
Journey Through New York 1999-2018

14 Apr 2021

4:45 pm – D: D.E. – The Planet E

4:45 pm D: D.E. The Planet Earth is 4.5 billion years old. 4-14-20 21. D N.T U=Universe. Milky Way MW 69 is 13.8 Billion years old, and my second 1556 Facebook Friend is Mickey Honea. M= 13. H= 8. 8 = Infinity Standing Up. I S. U. The Gap between Time … * 4:50 pm now, as I type. 13.8 -4.5.= 9.3 Billion Years. 9 3 is I C in letters. I have been Identified through this Script as I […]

13 Apr 2021

7:17 p.m – J S – Jamal Salter. –

7:17 p.m J S Jamal Salter. John Shaw J S. 10. 19. 29 Portal Elizabeth/ Isabelle Cecil Esteban Miguel Filgueira Christopher Filgueira 29 Street. After conversing with John Mack, I felt relieved that at least he had qualified to Universal Sense8 in this Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix E It’s Balance As J.M B confirmed under cover by me playing the Spy Black Jaymes Bond Barbara James my first True Light of myself was my Girlfriend in High School and this […]

13 Apr 2021

1967 L.I.. – Me.. – Delta Manor

1967 L.I.. Me.. Delta Manor year of birth code used to enter it and confirmed British Social Security NZ 67 67 46 B Christopher Filgueira’s wallet Wall E T 67 B.K.E. Sacred Portal 67 How far Will you go for the Truth of your Man John Mack Christopher Filgueira.. J C. M.F .. The Two I was sent down in the E.M.Field to bring home Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

13 Apr 2021

The Golf ball with lines drawn

The Golf ball with lines drawn is the one I recounted that I found.. At Taylor Ave. It is The Columbus Circle depiction of the Earth ..Matrix. I placed it over a scarred black button representing the Black Hole. Yes the discovery in the New York Times yesterday.. 400 million suns. I took 400 USD for myself and gave Kyle Murphy..another 20.. 20 20 vision. 40.. 400 million suns .. I am aware of all this in Hindsight of course.. […]

13 Apr 2021

11:56 am – I went to my quiet s

11:56 am I went to my quiet space and place across the bridge to clear my head, I can’t absorb the depth of the Malice and Evil of what I have understood and experienced of this Set Up… It probably is the only place I truly suffer, is that which was allowed to actually manifest… What could and had been done to the Manifest Awakening play.. To my body, to my Being and to Truth. I am still here. The […]

13 Apr 2021

This is what was the Key Chain

This is what was the Key Chain I was using before From Prince Panther… Recall the recollections I posted of how I first became Death by turning into a Black Panther… Beautiful Pride,,, 2 16… Bed 4 O 16…. 2+ 16= 18. R Robert Bed 4O 18 is occupied by Francis Frick FF 66… Bed 4019 by Thaddeus… T And 4O 17 David Dawn DD 44 8 The order of arrangement from the Door Forms D.E F T.. It means […]

13 Apr 2021

5:56 p.m…5:57 pm right now. –

5:56 p.m…5:57 pm right now. 4-13-20 21. Hello. I am now at 15 56 Facebook Friends. After completing a play of The People yesterday in which both Kim Tree Sage revealed his Truth and was released from the idea of The People being the Full Circle as O. Origins. It was followed by a play in which Jae Sherman also representing another form of the People and the truth of The People as the Lie, despite the purity of the […]

12 Apr 2021

3:50 pm. – 3 5O. – 3 56. – C: E F. –

3:50 pm. 3 5O. 3 56. C: E F. 4-12-20 21. 4 12= 16… 48. total 64. 20 20 = 1. 20- 1 21=3 C I posted the relevant Facebook Memories today, there were few, for the first time in a while, the sequential order arranged by Facebook’s algorithm was no longer arranged which is sequential, telling the story and the news. Fibonacci Sequence. Golden Ratio. There were only three relevant posts. Noni Promise, The Pendulum.. but the most relevant […]

11 Apr 2021

5:11 pm. – E K – E A-A. – 4-11-20 2

5:11 pm. E K E A-A. 4-11-20 21. D K.T B A D A-A. T B A. Hello, I have headed this post with Nathaniel T B. I usually do not even get acknowledgment from the representative as the Human Descendants Avatars when I acknowledge them. But over time, I have learned to no longer be pissed off by this- It is their Eternal Selves who I am acknowledging and on rare occasions, the Human Being too if they are […]

09 Apr 2021

E Q. – 5:17 pm. – 4-9 20 21. – It

E Q. 5:17 pm. 4-9 20 21. It happened again. Lost Everything I had posted. But as you can see by the time, that I had solved an equation. of I Q. of E Q. I was explaining and proving the reason I Kim- Tree Sage had to jump leap, to my page today being the 4-9. Sacred Portal 49 Existential Death to become my 15 54 Facebook Friend O E D. O E D E N. O E D […]