
Journey Through New York 1999-2018

14 Dec 2021

6:40 pm. – 646. – 14-12-5. – N-L.E

6:40 pm. 646. 14-12-5. N-L.E. Happy Birthday Chris Filgueira C.F / F.C F A C T. 5-3-5. E.C.E. 6:43 pm. It’s also Dawn Chimento birthday today, as well as Pierre David Chris, Dawn, Pierre David. C.F. D.C. P.D C.D.P. You can break down the meaning and see the meaning which creates. 6:51 pm. I had intense interactions with all three people named above. Hello, I realized once again that the pulling and twisting of my body as it gets clearer […]

11 Dec 2021

11:45 pm. – I will simply bring

11:45 pm. I will simply bring the message Code in my 9 most recent Facebook Play Script. My body has kept me here, and made me speak aloud the codes via Sound- Voice, which as you know is something you feel first before you can hear. So it is V.S. Vibration can manifest Sound- Echo. So yes, you get the connection. I was speaking aloud the code of 1989, when I cut from my past to explore my Truth present, […]

08 Dec 2021

3:11 pm – C.K. – And so the Beat

3:11 pm C.K. And so the Beat goes on. I am now at 2954 Facebook Friends. B.I.E.D D.I.E.D. 3:12 pm. C.L. 3:13 a.m. C.M. A Battle with me? By who or what? 3:14 pm. C.N. With the End the world as Z. That was done as you saw in this miniature model, done all by those selves. 29 54. My recent AGE Code A-Z+C= E.D-54. As I listen to the Mark in the backyard of the light Blue House- I […]

02 Dec 2021

11:59 pm. – Two Facebook Friend

11:59 pm. Two Facebook Friends have arrived while I made the impromptu decision to clean the kitchen floor and then go to the Pegasus Fuel-Gas Station 519. E.S. I was aware, even when the bill came, but it does not really matter anymore, I knew and know I have been literally Fucked, and Fucked up in this script. See Fight Club, and yes Aliens and the human idea of the Anal Probe. The latter began as far back as 2003 […]

28 Nov 2021

10:58 pm. – 10:59 pm – And so it

10:58 pm. 10:59 pm And so it would appear that I have attained the Number of Facebook Friends required to be attained before my Birthday which is actually 8. As in 8 pm when I was born at St Mary’s Hospital Islington Hackney on the 11-28. 1960’s J S S L is code 60. David and my own Mother-Sister 1948. 47 is really 44=8- 9. I was brought home as a newborn to 18 Alexander Grove, where my sister waited […]

18 Nov 2021

6:42 pm – So what is the meanin

6:42 pm So what is the meaning of Existence? 6:43 pm. What is the Meaning of Life? It has to start with what is become the Meaning of Your Existence, Your, life, first. What does it read? What has it become, at this moment in Time? Is it survival, preservation, feeling Safe? I have told you my story, The Story of my memories/ I have pointed out how I am the True Real Solid Elon Musk. And that this is […]

10 Nov 2021

7:29 pm. – Karen Sumner – Olivia

7:29 pm. Karen Sumner Olivia Magana K.O. S.M. Knock Out using. Sado Masochist. Cruel Expression. C.E. Harmony. It is these two names that popped up on my page with messages as I was writing my last post. 7:31 pm. I know what it says and is saying, It is a message. K.O.M.S. / S.M.O.K. E. Yes, I smoke. S.M. O.K. E- Emeka. 7:33 pm. O.K. I have received the message. I woke up with that expression. cold as Ice. I […]

09 Nov 2021

9:48 pm. – I left out one faceb

9:48 pm. I left out one facebook request earlier. Malik Berry M.B. Which turns out fine. Manifest Being/ B.M. So I am now actually at 2130 Facebook Friends – which in code is really 9:30. I.C. It is 9:50 pm right now, and I am going to call it a night-day. I can not keep up with the coding of each and every one. 9:51 pm. And this completion and its manifestation… smh. Because I knew it was set up, […]

02 Nov 2021

3:45 pm. – C-D.E. – C 3rd Planet f

3:45 pm. C-D.E. C 3rd Planet from the Sun. 45 Billion years old. Compact Disc. E. Kim Arthur Hinds Jr 45 Mutual Facebook Friends. John Mack 48 Mutual Facebook Friends. 11-2-5. K.B.E. Sacred Portal 112 A B. 3:48 pm. Hello. This Humanities Evolution Script is, was our own responsibility. “Man” was meant to do it ourselves. As you know, it was meant to be done by us all together as a Team, but it was through a play of Liberty, […]

19 Oct 2021

8:14 pm. – H-N. Harmony Nature=

8:14 pm. H-N. Harmony Nature= Harmony Naturalism. Ref; Haris Babic and his Mother N. and or versus Harmony Nnamdi. That Nnamdi refers to Nnamdi as my younger brother, who was once part of me, but once born, he had his own I.D and sense of Self. From the moment he was born to the moment I last saw him age 12.8 ( L.H/ H.L) and Age 13 when he left at M=13. But the last time I saw him alive, […]