
Journey Through New York 1999-2018

23 Feb 2022

7:00 pm. – I would like to clea

7:00 pm. I would like to clear up, any misconceptions today in the meaning of the play script today, and why I see why I was so insistently brought to the U.S.A. New York the 11th State and Connecticut the 5th State. 11-5/ 5-11. 7:04 pm. 7 O 4. G.O.D. 3- 511 Facebook Friends. C- E.K. C:E-A. That this was a play not of Love or Beauty, but of Power and Control. And that no one was going to recognize […]

22 Feb 2022

4:32 p.m. – At 912… – I.L. – Infi

4:32 p.m. At 912… I.L. Infinite Limitlessness Just a quick note before I move to 915 Face Book Friends… Remember the movie Limitless..? The main character takes a Transparent Pill… *T.P…20 16.. 2016..D.M.I.C. T.P./K 115 A.G.E now Switched.. From 6 to 9… Fact I… 69… 9 to 6… Infinity Fact… and now to 15… 915 Face Book Friends.. 36…Chess and Chase… both formerly of bed 36.. room 3A.. 4 B… 36.. 9.. 36.. 9… 9 9.. I and I… Played […]

22 Feb 2022

11:33 pm. – And so I have attai

11:33 pm. And so I have attained 3500 Face book Friends and then 3501 Was going to speak about my recently changing from Kim Arthur Hinds Jr black army cargo pants to my own 501 Jeans, and my mother’s favorite saying when she meant ‘let’s get down to work’, by putting on our Jeans. But I have posted and explained enough. Lan II LI. Justin Brigitta J.B. L.I. J.B. L I.J B. / B.J.I- Love- L.J. I.B. Lan means *”Lan […]

20 Feb 2022

4:44 pm. – 444. – But he is the

4:44 pm. 444. But he is the one I have been really speaking to the whole time, knowing that he was listening and hearing me the whole time. I have 3 New Facebook friends which moved me-us, from 3486 Facebook Friends to 3489 C-D Harmony at Nine months in the Womb-Oven-Microwave. Bethany Crawford B.C. Suzanne Zoila. S.Z Doris Hamilton D.H. Message. B.C.S.Z. D.H. B.S.D. C.Z ( Guest) H. I watched a movie yesterday starring Joaquin Phoenix ( J.P) , River […]

20 Feb 2022

3:35 pm. – C.C.E. – 2-20-2022. –

3:35 pm. C.C.E. 2-20-2022. B-T-T V. Hello. I was just contemplating the journey, and all the work it took, in obeying this script directive to prove to the truth of Harmony, but also that you are in a Universal Simulation Awareness. 8:43 pm. -Of Life. I already wrote why it was created as a University School of life lessons, so that you could qualify in the Entrance Exams- and The Finals to be prepared for True Life, Harmony, which is […]

19 Feb 2022

1:27 a.m. – A: A-A – A: B.G – Sacr

1:27 a.m. A: A-A A: B.G Sacred Portal 127. “Thor Comming Down The Mountain with Royal Ehiphanies pathways. 127B, Earth Quake. 2-19-2022. B-S-T.V. B-A.I. 219 South Whitney. Hello, I Slept and rested. The Moment I sent that post this morning, “Murder S.HE Wrote, the yapping and barking of the dog, this time much closer to my window, stopped. I often wonder if they have a program that alerts them each time I post. I asked someone to call the Police […]

17 Feb 2022

8:56 pm. – I wrote an earlier p

8:56 pm. I wrote an earlier post and it vanished, so I will shorten this version. I knew once I had attained 3467 Facebook friends, that it was you who had done this, you had voted without fulling being aware, that this Facebook Page is Electro-Magnetic Fields, which absorb the details of what is going on in your most private and personal thoughts as you absorb, ingest and digest for your constitution and well being the contents of my posts- […]

16 Feb 2022

5:33 p.m – E.C C. – Sacred Portal

5:33 p.m E.C C. Sacred Portal 33 And D came to E to Arouse Awaken me from the most Terrible Dream.” C P C C. 3 16 33 is Libertys Licence Plat. 33 is Oregon 33rd State ” Hurricane” where the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse began ( T S. E) 33 Vertebra 2-16-2020. B.P. TT. Beautiful Pride TT Hello.. Appel of Eden. Assassins Creed Corona Virus. * Let me pause here a moment. 8:59 p.m Pls see sacred portal 59 […]

16 Feb 2022

11:20 pm. – K.T? – A-A.T.- F. – I

11:20 pm. K.T? A-A.T.- F. I figured that I might as well get this over… But first let me, state clearly that the E Family means Energy Family and not Emeka’s Family, or Expression Facts. The new E-Family only just… Just evolved to becoming real by some of you Naturally Being Energetic Light Beings. E.L. B. Before that, you were an Idea created by Natures Expression. Not yet inked. Just Spirits. With no E as Energy Facts or E-Spirits. That […]

15 Feb 2022

2:26 pm – Being Z. The End of A

2:26 pm Being Z. The End of A.B.-C-Z. 2-15-20-22. B-O.T.V. B-E-A.T.V. B-E-A.R.-T.V. Being is EAR. Brown Bear. S.P. EAR. L. I. S.T. E.N. B.S.L. Being Supreme Love. And the Sacred Portal is E-A.R. It was already represented and completed at my 64th Portal, when I went to Arden Gemino’s room and then Ardens Friend Robert, appeared. So we were 3 in his room which with our initials formed E-A.R. And a few weeks later a Brown Bear appeared on the […]