
Journey Through New York 1999-2018

14 Jun 2021

8:16 pm – HP. – I P – H Perfection.

8:16 pm HP. I P H Perfection. Infinite Perfection- Perception At 16 33 Facebook Friends. AT 3 16 33. Yes, It is also Kim Arthur Hinds Jr age code and before that and still is mine. 3301 Perfection Attained. Stephen Johnson. 2000-2001. 33 01/ 10 33= 43 Sacred Portal “Door Of Life” D O L. P.H. I N- E-I. Joseph McDonalds Leonie J L- M Jerom Lang M= 13 E=5 Nu=13. M E N. E M= 5 +13= 18 E […]

13 Jun 2021

11:28… 11:29 pm. – 6-12- 20 2

11:28… 11:29 pm. 6-12- 20 20-1 F L…A Immediately after I finished my last post, I received a message from Liberty, 10:06 pm, she and Thomas Lang, had decided on a name for their newborn son, on his16th Day and Ardens 18th Birthday. They had decided on the name Azure, Lee, Finch, Lang. A.L F L. A. L F L. A F L L A F: LL =1 24- 25 letter Y At the same time, I received a gift […]

09 Jun 2021

4:02 pm – 42. – 462. – 6-9-2020-21

4:02 pm 42. 462. 6-9-2020-21. Hello, On the Original True Script, I am fully aware of why all the focus and attention is on Arden linked to I. I was reflecting on this last night, how on the approach of his 17th birthday, I had found myself coding like a mad man to keep away all those forces intent on destroying his Eternal Truth, to negate him as they had done to me. And here, again at the approach of […]

06 Jun 2021

Did you witness that? – Twice I

Did you witness that? Twice I was meant to have moved to 16 25 Facebook friends. And yet again I am at 16 24. It the last week or more, no one has left the play on my page. Suddenly a pattern in just one day of two leaving after a conversation with Tree Sage Kim and then a post. Is that Negation of 16,16 Facebook friends, and Attained Perfection Below & Above, Above and Below from within. And of […]

02 Jun 2021

2:55pm – 2:56 pm right now. – 6-2

2:55pm 2:56 pm right now. 6-2-2020-1. Elf King. Eden Paradise. Wilderness School. True Nature. Sacred Portal 87. Laura Walsh & Alicia Norris. L.W & A N. Merge. L A W. N. LAW of Nature. Hello. I woke up… well I got up since I don’t really sleep, I rest and when I rest- I am invaded by thoughts moving through me, but most of all, I am plagued with being made to examine in detail in excruciating detail the Truth […]

27 May 2021

10:54 pm. – The 6th Child of Li

10:54 pm. The 6th Child of Liberty is born today. A B O Y. Healthy Robust little boy 9 in weight. 5:35 am arrival. E C E. Message received from Liberty 1:47 pm. 5-27-2021 @ 1:47 pm. I was here when Thomas Lang sent me the intel of the birth of Jeron Lang. Sent to me at 2-25-2019 @ 7:32 am. * And yes I arrived here in New York 3-20-2001. * Jon Jason Lee. = J J L = […]

27 May 2021

5:07 pm. – 57. – 567 – 5-27-2020-1.

5:07 pm. 57. 567 5-27-2020-1… 21. Yes- the day I left here exactly two years ago to Freeman Avenue. It also represents a Planet and a Universe -Peoples as Individuals leaving the Universal Simulation as Death. 5:11 pm, E K, E AA Like death, you can see the play of AMC- O theater production on my page. I received two messages One from Haris Babic A Photo strip speaking so much like Nnamdi Harmony I.. he made a joke about […]

27 May 2021

12:35 a.m. – Well, I Lost what

12:35 a.m. Well, I Lost what I was about to post. I was just stating the obvious. Haris Babic used both heart and mind to merge his number 37 to 57 and sent me 94 U S D. I D. Identify Defined as INFINITY. In FIN IT Y. … IN FIN IT B E. Y. Haris H Aris-E is the 8th letter= Harmony Infinity H=8 Standing up. H Arise. I Arise. My Bio Father and my Brother Nnamdi both shared […]

24 May 2021

4:20 pm. – D.T. – 5-24-2021. – E-X.

4:20 pm. D.T. 5-24-2021. E-X.T. B A. E X I T. B A. How can I be offended by people’s responses when this is not my Script? I did not choose the players or the Key Players, nor this venue as United States, New York- Connecticut. I did not choose the portals I was made to pass through. Nor did I chose to come on Facebook. I am simply documenting and reporting the Facts, the encounters, and interactions transparently. I […]

21 May 2021

From Kamora Herrington. – 3:59

From Kamora Herrington. 3:59 pm. Independence versus Dependency. I. versus D? I D. of the Human, Naturals has been Identified as INFINITY. CONSCIOUSNESS- 175. ** Genesis 17:5, KJV: “Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.” * Genesis 47:9) – a hundred and threescore and fifteen years – i.e. 175 years;” Abraham lived to age 175. GENE’S.P. IS. *Jeans Cap “3301” I S. […]