7:21 pm. A Post which began at 3:07 pm Then again at 3:31 pm 12-25-2020. Just Vanished a moment ago- probably the internet … and yes something else. It contained vital knowledge as well as the knowledge of the portal via the 1st color being the 5th Color as Sound out of the Matrix of nature. The knowledge is already known to me, nor am interested in being compelled to take in these interruptions on that which is so ridiculously […]
2:56 pm. 12-24-2020. Hello… I have a new Facebook Friend, Patrice Human Torch Meister. P H T M. It is easy to understand this code P H ( Poverty Hollow, Perfect Harmony) T M / Micha-el Trahe just sent me a message and moment ago expressing Appreciation and Gratitude for all I have done for his awareness to be Conscious.) T M as most of you know is aligned to Truth Manifests in solid fact for all to see as […]
.. And yes, that brings me to 15 30 Facebook Friends 15 30 as pairs.= 45. Yes age of the planet Earth, And age code of Jae Sherman 45. And so Earth Jupiter Saturn .. and Pluto are aligned in body and beings as Below as is Above. B A…. C K ( Cc… CC) B A CK OF E K. Jupiter is the biggest of the brood. Despite being mostly gas by bulk, it’s more than 300 times the […]
3:09 pm. 12-17-2020. Hello, Yesterday was a powerful day, it represented the manifestation of the equation which I found myself solving and proving that all creation manifested through a conversation. And the process, of how from the One became two by a conversation with Self and that conversation manifested into the body by moving backward forwards as Light and Dark Matter L D and together created the Body. I had always stated that I had never left the shelter, despite […]
12:43 a.m. Will, you just look at the time… and I am still being prompted to work. Insane how far this was allowed to go. It feels nothing like Supreme beings and Guardians of this Galaxy but rather it smacks of Human Nature as churlish spoilt ideas of children, who can not take no for an answer. You shall not cross over to Evolve. Not after such an experience from A-Z. And the Supply and Demand, money play, used to […]
2:18 pm. B.R. B- A.H. We are at the Full circle confirmed hence O B R O. Orb and Bro ( T.H.E.R ) Being of A.H. 12-15-2020. L O TT. Which from yesterday’s conclusion of the codes equated to since I arrived at 219 South Whitney E. V Emeka Victor O V ( 220 USD V O: 15 22 Facebook Friends O V… L as Lucifer Light attained via Lyrical Conversation confirmed and again the play of Victor Emeka… It […]
5:55 pm. It was a Video Game. V G 22-7. 7-22 Confirmed by Kim but also by my awareness of the Date almost 5 Months ago, ( 5 month of fetus Jeron) in the 5th State. 22+7= 29. Lasting 24 years ( not 31 almost 32.) 10 years J. 2010 T J Taun Jay. 30 3O 36 Pierre David P D is 36. Yes, the Green House, and the play with his own version of David Roman Nicholas he brought […]
8:25 pm. 12-13-2020. Hello. It is easy to read the code above. So there is no need that I translate. It is obvious that we have been in an Enders Game. Highlander play of Immortality. Jet Li ( J L) The One A Childrens game, but E T Childen and they of the Rainbow Spectrum- the bridge to cross over was being able to read thier play. Which in truth like musical chairs and all the games played here, they […]