
Journey Through New York 1999-2018

19 May 2021

2:19 pm. – 2:20 pm right now. – 5

2:19 pm. 2:20 pm right now. 5-19-2021. Poverty & Hollow. P H. 16 8= 88 8= 24 E.M.F. P I.= 16 9= 25. Y Horseshoe Hill. HH. 88 EMEKA KOLO 88. II. 99= 9. II= I. 900 South Road. 576 Horseshoe Hill. 900+576 = 1476 Sacred Portal 14- Sacred Portal 76. AD-GF Arden Delta David- Guide Father. 1+4=5. E 7+6= 13. M. Elon Musk. E M- M.E. / SP 55 “EMME” 5+13= 18 R. Robert. Reflection. 1+8 A.H.! Delta 8 […]

18 May 2021

From Stephen Johnson. – Rep Sup

From Stephen Johnson. Rep Supreme Justice. I am kinda Done and was about to call it a night when I saw this. I decided to investigate not only because of Stephen Johnson what he represents, and the play last night “Allen Ginsberg” AG. And my 15 43 Facebook Friend wearing and Owl and that Motif and meaning from the mosaic rock Owl of Athena on Liberty Arden Gemino Family thresh hold and the story of how she arrived at 900 […]

16 May 2021

7:19 pm. – Well, The Internet s

7:19 pm. Well, The Internet shut off again. So yes, again an entire post was lost. And yes Jae Sherman is here. But as I said, I am aware that it is not here. But I felt the threat, I am not saying it is her with intention/ 7:21 pm. 7-21-2020. But Arden line is here. I saved it having that feeling as S-he walked by again in and out, I would say that it’s more a frequency one carries […]

16 May 2021

From Angela Fors. – 8-26-1984. –

From Angela Fors. 8-26-1984. That is the date I found Al Santana’s portal 8-26-2006. @ 268 East Forth Street and the portal which was that of Alien Father. A F Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

15 May 2021

6:33 pm. – 5-15-2021. – C G I, A

6:33 pm. 5-15-2021. C G I, Animated Cartoon Characters calling themselves Humans. People who take Liberties. People who just can’t shut up. People who do the most outrageous things and then act as though they did nothing, wanting to be your friend. (?!!) Even when they are aware that you are Terrible Death, and will not hesitate to send their frequencies to the Deepest Hole in a blink of an eye. Familiarity breeding Contempt instead of Respect… I will give […]

13 May 2021

4:35 pm. – D: C.E. – 5-13-2021. –

4:35 pm. D: C.E. 5-13-2021. E.M.T.B A. Hello. It is very obvious that this entire play has been a setup. It is impossible in any reality, and dimension in human awareness, or any awareness that a person who has proven that the entire species is in a Matrix and a Simulation to still be without recognition, acknowledgment, or that people with means to dissimulate and share this knowledge and intelligence have who exist in this world as we know it, […]

11 May 2021

6:09 pm. – 69. – 669. – Sixth Sens

6:09 pm. 69. 669. Sixth Sense is Fact of the I. Infinite Individual. And it aligns in my personal Blue Print ( which has expanded to Univeral Completeness Inclusive of Every Thing, Every Where, Every One= E EE T.WO. 5 5 5 20 23 15. 3( 5) 15 58. 6 13. Yes, first Intel from Liberty C Liscomb sent from the Eternal Truth of the Beautiful Youth, F M- 19. S. And that can be seen in the sacred Portal […]

07 May 2021

Sacred Portal 5… (1O5).. – Thi

Sacred Portal 5… (1O5).. This Sacred Portal has especially significance to me personally… It came forth through me after all the other portals were almost completed.. It represents the Extremity of Physical and Mental-Emotional Exhaustion when you beg for Death to come because the weariness is so much that it becomes Weight… It depicts one of the most serious issues in this reality… Rest… It reads “Elutheria” (A Nod to John Shaw”) Liberty..! Independence! My Statue of Liberty is Rest […]

05 May 2021

4:37 pm. – Delta 737. Jett Plan

4:37 pm. Delta 737. Jett Plane. 5-5-20-21. E-E. BFB-A. Last night, I came to the sudden realization that all eyes were literally on me. I realized this from the woman upstairs aware of my sound, movements ( the contractor of this building should be shot chuckle and on the wall in the guest room someone wrote “Slum Lord) to Jae Sherman aware of every move I make whose room is a few paces from the mind. To this venue South […]

02 May 2021

1:55 pm. – A-E.E. – 5-2-2021 – E.

1:55 pm. A-E.E. 5-2-2021 E.B.T. U. E.B.T.B- C-ARD.EN. U =21= 3 C. Your meaning of the code E.B.T. *Electronic Benefits Transfer Your ability to receive SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), which is also called EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfer)” E B T C-ARD-E.N. E B.T B A -C- K = 3-11, the 3.11-minute Video of Jump Man Youth shared by Tree Sage Kim Time Code 6-12 -2003. It’s 2:03 pm right now. Our meaning Edens Beautiful Truth Being full circle in […]