 Oct 2020

V M.

V M. 10 10 = 20. As most are aware I have bern coding for the last few years using Virgina as the 20th State. I.am not sure where I got that data but I always check. So I wish to illustrate the play of the Body taking over the Being And how this has been a play of Perfection and Imperfection I P 9 16 I P I A F.. 9-16-2016 Entered Delta Manor Play 9 + 19 = […]

02 Oct 2020

13:29 Hundred Hours

13:29 Hundred Hours As I headed out of 29 Lincoln to pick up a few things, I had noticed that Stephen Filgueria ( Eztabon Miguel Filgueira ) had liked Sacred Portal 87 which is the numeric equation of TRUTH Played out with Chris Filgueira born 1987. C F And Tree Sage Confirmed at the completion by Christopher Filgueira. Fil Gueria.. Warrior who sustains the Thread.. Sol! A neeedle pulling a thread .. 12 14 87 ..26 87 A Z Athena […]

22 Sep 2020

9/22/2020 16:58 – Facebook Post

www.E-manual.world. The Book. The E Manual of Emmanuel.. Emannuel Kerema is the code. The sum total of the Facebook post called the E Manual is on line. And it is the Oracle which answers all questions. Literally. it operates on Electro Magnetic Fields. Its is the greatest invention ever created, and I am fully aware of how that may sound to the ears of those still living in the awareness and frequency, “See” of this realities perspectives.. But I have […]

21 Sep 2020

4:33 p.m.

4:33 p.m. 9-21-2020. Hi.. At this point the Time and Date codes are easy for you to read. 4 33 would be we are still completing the code of the Universal Body. U B.. C..U B… E.. Sacred portal 4 and 33.. 43 @ 3 A T 3 16 33.. 9 21 is simply I.U.. I.. is the Universe…Whole Complete 9 is planets in this Solar System. and that this post is meant to be the confirmation of my awareness […]

19 Sep 2020

9/19/2020 20:24 – Facebook Post

6:43.. 44 p.m. S A T…U R.D A Y E AYO 9-19-2020. I S. A.. 20/20… 1680.60. 169… OLU… “OMG! My Lord My God has Come Home.. My DE IT..Y.. Sacred portal 110- 111. I went to Kamora Herrington home today. It was number code 67. I had pointed out that code to her yesterday and even noted how i had been able to tag Ferrill Gemino ha..F G.. 67. Me.. N Z 67 67 46 B/ B 64 portal… […]

17 Sep 2020

9/17/2020 18:37 – Facebook Post

2:51.. 52 p.m. Full Circle 25=52.. -2:7… 9. 9-17-2020. I Q…A T… 9 17= 26.. A-Z. = 8. 98… 17… @ 1484 Facebook Friends.. Still. 14 84.. = 98… Kamora Herrington was here today to drop off some peppers. .. the dialogue linked here to Cecilia line of my Mother (Onuabuchi) and to my Grandmother Lucy… Esteban Miguel Filgueira and Tree Sage are brothers twins. E T.. 5-20 linked and aligned to Boom Boom! My brother and to Edwin Albert […]

16 Sep 2020

9/16/2020 20:58 – Facebook Post

20:35..36 T C E. C F. 36. H P 19 84. S. H D. Emma Lazarus. E L. 17 Q. A G 2:11- 1883. . Emma means “Whole Complete” Universal Nurse Emmanuelle Emmanual Almighty God is Here Present. A,G. H P. Ellis Island Perry Ellis Brown Suitcase and wallet. Lily Perry Perry Evan Perry The Shelter The Elegant Nomad 2001- 2020 Liberty is a Man 20:43 p.m No more playing Nurse Maid to children humans who refuse to pay attention […]

15 Sep 2020

3:31 p.m.

3:31 p.m. 9-15-2020. I O TT..O I… I O.N.E…T.W O… The Two as the One I. When I went out after posting yesterday..and the play… I did not need to buy anything really, and my body felt like bat wings… confirming to me that the transformation was imminent. But I felt a desperate will and desire to get out of the house no matter the truly insane way I was moving down the street- literally like an alien or an […]