
Journey Through New York 1999-2018

08 Sep 2021

6:56 pm. Full Circle. – F: E.F.

6:56 pm. Full Circle. F: E.F. 6:57 pm right now. F:E.G. Fact. Enders Game. The Example. Word/ World. 9-8-5. I-H-E. I- Awakening. Hello, Today, after months, I finally got up and went to do my laundry. I usually am so pre-occupied with solving and aligning this play theater, and End Game, that I usually only have time to throw my clothes in the bath and hand wash them. To say that I am exhausted, would be an understatement. It’s not […]

04 Sep 2021


EXTINCTION. =133. EVOLUTION= 133. What is the difference between the two waves and frequencies? One = 16 A F- Perfection -1 +3= 4. 4-3. “Door of Life”. 4-3. D.C A.C.C 1-33=1 The A as 1 is constant. Awareness Constantly present even in the play of Duality, 33 moves seamlessly back to One. The Other, 13 3. M.C.G 7. It stops at 7. it can not move through1-33-1 =8. 6:26 pm Evolution TO. H.I. TO- E. Way of Expression T.O- A. […]

03 Sep 2021

3-27 pm – C-A-A. – C-B-G – 9-3-202

3-27 pm C-A-A. C-B-G 9-3-2021-5. 9-3-5. I.C.E. Hello, I am now at 1824 Face Book Friends. It is 2:33 pm right now. E.M.F= 24. The First Matrix Web, MW. Was and is the actual Human Body as well as the Nature. Nature is the Universal Body. And the only way out of the Universal body was usually through Death. But in your human story and history, there is a record, of a line of man, who was able to conquer […]

03 Sep 2021

10:17 pm. – You can probably se

10:17 pm. You can probably see why I call this Script- Evil and Evil being defined as Selfishness to such an extreme that it creates Negation of the existence of others, as well as of The Truth I have spent years decades being moved by it, correcting it and untangling its knots. And the more I moved through it, forced by its Echo on this world E.M Feild, the more irritated on finding not was knots causing these hold up […]

26 Aug 2021

4:21 pm4:22 pm. – D U – D.V. – D-BB.

4:21 pm4:22 pm. D U D.V. D-BB. DD U V. H.UV Ulta Violet Letter R. R.E-A.D. Y. 8-26-2020=1, 2021-41-5. H-Z-A-E. I-B.F.A-E. Hello, I almost wept from sheer exhaustion, from the pressure of these last 10 months, 21 including 900 South Road, and solving the last play of the Beautiful Ancestors of Africa Pangea and the True Story of First Contact. 4:26 pm. I woke drained and tired, the heat is stifling today, and I had been up coding all night. […]

20 Aug 2021

6:18 pm. – F R. A N C.E – F A I…

6:18 pm. F R. A N C.E F A I… R F I E.LD. But of course! ( Slapping my head) Kim is in the bathroom all in Black, he heard my summons with ESP, or at least that this invasion is all about what he represents. It’s obvious in the last post. Those who can sense the Unspoken but the coding of themselves via a Facebook interface. Nnamdi to Arden now see the Time code above- Ferril Rielly ( […]

17 Aug 2021

6:08 pm. – 6:09 pm – 68 David – 69

6:08 pm. 6:09 pm 68 David 69 Nnamdi David John. 668. – 14- 48= 62 . 63nd portal and 66th. 69- 15 Letter O. and 54= 69. End of the story of Nnamdi. I was Nnamdi and so was my brother now at A.I. This is now Kim Arthur Hinds Jr story and all of you. It is no longer my concern according to Eternal Truth E T 5-20-73.37 if you decide to drop the Ball. You Grown Up and […]

14 Aug 2021

7:59 pm. – Ah 8 p.m. – This is Sa

7:59 pm. Ah 8 p.m. This is Sacred Portal 48. Aligned to John Mack’s intell. David Hodges Beloved Spear. B S. 2 19 South Whitney. Yes, he looks Vietnamese. V.I.E. T NAME SE. /E.S. E MAN T Twenty USD JB-E.I.V. confirmed by the recent proliferation of Vietnamese Facebook Friends. Yes, Tuan Quan. But I am undercover as is Nnamdi. N-E. He is actually Japanese. Which you can see from my page sacred portal 15 & 55 to 57, 75 to […]

09 Aug 2021

Vol De Mort. V D M. – 5:26 pm. –

Vol De Mort. V D M. 5:26 pm. E-Z. E -B.F… H/I. 8-9-2020- 1-A. 2021.41= 5. E H.I. A. H.I. E. H.I. A-E Hello, I am fully aware of why I saw that I had lost two Facebook friends and was at 1752 which was immediately restored to 17 54. I had had a conversation with Liberty yesterday through messenger, and through our brief messaging and the play of Lies of Omission, I understood the play of this world story […]

07 Aug 2021

So yes, it is one truth the li

So yes, it is one truth the lie told, Covid 19 is AIR BORNE. And everyone has to Breathe, “I Can’t Breathe!” U ME-A-N-O. Sacred Portal Illustrated on 69. This AIR. Nothing here is FAIR. Free of hitched… a Catch. My Back- the Snag. S-Nag To Nag is the way of the Hag Sorcerer Witch. S-N- AG. Arden Gemino, Aurelia Gemino, Azure Gemino. South-North One Point of the North Star. Ag is Silver. 3 Rods on my Desk Top. D […]