

10 Feb 2022

From Facebook Memories Today –

From Facebook Memories Today Tobias Dietz. The Base at its peak is 898 centered on 9. Apex is 1. See Sacred Portal 1. And 9. 1 is A Base is 9 = I. A.I. 1:19 p.m 1:20 p.m A.S. See me at Liberty C Liscomb Home. A and I. This is the base and foundation of my Coding system and codes. 8 years on my page. At 900 South Road 1:21-22 p.m A.U A V. A-A. VU.. “Vu” means ” […]

10 Feb 2022

Self portrait…… On PS 5 – O

Self portrait…… On PS 5 Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

10 Feb 2022

?????? – Original Facebook Post

?????? Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

10 Feb 2022

Facebook Post..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

10 Feb 2022

2:07 pm – 27. A-A. – 2 67. B. F.

2:07 pm 27. A-A. 2 67. B. F.G. 2-10-2022. B-J-T.V. Hello, Kim Arthur Hinds Jr came to my room to tell me that he is off to the Alabama, the 22nd State with Delois Larkin ( Mom). He told me that his guest yesterday also was called Kim, and that he had painted on her a Cosmic Egg- I laughed and shooed him off- all had been taken care of, and all that had taken place the last time he […]

09 Feb 2022

9:19 p.m. – I.S. – I.A.I. – I am

9:19 p.m. I.S. I.A.I. I am Back to 3435 Facebook Friends. C- D. C.E The Point. Erin Knight E.K. Is my second C.D. C.E. Facebook Friend. 3+4+3+5= 15. Letter O. A-E. Erin means *”According to Irish mythology and folklore, the name was originally given to the island by the Milesians after the goddess Ériu. …” Islands by the Milesians. Goddess Eriu. Anf yes, in O.I Nri Igbo Eiru- Iru- Eru means Face. Face-Book. *”The name Erin is primarily a female […]

09 Feb 2022

8:32 pm. – Alerted by a Little

8:32 pm. Alerted by a Little Dog, and its owners true intent, I posted the Aurora Borealis A.B. But it did not stop there, I heard all the intel required to activate Sacred Portal 109. J.I/ I.J. “Danger Danger U.S.A” and because of the depth of malice of the Two males and Females, I have added the interest to be paid in the realm of Alaska ( Not Pluto) but the 49th state while singling out the true culprits and […]

09 Feb 2022

7:22 pm – G.V. – Video Game – Vict

7:22 pm G.V. Video Game – Victorious, SP 99. DeLois Larkin. See the post of the Darkest Knight and Darkest Night, just tap the image to read the caption posted years ago, Long before I met Kim Arthur Hinds Jr or his Mother Serenity D.L. 16/19. 35. I am now at 3435 Facebook Friends. C.D.C.E, 7:25 pm G.Y. G.B. E. 7:26 pm/ S.P 26 G=Zzzz Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

09 Feb 2022

7:17 pm – Sacred Portal 99. – At

7:17 pm Sacred Portal 99. At Long Last. Y, Evidence AY. 7:18 pm G R. G A H. G A I. 7:19 pm. G A I E T E. 26 Shiva Ganesh Z B F Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

09 Feb 2022

Breathe this into your entire

Breathe this into your entire being. www.DoAsOne.org Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here