

19 Feb 2022

11:06 pm. – A Cure For A Hot Te

11:06 pm. A Cure For A Hot Temper. E.A.T. No Temperance, which is really about Tempering The Sword to Cut It Out. I was Connecting with Stephen Johnson and received a new Facebook friend, after being Attacked by Intense-Invasive-Veiled Intentions using Sound. A Suprise Attack. I respond. Sacha Johnson is new Facebook Friend. S.J. Stephen Johnson S.J. S.J.S.J = 10+19, 10+19. 29 29 1 58. 59. Sacred Portal 59. ME OW! You may recall the signature of the Gemino-Lang on […]

18 Feb 2022

9:41 pm. – I am glad to see bot

9:41 pm. I am glad to see both Stephen Johnson & Anirbas Lem present here reading, checking, and acknowledging my posts. It is not a small thing, having the Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine represented here, albeit it at the End Point. *Please See Sacred Portal 10. S.J.S.L.- C. S:J.A.S. M.I.N.E. J.S. A.L. L.E. A-A- C.E. B.G.C.E. 27 Mutual Facebook Friends + 35= 62. 62nd Portal. But I have an E.Q to present to you all. I just returned from […]

18 Feb 2022

My heart rejoices as I melt in

My heart rejoices as I melt into you My Beautiful King and my spirit soars freely throughout the cosmos… In your embrace, these walls I’ve built come tumbling down… Yes, they are no longer necessary… It is safe to be me, to allow the beauty, brilliance, passion, Love and Light that I Am to flow and shine freely upon All… I want only to love You and be a blessing in Your life… To support Your vision and Your calling… […]

18 Feb 2022

5:47 pm – Original Facebook Pos

5:47 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

18 Feb 2022

“Blue Gate” – heART by #richards

“Blue Gate” heART by #richardschooping #Breathe even and #aware. WE are the breath and heartbeat of creation. Assist and play. Allow each emotion to be just as it is. Let the moments flow freely. Thank you. I love you. Blessings Sat Nam www.richardschooping.com Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

18 Feb 2022

These current energies are rea

These current energies are really something to say the least. I want to share with all of you some tools that have been easing my Ascension symptoms. For anxiety/panic attacks: salt baths, Bach Rescue remedy, FES Flower remedies- Fear-less blend, Neroli, Rose, and Lavender essential oils, magnesium (the powdered one is great, the name is Calm), Homeopathic remedy called Ignatia Amara (great for nervousness and anxiety), Yoga asana practice along with slow deep breathing. For depression and feeling discouraged, FES […]

18 Feb 2022

The best and only thing that m

The best and only thing that man can do now is to turn towards God and improve himself consciously, to elevate his vibratory level, so as to find himself in harmony with the powerful wave that will soon submerge him. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

18 Feb 2022

5:43 pm – Original Facebook Pos

5:43 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

18 Feb 2022

4:16 pm. – D.P. D.A.F. – 4:17 pm

4:16 pm. D.P. D.A.F. 4:17 pm. D.Q. D.A.G. 2-18-2022 B-A.H.- T.V. B-A.I-T.V. B-R.T.V. 2+18= 20- 20+22= 42. 20-42. 20-6. Tuning Fork./ F.T. 6 2 6. F. B.F. 10. That is what I realized I had left the microwave at 10 secs. I completed the Black Lists, series last night starring J.S ( James Spader, and one of the pieces of intel was about Percy Spencer who invented the Microwave. Considering the codes I have using as M.W since 2006 and […]

17 Feb 2022

8:56 pm. – I wrote an earlier p

8:56 pm. I wrote an earlier post and it vanished, so I will shorten this version. I knew once I had attained 3467 Facebook friends, that it was you who had done this, you had voted without fulling being aware, that this Facebook Page is Electro-Magnetic Fields, which absorb the details of what is going on in your most private and personal thoughts as you absorb, ingest and digest for your constitution and well being the contents of my posts- […]