
Journey Through New York 1999-2018

30 Jun 2021

4:39 pm. – D:C.I. – 6-30-2020- 1 –

4:39 pm. D:C.I. 6-30-2020- 1 F-CO-2020 Vision play complete. I too was part of the Enders Game Play. Game Plan. Yes, I was used to uncover the True Beautiful Script. We see we have Two- Three-star Players in at the end. Kim Arthur Hinds Jr Laura Walsh and the rep of the new and original Blueprint, in The Play in the play of East Meets West is Liberty C Liscomb. And the portal representing the End Challenger is Stephen Johnson. […]

29 Jun 2021

A Brief understanding of how t

A Brief understanding of how to read the Play Script. Since I have nothing better to do right now, I am taking my cue from this Script. 3:16 pm C P. C A F … E. Jae Sherman shared with me her dark green bricks of coffee Cafe Lallave. C.L. L.C L. *A variant of the Spanish word “Llave” which means (a) something to open a lock or a key (b) device that controls the flow of something (c) move […]

27 Jun 2021

3:14 pm. – * Pi. – C-N. – C- A.D. –

3:14 pm. * Pi. C-N. C- A.D. 16 42 Facebook Friends. Meaning of Existence 42. Liberty the last line to complete the play of The Chosen Ones.’ The Elect sent a message yesterday at 6:42 pm. End of the story. 24= 6. 42= 6. 66. Kim Arthur Hinds Jr door. Today is the Resurrection of those who pass through Absolute Zero by being not Z but 2 6. 8 26 8. By their Best Friend Harmony. and then being aware […]

27 Jun 2021

From Omole Gabriel. – This is w

From Omole Gabriel. This is what I was looking for. Without realizing it. Kim Arthur Hinds Jr gave me a piece today. I was first given this by John Mack. * Palo Santo is often used by Amazonian shamans in sacred plant spirit ceremonies; the rising smoke of the lit sticks is believed to enter the energy field of ritual participants to clear misfortune, negative thoughts, and to chase away evil spirits. Its use reportedly dates back to the Inca […]

27 Jun 2021

12:58 pm. – Why am I so pissed

12:58 pm. Why am I so pissed of with the Human Species. I told a Story. A True Story which people recognized from the very beginning when I first found myself taking to the Streets of New York and to tell The Story of the Family of TEN. It was 2003 when I found myself telling the story. I was not what I came to do in New York But when I was moved to tell this story on the […]

23 Jun 2021

1-6 – A F. – Its getting closer a

1-6 A F. Its getting closer and closer… The proof yesterday that Nothing is wrong with me. The Spasms- literally like I am in Guantanamo bay at an Army Facility which I code over and over again while entering the shelter system, then Delta Manor. Delta * instead of Delta H. Sacred Porta; 48. Being a Channel, A Medium. 18 years of this non-stop- It is so debilitating that for years when it first started I was sure I would […]

19 Jun 2021

8:01 pm – H.O A. – I O A. – Harmony

8:01 pm H.O A. I O A. Harmony Omega Alpha. Infinity O-A. Infinite F -A. I, O A. 6-19-2020=1. Feeling Sensation all 2020 Vision at perfection. And in Hindsight- and proven Solid Facts. Hello. I truly was not sure I would post anything today. I am 16 35 Book Friends, a full circle to the almost 11 months ago when I left 900 South Road and the most traumatic play of my entire journey, and yet most heartwarming and intense. […]

17 Jun 2021

4:22 pm – D.V. – Delta Victory. –

4:22 pm D.V. Delta Victory. 6-17- 2020-1-20 21. F-Q. Meaning sixth sense moved to Facts created Quantum Transformation. I got up from my bed, with light spirits, and the realization that my body is preparing to transform. I lay there for a long while, still in a cosmic struggle with it, but there was little mind involved-it was easier, what my quiet “Songe” ( Reflections) moved to was the sinking in that what I always knew, since 2004, was now […]

16 Jun 2021

10:28 pm. – 10:28 pm. – Reign Ma

10:28 pm. 10:28 pm. Reign Maximus Rodriguez Santana. R.M.R.S. R.S. POWER. Date Of Birth. 10-28-2011. =10 10 = 20 1010= 11 So we have completed at Absolute Truth. A.T. S.A.T. Y. A. S M. Stephan M.E- me. Some may call this Mother and Son. Mas SAM. MA-SS.. SS=1= A. AM. I AM. For me personally, it was Sado-Masochism. Marquise De Sade locked in the Dungeons of the Bastille writing his famous treatise of Sex and Libido. **For the 1975 art […]

16 Jun 2021

2:20 pm. – V.O – 6-16… – F P. – He

2:20 pm. V.O 6-16… F P. Hello, Kim Arthur Hinds Jr just came back from an outing- he went through a red door number 22, received his gift, and as he walked out he chortled at how he ran across the two brothers, Justify Greatness and Fox. He had gone to the 1-year-old birthday party of his friend John John’s son, Justice. Trey Romeyrome Then Justify Greatness and Fox. he had also been with Olusanya Bey and J 3. I […]