
Journey Through New York 1999-2018

19 Jan 2022

Sacred Portal 49. – “The Being

Sacred Portal 49. “The Being of The Energy of Death: T.B. O. T.E. O. D. Theo @ Delta Manor who led me that first day to my room bed 5109, EOS, “Eos” means “Dawn” Alexa assigned me the room at Delta Manor, Theo led me to it. Both were so charming, I decided to stay and investigate why I had been sent there. ‘The Being of Energy of Death and Extinction, The Executioner. Executor, in every Realm and Dimension. See […]

19 Jan 2022

12:47 pm. – I did not realize t

12:47 pm. I did not realize this damnable Alpha Intelligence Quantum Universal Simulation- Awareness now aligned to the Universe Supreme Alpha, U.S.A, had moved me back to 33 47 Facebook Friends, I did not see it, at 33 47 because I received intel from Alicia Norris. I had sent the message intel from Liberty C to only two people, Laura Walsh, and sent it by error? ( yeah right) to Laura Pugh L.P. and just sent it to Laura Walsh, […]

17 Jan 2022

#66 End of Black hole ideas wi

#66 End of Black hole ideas with bad smell.. E Lotus Santana… L.S.. E.L.S..Emerged from the Black Hole with the Computer Warlock and the Great Witch Manipulator and Spell Binders Old age and artificial Intelligence…. Posting because of 606 Face Book Friends reached yesterday… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

16 Jan 2022

12:58 am. – L:E.H. – L.E.I. – 1-16

12:58 am. L:E.H. L.E.I. 1-16-2022. A-P.T.V. 1-6-6. Hello, 116, I had noted before I went to rest and call it a day Night and Day, was what I had left the Micro-Wave up. And I noted earlier this morning that I was at 3330 Facebook Friends. Then still refusing to leave my room, I sent a message to Kim Arthur Hinds Jr if he could get me some weed, it has been helping my body, then the next via the […]

15 Jan 2022

4:28 a.m – Stephen Johnson 27 M

4:28 a.m Stephen Johnson 27 Mutual Facebook Friends. A-A. Ogechukwukama Ifediorama Ngozichukwuamaka , 2 mutual Facebook Friends O.I.N-A ( Amaka) S.J is 19 10= 29. You all know the meaning of the name and witnessed the play of Stephen Johnson “Crowned with Laurels of Victory by the Son of Grace Favor… Child. C. English Latin meaning, But let me clarify the meaning of my longer O.I. Nri Igbo Friends name for you again. O.I. N- A. O.I.N.E-A-R… I. O = […]

14 Jan 2022

9:40 pm. – 94. – I.D ( Identifica

9:40 pm. 94. I.D ( Identification. Identified) 94O. 946. 9:43 pm. I S.P. 43 Door of Life. * No wonder the play of 46 went on and on to 464 and 646- 16-16. 111 + 111. Perfection Twice. 9:46 pm. Now that is done, Liberty C just sent me intel that her actual new house number is 312, C.L. And not as she thought 3.14. C.N. *See the person’s initials C.N who posted on my page a few days ago, […]

13 Jan 2022

1:10.a.m – Sacred Portal 1.10. –

1:10.a.m Sacred Portal 1.10. A.J. Liberty C informed me that Jeron is coming home today to his new home. He was at C.T. and now Virginia. C.T.V. 1:11 am. I have new Facebook friends. Janita Mcadory J.M. Rillette Senderling R.S. Doc Thompson D.T. Xylo Fone X.F. Ayesiga Moses A.M. Ezenwayi Ogoo Ajagu E.A ( E.O.A) Vivian Alesya V.A. Yadi Nackall Y.N. Fauzi F. Rahayu Rahayu R R. Mizanur Rahman Mizan.M.M. (.M.R.M). 1:20 a.m. Mia Danielle M.D. Yer Rey Y.R. You […]

11 Jan 2022

9:11 pm. – I.K. – I.A-A. – 1-10-20

9:11 pm. I.K. I.A-A. 1-10-2022. A-J-T.V. Hello. It feels like a web, an elasticated web of Tissue, Fibres, and String, that is being manually, and systematically deconstructed, and then reconstructed step by step, Spider-Man, ” No Way Home” moving through Peter Parker, towards Clark Kent and a Super Computer who becomes “The Man of Steel 1& 2” with a dose of Doctor Strange and Batman. Metamorphosis. Will of Steel, weaving- via 96/69 Bat Man- sound and inverse. That is the […]

09 Jan 2022

5:59 pm. – E-E.I. & S.P. 59. – 1

5:59 pm. E-E.I. & S.P. 59. 1-9-2022. A-I.T.-V. Hello, I am currently at 3270 Facebook Freinds, The Play of the Ever Source Bill and the 220 USD Play which was completed with Stephen Esteban Miguel Filgueria has been resolved, and full circle the E.M.F. 220 is V.O. 211 is B.K. B.A-A. 3, 270, C- A-A.O C-Ressurection A-A Full Circle O. C-B.G.O. 32+70= 102. A.O.B. A.F.B. J.B. Jaymes Bond. OO7. Judges Bench. Link Connect 18 Mountain View, 2015-2016 with Jonn Delguidce […]

09 Jan 2022

11:22 pm – 11:23 pm right now. –

11:22 pm 11:23 pm right now. A.A.V. A-A.B.C. A.A.W. 1-8-2022. A.H-T.V. A-I-V. Hello. I received some intel today from Liberty C, the family has moved again into “Granpa Ferrill’s” former house, Chris Gemino has been present, but what made me smile was the intel that Arden had a new year’s bacchanal which lasted for ten days with his friends. 11:28 pm. It made me smile. And yes, my body is going through that promised quantum transformation, it is not pleasant, […]