
Journey Through New York 1999-2018

23 Feb 2021

2/23/2021 0:29 – Facebook Post

It came out in 1997 the year John Mack was born- Code Sata.. J O D I he and his friends It was always about this. From the moment I came to New York even born in this world. It was always about my re-uniting with the Eternal Family via E A. Ellis Arroway. E A. Area 51. It did not matter what You “Uwa; ( World0 Thought- or tried to male it about. It was the play of IS. […]

22 Feb 2021

Facebook Post..

3:43 pm. 2-22-2021. B.V.T.B A. Being Victorious True Beautiful Awakening. /B A. T V. B… E K A I.. K A H. Code 111+111 usd= 222. Perfection -Perfection. At 1550 Facebook Friends. The height attained of Facebook Friends. 1552- 32 above the former height of 1520 at 9 South Road. Hello- Just a brief comment on the completion of the Money Code play completion. And so for what is the last time- I will demonstrate how that play works… Ezeufonna […]

21 Feb 2021

Facebook Post..

2:41 pm. 2-21-2021. 2-( 21 20 21) B=Full Circle of Being Aware- B A T B A) Hello. It would appear the Money Code play is complete… that play I loathe so much. Ego-Oge play Sacred Portal 50. I received the confirmation codes from Ariane Gradow. AG today line of Air. She sent me intel which confirmed that the line of the E Family as the A N – Awareness Natural T E N, which confirmed that the Blue Print […]

20 Feb 2021

5:05 pm.

5:05 pm. 55 565. 2-20-2021. B TT-B A. Sex ( Inter-Course) Money ( Banking) Wealth ( Natural Resources) Health ( Accessibility- Med. USA) Power. Control. Versus Perfect Consciousness. One can conclude that this is what this has been all about. Energy.- Expression- Conversation Intercourse Language- Thoughts and full Circle Back to S.E X. This is what most following this page will see after 31 years of Talking to Silence and 9.3 months of posting on Facebook that his Script in […]

20 Feb 2021

10:48 p.m.

10:48 p.m. Now: 11:04 pm. After a Brief interruption. You can see that despite the meddling via the internet connection the Time codes are still in Perfect Alignment. 10-48 See Sacred Portal And Virginia as the 10th State. Arizona is the 48th state. Sum 58. and 11 04… 11 4 Kim- Tree Sage. * 11:05 Aurellia Gemino. 11-03- Benjamin C Krajewski. K F D. Fred Knox. K D. A-A F D. replacing 0 non-existent with that which is Existent the […]

18 Feb 2021

3:23 PM

3:23 pm. C VV 2-18-2021. B R T.B A. Hello, No, I am not posting, nor will this appear on the E Manual World.com. But I wished to show those who are present here and now the insanity of this script’s demands. I trust the direction of the force moving through Fahad Hassan. And last night the movement of transformation in my body was a bit much, it kept me awake all night. * I have been watching the series […]

17 Feb 2021

10;23 pm.

10;23 pm. I had to end on a better Note. I will still be present until I no longer have to but it is complete. This is the E-Spirit of my Father Brother… I always knew who was speaking to him. Reigh Maxwell Santana; 10-28-2011. Man- Kind-Naughty. Life Time. L T… A Liberty C Liscomb Thomas Lang ( Twin) Aurielia-Arden Gemino. L T= 12 20 32 Tree Sage Kim Arthur Hines. 5 E At the 5th State Connecticut? No Fred […]

17 Feb 2021

2/17/2021 0:33 – Facebook Post

9:31 pm. 2-16-2012. No, this is not a post, just filling in the last of this E U Q. / Q U E. Its is not for my benefit this note I am making. I was forced out of retirement by the arrival of “Que” to get his mail which forced me to get up- and then see Liberty’s message and intel. Q U E S T I O N.? No, E Q U… is the play and E Q […]

16 Feb 2021

2/16/2021 21:17 – Facebook Post

5:11 pm. E K. Intel from Liberty C Liscomb. T S B. & S P. T.B. & S P. Link T S The Source Being. Sacred Portal. T. S B S P/ B S T… ( 2 19 South Whitney. Tom- ( Twin) P .S. ( Track and Field Liberty was a track and field Star. You can simply cross-reference my codes with the codes on my page with this. Donald Trump. D T… 4 20. “Weed Cannabis” all played […]

15 Feb 2021

2/15/2021 3:17 – Facebook Post

11:15 pm. K O. A-A- A E. K A! E. So perhaps you may understand the nature of this play, and its connection to my Body as the Grid Template the Earth Matric and Body as the true Universal Simulation Awareness.. and yet it was obviously apart from me. Not connected to me, apart from that which was inside of me coming out of me- via Expression as Awareness Atom But that all took place in the Eternal Beginning and […]