
Journey Through New York 1999-2018

10 Apr 2022

9:17 p.m – 9:18 pm – I.Q – I Quant

9:17 p.m 9:18 pm I.Q I Quantum I R. I Response I went to get some sugar from the Local C.V.S I was contemplating the intense quiet heart ache and Sadness of being driven to post the contest of my Mother silently waged against my Existence Existence Truth Expression Trust. Not like this.. not like this. Then from 49 85 Facebook Friends Thomas Lang Jeron & Azure’s Bio Farher with Liberty C Date of Birth 4-7-19 85 1385 Metropolitan Woods […]

09 Apr 2022

9:04 pm. – 94. – I D – 9 64 – That

9:04 pm. 94. I D 9 64 That was the amount I spent at 1544 C-Town I recolled because I am now at 49 72 Facebook Friends It was 25 72 U.S D Gregory Dollins G.D. 7 4 Gregory means “Obseever Watcher. Watch Tower. T W O. Go see un Hundsight Alexa Vertefeuille Card reading of the drawing forth ThebCardc The Watch Tower. T W.O. T. See Sacred portal 27 / 72. 9 9. 14 14 more like it. 1 […]

07 Apr 2022

950 p.m. – This post is for my

950 p.m. This post is for my Grandmother, Lucy Ojugo. And Red, 305 Peugeot car in the late eighties And her Perfect Serenity in her truth. The True Red Chocolate Symhony Bar. We really do require Serenity as Stephen Johnson commented,and I require Tranquility It is also for the line of Keith. K.E.I. T.H. E ART H. W O.O.D.S. F.O.R.ED T. And K.E.V I.N. Arden & Jeron Aurelia too. I often used to recount the tale my Aunt Azuka Julie […]

06 Apr 2022

8:41 p.m – Still at 4972 Facebo

8:41 p.m Still at 4972 Facebook Friends Sill at I Harmony Kim Kieth. 11 11 =4 1 Kolo. K. O L.O. 2 in 1. 1 is 2. C.C. Is my… I have stopped counting… 8:45 pm. Cherry Carmela You can break down what the name literally means ( as well as why the infusion of so many Sex Workers pages and people behind them on my Facebook Page Screen. C.C is 3 3 3/3=1. 33 Vertebra in a Human Being […]

05 Apr 2022

3:35 p.m – C.C E. – 4-5-2022. – D

3:35 p.m C.C E. 4-5-2022. D-E-T.V.. Delta Dawn E.T V. Eternal Truth Victorious. Today is Nnamdi’s Birthday, he would be is. 53 years old today. April 5th,1969. To most in this reality that means he dead and gone, but we can see that this is obviously not the case. 53 is E C. Kolo=53. 530 Facebook Friends Kim Arthur Hinds Jr had when he arranged my new Straight Talk tel no. Liberty C code 69. Image of win red car […]

05 Apr 2022

4:10 a.m. – D Jay. – 4972 Facebo

4:10 a.m. D Jay. 4972 Facebook Friends 28 – 5000. B.H. B I. There is only One Ancestor Moving through All Bodies & Being. Guide Father God’s God’s Truth The Original Adam Manu-E L The rest… Imaginations of Stories, actually gossip handed down from people who were never even n.v there, much less born Blue Print of Existence Authority Author, Designer Deamstination Intention Intelligence Harmony Home. Evidence Evolution Experience Emperical Arousing Awakening Annihilation Extinction also gathered along the way. 4:19 […]

04 Apr 2022

4:35 p.m – D.C E. – 4-4-2022. – D

4:35 p.m D.C E. 4-4-2022. D-D-T-V. D D F. I read Kim Arthur Hinds Jr post and comment, I was not impressed, I do not Trust it, nor did it tell the whole Truth, it seemed to serve only one purpose, which was to make him look good. I have no patience with such Expression when each is aware what they actually did. Just as Praiseworthy Lamidi tagging me to hear the words of the inbecile about my being in […]

02 Apr 2022

6:09 pm – 69..669. – 4-2-2022. – B-

6:09 pm 69..669. 4-2-2022. B-D-T.V. At 4973 Facebook Friends No movement of added Facebook Friends today. So there is 27 as the number left to attain Facebook limit of 5000. Much happened today but only between a private conversation between Kim Arthur Hinds Jr and I… I have no desire to post it in detail. It concerned the Black and the Wall of memory. And the weight as Lbs and K.G, all posted yesterday and the Wait of that moment […]

02 Apr 2022

2:44 a m. – Alexis Crystal – Yes

2:44 a m. Alexis Crystal Yes, Alexis at the Delta Manor Homeless Shelter Mental Health for Homeless Men. With Theo. She was the only reason I agree to stay there, she talked to me and gave and gave me a choice after one night But instead of the promises 4 Man Comfortable room promised., after a pop eaking to Akexis the Night Supervisor who spoke through a hole in her neck I went to see her assistant and after our […]

01 Apr 2022

5:16 p.m – E P – 4-1-2022. – D-A-

5:16 p.m E P 4-1-2022. D-A-T.V. Hello I knew it it, the moment I woke up, and heard the Next Door neighbor, playing a drum that the play was not yet complete. And when Kim Arthur Hinds Jr told me the Message given to him by the Property Manager… “Be careful the friends you keep, alluding to me. Yesterday because I felt that after Jae Sherman sent the Ever source bill, and it was 3 26 ISD, that code of […]