
A Man in Harmony

18 Jun 2012

I changed my name from Okolo, to Kolo over twenty years ago…

6/18/12  6:25pm I changed my name from Okolo, to Kolo over twenty years ago, to assume not my father’s name, nor my grandfather’s name, who in truth was my original father. Okolo loosely translates as Warrior or noble warrior, and my Grandfather’s name Umeano means “breathe.” Throughout my life I have fought for the right to my own name, but before that could happen I found myself being a warrior of breath, fighting for the name Okolo as well as […]

15 Jun 2012

How Science can create Poetry, common link Art\Technique…

6/15/12 7:11pm   How Science can create Poetry, common link Art\Technique. The Theory of Evolution is no longer a Theory it is now proven a fact. The Greatest Battle–proving the power of energy of the collective and the influence by the illusion of money–past, present and no future. Human beings will not warp or manipulate reality, they can only manipulate the illusion…which is not evolution). Instead, by being in harmony with Infinity, Eternity and Pi they will be able to […]

09 Jun 2012

Beauty has responded!

6/9/12 5:41pm News Flash and Update! Beauty has responded! 123… ABC in Alpha- bet city New York! I received a response today, to my quiet, private plea and prayer to Beauty after I took a walk around New York city. I was almost overwhelmed after the response of me (and my family’s) lifetime efforts to prove Beauty, at how everyone and everywhere there seemed only the drive for money, the rush, rush, hush! hush!… “Get it together, keep it together,” […]

07 Jun 2012

Thanks to Nikoma and Rachel and the all seeing I…

6/7/12 9:35pm Thanks to Nikoma and Rachel and the all seeing I… the collective and all who encouraged rather than discouraged this mission impossible. Even I didn’t know the meaning of this game, gamble and Alpha bet at what could be the originating and governing principle which brought forth truth, love, light. The principle which expanded the one seed of existence, turning it into the one beautiful planet whose governing principle and consciousness is the understanding and appreciation of the […]

01 May 2012

P.S. to yesterday’s question of whether mankind is moved more by fear or by love…

May 1, 2012 P.S. (POST SCRIPT) to yesterday’s question of whether mankind is moved more by fear or by love… Response… Based on the research and my experiences documenting and writing human stories and watching humanity deal with great upheavals… I would say that man kind is not moved by fear as a force, but that they are moved by Love. I have discerned that the greatest fear of humanity and their biggest question, is whether they are loved… I […]

19 Jun 2011

Whenever I hear from you I think of your voice and its great warmth…

6/19/12  5:16pm Original Comment by E to a reply by Krzysztof Solek: Hello brother man, so nice to hear from you. Whenever I hear from you I think of your voice and its great warmth…and the power of hurt that you rose above. I know that you understand hurt, its true meaning, but I also know that, like the sun, you knew you would always rise to bring light, as I have witnessed by following your work. But you went […]